日期:2007-09-21 compound interest复利(即以本和利为基础的利率) daylight saving time夏时制 delve(into)深入探究,钻研 digital audiotape数字音带 dote on溺爱,过分喜爱 draw in收(网),引诱;天近黄昏;紧缩开支 draw on戴上(手套);吸收,利用,凭靠;向支取 ecological... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 GMAT常考短语及词组 GMAT中并不专门考词组,所以词组的变化并不多。GMAT考的是一种整体上的理解和观察能力。以下这些词组是GMAT中常出现的一些实义词组,组合词组和介词词组。熟悉这些词组对大家迅速理解句子的上下文意义和结构有很大好处,列出如下词组供大家参考。 a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 tryptophan n.【生化】色氨酸 typology n.【语】类型学;象征论 tyrosine n.【生化】酪氨酸 uranium n.【化】铀 varicose a.【医】静脉曲张的;治疗静脉曲张用的 vector n.【数】矢量,向量;飞机航线;动力;干劲 vinyl n.【化】乙烯基,塑料 white dwarf n.【天】白矮... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 radiometric a.公制辐射仪的 rem n.人体伦琴当量 rheumatoid a.风湿病的,类风湿病的 rhinovirus n.鼻病毒 ribosome n.【生化】核糖体 schistosomiasis n.【医】血吸虫病,裂体吸虫病 schizophrenia n.【医】精神分裂症 seltzer n.一种矿泉水;苏打水 serotonin n.血清... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 obstetrical a.产科(学)的,助产的 ocher n.【矿】赭石;(黄)褐色 ohydrate metabolism糖类代谢作用 oligosaccharide n.寡糖素 organelle n.【生】细胞器 orthogenetic a.【生】直向演化的;直生现象的 osprey n.【动】鹗,鱼鹰;白色装饰羽毛 paleoclimatologist... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 lepidopter n.(昆虫)鳞翅目 leprosy n.【医】麻风病 leucine n.【生化】白氨酸 leukemia n.【医】白血病 lipid n.【化】类脂化合物 lipoprotein n.脂蛋白,oipo脂肪的 logotype n.【?苛?匣钭郑还愀娴扔玫谋晔?lymph n.【医】淋巴,淋巴液;(淋巴液似的)浆,苗 l... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 diapir n.【地】挤入构造 dopamine n.【生化】多巴胺 electromagnetic a.电磁的 encephalitis n.脑炎 endorphin n.【生化】内腓肽 ethylene n.【化】乙烯,次乙基 eukaryotic a.【生】真核细胞的;真核生物的 fallout n.【原】微粒回降;放射性尘埃 follicle n.【解】小... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 carcinogen n.【医】致癌物,诱癌物 cardiopulmonary a.心肺的 cardiovascular a.【医】心血管的 caries n.[拉]【医】龋;骨疡 carpal n.【解】腕骨;腕的 charge n.【物】电荷 chiaroscuro n.(绘画中的)明暗对照法;用明暗对照法绘的图画 chlorofluorocarbon n.含氯... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 以下是GMAT中已经考过的科技词汇。这些词汇经常出现在阅读理解的文章之中,表明了阅读考试的一些倾向;比如:医学、生物、化学、地理、地质的词汇较多,表示这些领域的内容出现的频率较高。当然经济学的内容荊MAT的常考内容;经济学的词汇更多地收录在前面的单词列表中... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 1、逻辑 希望大家能做lsat题,一来可以提高阅读速度,二来可以训练逻辑思维。lsat的题长,题干很清晰地表示出题型,选项都是充分必要的,所以训练逻辑思维不错。(因为lsat逻辑思路非常清晰,要比gmat简单,gmat选项是必要的,但不一定充分)10套以后成果就会显现(当... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 4) Government is only as good as the man in it--which is why it needs more women. 分号: 1) The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feed. 2) Science needs to live alongside religion, philosophy, history and esthetic experie... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 3. Attributive Clause Example 1: Change: It is a truth that is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. To: It is a truth that is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 十三、Language Skills 1. Sentence Variety Example 1: Change: Beijings streets are crowded with taxis, company cars and private vehicles owned by the newly affluent. The number has been rising rapidly in the last few years. The latest statistics show... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 Why are people everywhere beginning to want the same products and services? Why are regional differences rapidly disappearing? The arguer asserts that it is the rise of multinational corporations that is leading to this global homogeneity. We dont h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 十一、Issue的立场问题 评分依据是:是否有效地支持了你的立场 Taking a Position: 1. Agreeing with concession 2. Disagreeing with concession 3. Refusing to take sides 4. Agreeing 5. Disagreeing 十二、是非问题例文分析 Case Study 3: The rise of multinati... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 Case Study 2: The best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then advise them how to attain it. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reaso... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 4分作文: I find the response to the complaint more compelling. Although the complaint is valid, it is most often the case the building a product to last forever will indeed cost more than the average consumer is willing to pay. Creating such a prod... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 八、Argument结尾段模式训练 Example 1: 上文的最后一段 Example 2: The following appeared in a letter from a staff member in the office of admissions at Argent University. The most recent nationwide surveys show that undergraduates choose their major f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 2. 错误类比 Example: The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Carlo's Clothing to the staff. Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 If the trend of increase in cocaine abuse has been slowed down, or if the total amount of illegal drugs in the market has been significantly reduced, even though the absolute use of cocaine is still increasing, we would say that the government effor... 阅读全文>>

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