风吹稻浪》(The Wind That Shakes The Barley)的故事发生在20世纪初爱尔兰独立运动期间。影片讲述一个孤独的同时带有痞气的男保安,遇到了一个致命的女人,她利用他的轻信和忠诚为自己服务…… 本片获得2006年戛纳电影节最佳影片金棕榈奖。 已经成功执导16部电影的该片导演肯-罗奇( Ken Loach )把被英国统治时期的爱尔兰和其他地区的事迹搬上了银屏。他将爱尔兰的战斗与现在的伊拉克战争相提并论。肯-罗奇说:“现在,在伊拉克,我们知道那些死去的英国人和美国人的名字,但是我们不知道有多少伊拉克人被杀死了。所以占领区人民生命的价值被认为远远低于占领者生命的价值。”
Ireland, 1920. Damien and Teddy are brothers. But while the latter is already the leader of a guerrilla squad1 fighting for the independence of his motherland, Damien, a medical student at University College, would rather finish his training at the London hospital where he has found a place.
However, shortly before his departure, he happens to witness atrocities2 committed by the ferocious3 Black and Tans and finally decides to join the resistance group led by Teddy. The two brothers fight side by side until a truce4 is signed.
Bur peace is short-lived and when England imposes a treaty regarded unfair by a part of the population war resumes, this time putting Irishmen against Irishmen, brothers against brothers, Teddy against Damien...