Killing1 me softly with his song Roberta Flack *Strumming my pain with his fingers Singing my life with his words Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly with his song
I heard he sang a good song I heard he had a style And so I came to see him To listen for a while And there he was, this young boy A stranger to my eyes(*)
I felt all flushed with fever Embarrassed by the crowd I felt he found my letters And read each one out loud I prayed that he would finish But he just kept right on(*)
He sang as if he knew me In all my dark despair And then he looked right through me As if I wasn't there And he just kept on singing Singing clear and strong(*)
情歌迷死人 罗贝塔佛蕾克
他用手指轻抚我的伤痛 歌词唱出了我的人生 他的歌温柔得迷死人 他的歌温柔得迷死人 歌词道尽了我的一生 他的歌温柔得迷死人
我听说他歌唱得很好 极具个人风格 于是我特地前来 欣赏他的演唱 他出现了,这位年轻男孩 我眼中的陌生人
我感到脸红,全身发烫 在群众面前觉得不好意思 他看到了我写的纸条 大声的读着每一个字 我祈祷着他能赶快念完 但他却一直念着
他唱着,仿佛早就认识我 在我最阴暗沮丧的时候 然后,他看向我这边来 好象我不存在似的 他继续唱着 清晰而有力的唱着
"情歌迷死人"的作曲者之所以写出这首作品,是因为他在某个偶然的机会,于一家pub听到了唐麦克林(Don McLean,曾写出Vincent, America Pie等经典名曲)在台上以吉他自弹自唱的动人歌声而为之倾倒,从此成为他的歌迷,经常到现场点歌、聆赏,后来并写出了这首歌,描述他第一次听唐麦克林唱歌的情景。