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Israel Haimowitz made a deal with his doctor 15 years ago - get me to 100 and I'll buy you a European vacation. On Sept 5, 2002, Haimowitz is celebrating his 100th birthday. And Dr. Robert Drimmer and his wife are looking forward to a trip to London next summer. "I hate to take his money," Drimmer said, but Haimowitz "would be mad if I didn't go." Haimowitz, a retired1 furniture salesman, said it's the least he can do. The native of Brooklyn, N.Y., is in good health, complaining only occasionally of fatigue2. He moved to Florida 16 years ago. "To get a doctor down here that's considerate of his patients is difficult," Haimowitz said. He credits his longevity3 and health to drinking two ounces of cognac daily, along with eating five Danish butter cookies. Haimowitz, who just renewed his driver's license4, said he plans to stick around awhile. "When I don't feel good, I don't want to be here. But when I feel as I do now, I want to live to 120," he said. 伊斯里尔-海莫威茨与他的医生达成了一项交易--让我活到100岁,我就送你去欧洲度假。2002年9月5日,海莫威茨在庆祝他的百岁寿辰,而罗伯特-德雷默医生和他的妻子也在期待着来年夏天的伦敦之旅。“我真的不想花他的钱,”德雷默说,可是海莫威茨“会因我不去而发疯。”退休家具推销员海莫威茨说这是他所能做的最起码的事。海莫威茨是纽约布鲁克林人,他健康状况良好,只是偶尔为疲劳所苦。16年前,海莫威茨搬到了佛罗里达。他说:“在这儿找一个会悉心照料病人的医生可不容易。”海莫威茨把自己的长寿和健康归功于每天的两盎司白兰地和5块丹麦牛油曲奇。刚刚更新了驾驶执照的海莫威茨说,他打算再活上一段时间。“如果感觉不好,我就不想再逗留了。不过,在感觉如现在般良好的时候,我希望活到120岁,”他说。 Remarks:也许这位老先生没有意识到:“感觉良好”才是他长寿的真正秘诀--如果活得没了感觉,想“逗留”也不太容易哩。 点击 ![]()
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