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英文: Russia and the United States keep the good momentum1 of bilateral2 development together Putin told Rice in talks at the Kremlin that with her direct participation3 "relations between Russia and the United States have achieved the high level where they are now." He said he hoped the two countries would continue to work on a wider and stronger relationship. Putin now expects US President George W. Bush in Moscow for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Soviet4 victory over Nazi5 Germany in World War II on May 9, during which the two presidents will hold a series of talks, Putin said. Rice said Bush is preparing for his meeting with Putin and that the US would like to see a Russia that continues to develop confidently, promotes democratic reforms and strengthens the rule of law. Putin and Rice also discussed regional stability, the fight against terrorism and the economic development of their respective countries.
中文:俄美共同保持双边发展的良好势头 普京和赖斯还高度评价了俄美两国的合作与对话进程,认为在相互尊重的基础上开展对话对双方都有益。 当天,俄外长拉夫罗夫在与赖斯会谈后表示,尽管俄美两国在某些问题上存在分歧,但俄美关系是有着坚实的基础的。 同一天,赖斯在接受媒体采访时表示,美国愿意与俄罗斯结为盟友,而且无意削弱俄罗斯在原苏联地区的影响力。她在谈到美国总统布什即将对拉脱维亚、俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚3国进行访问时表示,美国与拉、格两国发展关系不会危及美俄之间的良好关系。赖斯还说,乌克兰已有同北约开展协作的计划,但乌克兰能否加入北约主要取决于乌克兰自己。 赖斯于当天离开莫斯科赴立陶宛首都维尔纽斯参加北约外长非正式会议。 点击 ![]()
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