文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2013-01-09 05:44 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Frederick Aiken: Senator?
Reverdy Johnson: In here.
Frederick Aiken: I think she's as guilty as Booth. How could I possibly defend her?
Reverdy Johnson: You assume that she's guilty, like the Commission. You don't have any proof.
Frederick Aiken: Proof or no, don't give a damn what happens to her.
Reverdy Johnson: I tell you what. If you can prove that she's guilty, you can take yourself off the case.
Frederick Aiken: Thank you, sir.
Reverdy Johnson: You think it'll be that easy?
Frederick Aiken: I know it.
Frederick Aiken: Pardon me, Father. I wish to confer with the prisoner. Alone, if you don't mind.
Priest: It's... It's quite all right, Mary. I... I must be going anyway.
Mary Surratt: All right. Well, thank you for visiting, Father.
Priest: I'll see you soon.
Mary Surratt: Your words were most comforting.
Priest: The Lord's with you. She's refusing to eat. I've tried to convince her to no avail. Perhaps you could help her.
Mary Surratt: "Search me, and know my heart. Try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me."
Frederick Aiken: "The Lord knows the way of the wicked. And the way of the wicked will perish."
Mary Surratt: You know your Proverbs, young man.
Frederick Aiken: My father was a minister. He taught them to me as a child.
Mary Surratt: So, what is it you wish to know?
Frederick Aiken: Why Booth and his associates were constants in your home.
Mary Surratt: I ran a boarding house, Mr. Aiken. Forgive me if I chose to fill it with boarders.
Frederick Aiken: I checked your registry, ma'am. There's no record Booth ever stayed at your home. No, the fact is he stayed at the National whenever he came to Washington, so why was Booth in your home?
Mary Surratt: I suppose my son invited him. They were friends.
Frederick Aiken: Famous actor like Booth? Engaging your son out of friendship?
Mary Surratt: Mr. Aiken, my son is no less a gentleman than you and very capable of forming acquaintances in society.
Frederick Aiken: I've... I've read all about your family's acquaintances, ma'am, about how your late husband contributed to the Confederate cause and about your Gentleman Johnny.
Mary Surratt: What about him?
Frederick Aiken: He made quite a sum as a courier carrying rebel secrets across Union lines. Oh, I'm well aware of what your family's capable of, Mrs. Surratt, so I know you're not telling me the truth.
Mary Surratt: Well, then you know what I do not.
Frederick Aiken: You were despondent1 over losing the war, and you would have done anything you could to save the Confederacy, including using your own son John.
Mary Surratt: Honestly, Mr. Aiken.
Frederick Aiken: So you arranged a meeting with Booth, figuring he'd befriend your son because of what he knew, what expert couriers do know.
Mary Surratt: And what might that be?
Frederick Aiken: The best escape routes out of town. Your son was supposed to lead the others to freedom that night, wasn't he? Except he was the only one that got away.
Mary Surratt: My son was in Canada that day.
Frederick Aiken: Can you prove that?
Mary Surratt: I received a letter on April 14, same day as the assassination2, sent from Montreal.
Frederick Aiken: Where is this letter?
Mary Surratt: I don't know.
Frederick Aiken: I'm done, done defending your lies.
Mary Surratt: You're so blind with hatred3, Mr. Aiken, you can't even see the truth. Yes, my son hated the North. We all did. How can a Southerner feel anything but bitterness toward your side? But my son did not conspire4 to kill your president. He conspired5 to kidnap him.
Mary Surratt: They planned on ransoming6 Lincoln in exchange for all the Confederate soldiers in your prisons.
Frederick Aiken: Why didn't you report them to the authorities?
Mary Surratt: Because one of them was my son.
Frederick Aiken: So rather than kidnap him, your son helped murder the president instead.
Mary Surratt: No.
Frederick Aiken: They nearly got the vice8 president and the secretary of State.
Mary Surratt: No, it's not true. It's not my Johnny.
Frederick Aiken: Damn it, ma'am, you just said he was Booth's right hand.
Mary Surratt: My son is not a murderer, Mr. Aiken.
Frederick Aiken: All right, then. Swear to it.
Mary Surratt: Supper will be ready shortly. John?
John Surratt: Can't stay, mama. I have to leave town straightaway.
Mary Surratt: What's so pressing?
John Surratt: Nothing that need worry you. Just some cotton speculatin'. That's all.
Mary Surratt: Don't sport with me, son. You're not steppin' outside this house.
John Surratt: Don't talk to me like I'm a child! Richmond's falling. Something must be done.
