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1. 遇到你真的爱的人时 要努力争取和他相伴一生的机会 因为当他离去时.一切都來不及了.... ===>i had met him 2. 遇到可相信的朋友时 要好好和他相处下去 因为在人的一生中.可遇到知己真的不易 ===>i have a friend who just like this 3. 遇到人生中的贵人时 要记得好好感激 因为他是你人生的转折点 ===>i have not met,i only knew we must depend on self to study hard before we meet the gold-person ! 4. 遇到曾经爱过的人时 记得微笑向他感激 因为他是让你更懂爱的人 ===>ye,i have to do like that 5. 遇到曾经恨过的人时 要微笑向他打招呼 因为他让你更加坚强 ===>ye ! who are the person of my hate ?let me think ! 6. 遇到曾经背叛你的人时 要跟他好好聊一聊 因为若不是他今天你不会懂这世界 ===>i can not chat with him,due1 to him ,i have understood the world,but i can not identify with his action till now . 7. 遇到曾经偷偷喜欢的人时 要祝他幸福唷! 因为你喜欢他时.不是希望他幸福快乐吗? ===>ye,it is right,i wish he can happy forever ! 8. 遇到匆匆离开你人生的人时 要谢谢他走过你的人生 因为他是你精彩回忆的一部分 ===>i can ,due to hurry,so don't have time to hurt each other,only left happy in our mind ! 9. 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时 要乘现在解清误会 因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚 ===>wish it is ,but sometimes some misapprehend don't explain ,it is the best! 10.遇到现在相伴一生的人时 要百分百感谢他爱你 因为你们现在都得到幸福和真爱 ===>ye,i thank him very much,wish he can love me forever ! 点击 ![]()
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