日期:2007-11-09 2. Directions: Answer (A) if the quantity in Column A is greater; (B) if the quantity in Column B is greater; (C) if the two quantities are equal, or (D) if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given Square A has sides of lengt... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 Whether youre thinking of a career as an accountant or just trying to balance your checkbook, you face math in some way, shape or form every single day. Not only are strong math skills important to doing well in school, they are also critical to your... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 GMAT是申请进入北美商学院的必要条件,一个好的GMAT分数无疑就是一块强有力的敲门砖。一般来讲,对于TOP20(排名前20名)的商学院,有700分就差不多了。 现在中国地区的GMAT已经全部采用机考形式,考试时间三个半小时,可要算上登记注册及中间休息时间,那可就要早上8:0... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 考生首先必须清楚,GMAT考试能否获得高分,主要将取决于考生掌握英语的熟练程度。这里介绍的考试技巧以及注意事项只不过是帮助考在熟练掌握英语的基础上,获得更好的分数。 (1)在每个部分(Section)答题之前,应花五至十秒钟浏览整个部分内容。没有明显的题型变化,则可... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 我自己学习的一个方法是,在解一道题的时候,就好象你是一个老师,努力想把这道题给学生讲清楚,该怎么讲呢?从哪里下手呢?学生会有什么样的疑问呢?如果你在作每道题的时候,都这样问一问自己,我相信再碰上这道题,或类似的题,你就再也不会错了。这样逐个攻克,GMA... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 在通往MBA的路上,GMAT实在是一座大山。但是,不过不行。一般大家都说,GMAT考到650分,申请MBA的问题就不是太大。但是如果想要申请前20名的学校,还是努力考到700分以上吧。情况确实如此。 GMAT的分数是重要的。特别是在你其他条件并不特别突出的时候,特别是在你想读... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 天天见到GMAT失败的和成功的,想到了那句话,幸福的都差不多,不幸的却各自不同,也想到自己的失败,苦思冥想了很久,终于哀叹,原来这是在考英语,不是在考别的,看似简单,是否能真的领悟,绝非易事。其实复习到了一定的阶段就会忘记这是在考语言,而就是把它当成了... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 诚然,杨继的观点还是有不少亮点的,首先,毕竟他帮助那么多中国学生,克服了GRE阅读的心理障碍。而且,他最响亮地提出了原文定位。这一现代科学的基石。但是,从good faith 的角度出发,熟悉套路只能做为一个expediency. 而且英语阅读实力的提高,归根结蒂不是靠套路... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 argument: 阅读是熟悉套路重要还是看懂文章重要? 不象80年代的大学英语老师鼓吹的 - 提高英语的捷径是快速语读,YMH为代表的一批人在另一个层面为广大出国学子找到了另一个学习英语的真正捷径 真题和红宝书。然而,当你在捷径上想再超捷径,很可能超的不是捷径,而是悬... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 何为高手无招的境地?那就是真正跳跃到语言之作用和意义的层次上去,而不是只停留在语法的作用和意义上。 古人云:高手是学会N般兵器,运用于心而忘却。此为高手无招的境地。 如何练就? 分三步: 第一步:进入在语法的初级阶段,把语法烂熟记忆,基本可达到600-650分... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 2.第二种文章:因果结构 文章内部标志词:A is due to B; A is attribute to B; A is result of B; blame B on/for A; B is responsible for A; credit A to B. 问题中的标志词:explanation; interpretation; hypothesis。 3.第三种文章:变态结构 (表面上仍然是前提... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 在面对GMAT逻辑题目的时候,第一步就是看准问题,明确题目类型,从而运用不同的技巧解题。下面我们就对各种题型的关键词做一个总结,希望可以帮助你在考场上从容面对各种问题。 一.归纳题 标志词:conclusion; inferred; implied; supported; if above true, then it... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 15. The following appeared as a part of an advertisement for Adams, who is seeking reelection as governor. Re-elect Adams, and you will be voting for proven leadership in improving the states economy. Over the past year alone, seventy percent of the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 Sample essay 2: The editorial recommends that the school board of Nova High spend a greater portion of available funds on the purchase of additional computers and adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum. Two reasons are offe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 14. The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial. Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last years graduates have reporte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 13. The following appeared as part of a campaign to sell advertising time on a local radio station to local businesses. The Cumquat Cafe began advertising on our local radio station this year and was delighted to see its business increase by 10 perc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 12. The following appeared as part of a promotional campaign to sell advertising space in the Daily Gazette to grocery stores in the Marston area. Advertising the reduced price of selected grocery items in the Daily Gazette will help you increase yo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 11. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper. In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper. This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college program... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-11-09 10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper. This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college program... 阅读全文>>

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