The Legend of Zorro
With a family to consider, the courageous1 Zorro must now weigh the consequences of his secretive, crime-fighting, swashbuckling life: he has become estranged2 from both his wife, Elena, and child, Joaquin. His son, only knowing that 'papa is away on business' has a difficult time dealing3 with his father's absence. And his adventure-loving wife must maintain a level of normalcy for the trio's home-life, much to her frustration4.

However, while Zorro tries to pull himself away from dangerous crusading, his heart speaks to him of a great darkness, and he prays for the courage and strength to, once again, put on the mask--realizing that there is a major threat brewing5 in California. However, his family falls into peril6 as he fights the dark forces, and thus, Zorro, is once again called to save the day against a new nemesis7.
secretive a. 偷偷摸摸的 swashbuckling a. 恃强凌弱的,虚张声势
estrange v. 疏远 normalcy n. 常态
brew v. 酝酿,酿造 threat n. 凶兆,威胁
nemesis n. 复仇女神 peril n. 危险
crusading n. 十字军东征,形容正义事业