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Police defend controversial dog ban - Under the regulation, each household is restricted to keeping no more than one dog. Dogs taller than 50 cm and longer than 70 cm are outlawed1, with 49 breeds, such as mastiff, golden retriever and samoyed, being categorized as too fierce or too large.
上面报道中的dog ban就是“禁狗令”,是网民对新出台的哈尔滨市Dog Management Regulation(《养犬管理条例》)的简称。该条例是为了应对市民抱怨甚多的dog problem(“狗患”问题),不过有人认为狗患的根源是是狗主人的素质,与其禁狗,不如规范dog raising(养狗)。很多网民强烈反对禁狗令,担心抓回去的狗会被宰杀,哈尔滨警方上周三在记者招待会上refute rumors2(辟谣)说将妥善安置抓来的犬只。
Ban是“限制、禁止”的意思,其他的禁令还包括禁止在公共场所和办公场所吸烟的smoking ban(禁烟令)、限制携带艾滋病病毒的外国人入境的entry ban(入境限制),以及限制电视剧中间插播广告的TV commercials ban(限广令)等。
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