日期:2007-10-27 Configuration Congenial Conglomerate Congregation Consecutive We have flood in three consecutive years. Consensus Conspire Constant Constancy Constellation Constituent =Voter Constitution Constitute Fifty students constitute a class Constrained I am... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Compile Pile Compile dictionary Complacency Complementary Complementary police Component Comprise Compulsory education Conceive Conception New conception English Concern This is concern a lot. 2 Concurrent Occur Condemn Condominium Confer Conference... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Collision Commensurate Commensurate with Commercialize Commercial Commercial Commission Commission as my stockholder Commission Committed to Committed Commit crime Commit suicide Commodity Commonplace Communal Communal system Communist party Compens... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Clandestine Clarify Clerical Clerical staff Clientele Cluster A cluster of grape Cocaine Codify Code Cognitive process Collapse Collapse... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 He cashed in on the information his sellout to the other people. Caste Catalog Catalog Catalyst Catastrophe Catastrophic Category Different category Cathedral Cathedral red wood Celestial The celestial body Cessation Cessation of contract Chamber mu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Buoy Buttress Buttress By no means By all means Bypass Bypass difficulty Bypass question Call off Call off appointment Call things to a halt Capacity He has capacity to do that. Capacity In what capacity? I am his father. Capriciousness Caprice At... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Bids Biosphere Bizarre He seemed bizarre today. Quaint Blueprint Boom Baby boom period Breed Crossbreeding Brutal Buoyant... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 You success is attributed to you hard work. Auction Auditor Austere Austere Autonomy Xinjiang autonomous region Ban Sth. Was banned Bar Bar Disbar Barrier Basin Basin Be subject to Be subjected to Subject Beckon She beckons me forward. Beneficial Be... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Archaeology Arid Barren Drought Artisan Partisan As it were As it is I am very busy as it is. You seem busy as it were. As ye == up to now Aspiration He has aspiration to high power Aspire to Fulfill his aspiration Assertion Asset He will be a great... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Tools Appeal to Appeal to Appealing Your cloth is appeal to me. Apportion v. Portion Allocate == apportion Apportion half of your property to me Approach Approach Arbitrary Arbitration Arbitrator Arbiter Archaeologist... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Ambiguous Amendment Mend Amino acid An array of Anachronism Analogue Analogy Ancestral Ancestry Ancestor Anecdote Animosity Antagonism Antedate Antedate your letter Postdate Anthology Chrysanthemums Antibody Antigen Antiquity == ancient time Antique... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Kin Cat is akin to tiger. Algae Alignment Alignment In alignment with All the more because You are all the more beautiful because I am ugly. Allegation Assert Allege Claim Allegation Allege Alliance Ally Allocate Locale Locale motive Locale motion A... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Aerial plane Aerial current Aerodynamic Dynamic Dynamo Afflict Affluence Aggregate Gregarious animal Aggregate V. Aggregation Airborne The fly is airborne when it winds. Akin to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 An accomplished person Accord with In accord with Account for What he said are account for his action. Acupuncture Adapt Adapt oneself to Adjudication Judicial Adjudication of company Administration Administration Clinton administration Adopt Option... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 Maverick Inspection Spectacular Conspicuous Prospect Spectacle Snoot Adamant Adam ant Ancillary A cascade of Cascade rage A spate of Spate Abnormally Accelerate Acceleration Celerity Decelerate Acceleration Access Have access to He is within easy ac... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 准备情况: 3-5月新东方。5-7一边上班一边作题。考试前请了4天假。 模考情况:ETS PP两次730、660 PP DIAGNOSE 620、640 考试策略:根据本人准备不足的情况(主要是工作太忙),决定考试时放弃最后一篇RC,以保证能够超过700,最后如愿。 考试过程:2 SC ,然后是2篇RC,中... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 1. The books of New Oriental. I don't mean the excercise with only answers. They are worthless. I mean the books with detailed answers and explanations. The AWA book of New Oriental can be only your reference. Never try to remember the whole sample... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 111. Values are xxxx ( q140) 112. Accusing a doctor of malpractice (q146) 113. Wrong: lack of some other doctor (q146) 114. Wong: if + will ( Q146) 115. Mistake a for b ( q150) 116. Connection between ( q151) 117. Vast numbers of people ( q152) 118.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 71. Persuade sb to do ( q173) 72. In contrast to ( q82) 73. In contrast with ( w117) 74. Contrary to (w417) 75. Unable to ( no potential at all, people only not refer to sth. Can not be used as: be able to be done); can not ( not now, but might could... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-27 31. Just as so 32. Discourage xxx from doing 33. Combine with(W426) 34. Forbid to do, forbid a strike by union 35. Demand that: 36. Expect news to be fair (w88) 37. X is expected to Y (q131)s 38. Believe x to be y (q228) 39. Estimated to be(Q14) 40.... 阅读全文>> |