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Sean: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Hank: The Mysterious Island.
Kalani: What is this place?
Gabato: Whoa! This island, it shrunk us!
Hank: Or turned us into giants? Sean, what does Verne say about this?
Sean: It's one of the first laws of island biogeography. Small animals become large and large animals become small. Lilliputian. Swift alluded2 to it in Gulliver's Travels.
Gabato: I'd like to keep him as a pet. I could knit him a little trunk-warmer.
Sean: Hey, check it out. You guys see that smoke? That's gotta be my grandpa's campsite.
Kalani: How do you know?
Sean: What else could it be? The natives sparking up a barbecue, getting ready to cook us for dinner. Only one way to find out.
Kalani: Whoa, time-out! Look, I hope your grandfather's okay, but my father and I aren't going. We're headed back to the beach.
Sean: To do what?
Gabato: Spell SOS with seashells and maybe kelp.
Sean: Kelp? There's a boat-eating, plane-eating hurricane out there 24/7. Nobody's gonna see your kelp.
Hank: Sean's absolutely right. We need to stick together, find his grandfather, then use his radio to call for help.
Kalani: Fine. Just know that if we get torn to bits, I'm blaming you.
Gabato: I'm blaming you too.
Hank: Real smooth.
Sean: What did I do? Seriously, what did I say? What did I do?
Hank: SPF 100? You squeeze it and a sweater comes out?
Sean: Yeah, that's funny, Navy man. Don't come crying to me when you're as red as a tomato.
Hank: Do I look like I burn?
Gabato: Oh, man, that's one gooey rock.
Hank: No one move. These aren't rocks. They're eggs.
Gabato: Get out. Why don't we crack a couple open and make some omelets?
Sean: Not a good idea.
Gabato: Come on, man, I haven't had breakfast yet.
Kalani: Shh! Where there are giant eggs, there must be a giant mother.
Sean: Okay. Okay, we just need to move quickly but carefully. Lizards5 have incredible hearing and an acute sense of smell.
Gabato: Uh-oh.
Hank: Let's move. Just move.
Hank: Don't take another step.
Kalani: Papa, be careful.
Gabato: Don't worry, honey. I got this. See? No problem. Oh! Oh, man!
Hank: Run, run, run!
Sean: Head for the jungle!
Hank: Faster! Faster! Let's go! Go! Go!
Sean: Move! Come on!
Hank: This way! Let's go!
Gabato: Go, go, go! Move!
Hank: It's right behind you! Hurry!
Kalani: Come on!
Hank: Sean!
Sean: Hey, Godzilla! Oh, crap. Oh, man!
Gabato: Oh, go, go, go!
Hank: Come on, come on!
Kalani: Come on, keep moving!
Gabato: Hurry!
Hank: Back! Back! Back! Sean, get behind me. Sean, backpack! Back! Back!
Sean: Hank! Hank!
Hank: Back! Not now, Sean. She's scared!
Sean: No, she's cold-blooded and attracted to heat!
Hank: That's emasculating.
Sean: Now what?
Hank: Now there's only one thing left. The thunder cookie. I think I just made it worse.
Gabato: Whoa!
Kalani: Aah! Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.
Gabato: I hope she don't like food with poop in its pants!
(The giant lizard was hit by wood)
Hank: Go, go, go! Everybody okay?
Kalani: Yeah.
(laughing voice)
Alexander: Well, don't just stand there. Applaud!
Sean: Grandpa! That was amazing.
Alexander: A pitch-perfect frill-necked lizard mating call. They fall for it all the time.
Sean: This is Gabato and Kalani. Their helicopter brought us here.
Alexander: Pleasure. Pleasure.
Hank: And I'm Sean's stepfather, Hank Parsons. I helped Sean crack your code.
Alexander: You're the stepfather? Well, maybe that's why it took so long, eh? After all, how hard can it be to crack a code by converting a string of Vernian characters into a list of dots and dashes.
Hank: Or you could have just sent a message not in code.
Alexander: There it is, definitive7 proof that you are not an Anderson.
Sean: Mm-hm.
Gabato: Ooh. Ooh!
Hank: You know, I think it's best we get out of here. After that mating call of yours, she may have ideas about making you her husband.
Hank: The name's Hank. It's never Henry. Just Hank.
Alexander: Ah. I see you're a man of incisive9 decision. Why don't you lead the way? Oh, actually we want to live through the night. Yes. So maybe you should all follow me. Come on.
Gabato: Hank? I'm following you.
Hank: All right, come on. Go ahead.
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. Lilliputian: 小人国居民。该词源于乔纳森·斯威夫特的小说《格列佛游记》。
3. SOS: (国际通用)无线电呼救信号,即Save Our Souls。
4. kelp: 海草灰。
5. stick together: 在一起;团结一致;互相支持。例如:They stuck together in hard times.(在那些艰苦的岁月,他们一直互相支持,同舟共济。)
6. SPF: 防晒系数(sun/skin protection factor)。
7. gooey: 胶粘的。例如:
8. omelet: 煎蛋卷;炒鸡蛋。
9. Godzilla: 哥斯拉,一部日本电影中的怪兽。
10. crap: 相当于shit,意思是“糟透了”。
11. emasculating: 令人腿软的。
12. Polynesian: 波利尼西亚人的。电影中卡拉妮的意思是希望巨蜥蜴不喜欢吃波利尼西亚人的肉。
13. pitch-perfect: 音准完美的。
14. fall for: 对……信以为真。例如:Don't fell for his tricks.(不要信他的诡计。)
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