Mary Surratt: Johnny, I'm aware of the news from Richmond, and it pains me terribly.
Anna Surratt: Supper's ready. Wh-what is it?
John Surratt: I'm leaving town.
Mary Surratt: No, you're not leaving town.
John Surratt: Yes, I am.
Mary Surratt: You and Anna are the only family I've got left, and I'll be damned if I let you go out there and do something else foolish.
John Surratt: Foolish?
Mary Surratt: Johnny...
John Surratt: What I'm fightin' for is far more important than any of us.
Mary Surratt: Your family is more important than anything. That is your responsibility! All of our men are buried underground right now. The war is over.
John Surratt: Oh, you're wrong about that.
Mary Surratt: There is nothing left for you to do.
John Surratt: The war is far from over, and there's still plenty I can do.
Mary Surratt: Johnny, please.
John Surratt: Unhand me, Mother. Unhand me, Mother. Please, Anna.
Mary Surratt: John!
Anna Surratt: Mother.
Booth: John, are you coming or not?
Mary Surratt: Johnny, please.
John Surratt: If this cause ain't worth fightin' for, then what is?
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. confer with: 和……商讨。请看例句:We should confer with them on matters of mutual9 concern.(我们应该跟他们就共同关心的问题进行商讨。)
2. to no avail: 完全无用,毫无效果。看一下例句:His words of encouragement were to no avail.(他那些鼓励的话丝毫没有起作用。)
3. perish: 消灭;死去;消亡。
4. Proverbs: 旧约圣经箴言篇。
5. engage: 吸引;占用(时间、精力等)。请看例句:Housework engages much of her time.(家事占用她很多时间。)
6. no less a gentleman than you: 和你一样是个绅士。
7. courier: 情报员。
8. befriend: 对……以朋友相待;和……交朋友。请看例句:They befriended me when I first arrived in Boston as a student.(我初到波士顿读书时,他们像朋友一样对待我。)
9. escape routes: 逃生路线。
10. blind with hatred: 被仇恨蒙蔽了双眼。
11. ransom7: 赎,赎出,赎回。看一下例句:They ransomed10 the kidnapped child with 10,000 dollars. (他们用一万元赎回了被绑架的孩子。)
12. sport with somebody: 和某人开玩笑,戏弄某人。


1 despondent 4Pwzw     
  • He was up for a time and then,without warning,despondent again.他一度兴高采烈,但忽然又情绪低落下来。
  • I feel despondent when my work is rejected.作品被拒后我感到很沮丧。
2 assassination BObyy     
  • The assassination of the president brought matters to a head.总统遭暗杀使事态到了严重关头。
  • Lincoln's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation.1865年,林肯遇刺事件震惊全美国。
3 hatred T5Gyg     
  • He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
  • The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists.老人对法西斯主义者充满了仇恨。
4 conspire 8pXzF     
  • They'd conspired to overthrow the government.他们曾经密谋推翻政府。
  • History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.历史和地理因素共同将希腊推至作出抉择的紧要关头。
5 conspired 6d377e365eb0261deeef136f58f35e27     
密谋( conspire的过去式和过去分词 ); 搞阴谋; (事件等)巧合; 共同导致
  • They conspired to bring about the meeting of the two people. 他们共同促成了两人的会面。
  • Bad weather and car trouble conspired to ruin our vacation. 恶劣的气候连同汽车故障断送了我们的假日。
6 ransoming 50ed6d598710993690467711336c39ea     
付赎金救人,赎金( ransom的现在分词 )
  • The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives. 相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏。
  • We have to recover from some poison, need saving, ransoming. 我们需要消毒,需要治疗,需要救赎。
7 ransom tTYx9     
  • We'd better arrange the ransom right away.我们最好马上把索取赎金的事安排好。
  • The kidnappers exacted a ransom of 10000 from the family.绑架者向这家人家勒索10000英镑的赎金。
8 vice NU0zQ     
  • He guarded himself against vice.他避免染上坏习惯。
  • They are sunk in the depth of vice.他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。
9 mutual eFOxC     
  • We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
  • Mutual interests tied us together.相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
10 ransomed de372eac504200f33ea8c029c361fd76     
付赎金救人,赎金( ransom的过去式和过去分词 )
  • His wife ransomed him at a heavy price. 他妻子花了大价钱才把他赎了出来。
  • Surely, surely, we have ransomed one another, with all this woe! 确确实实,我们已经用这一切悲苦彼此赎救了! 来自英汉文学 - 红字
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