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1.deteriorate1 /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ v.恶化
英译:to become worse than before
2.deposit /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ v.沉淀,沉积
to leave a layer of a substance on thesurface of something, especially gradually
Sand was gradually deposited as the riverslowed down. 随着河水流速变缓,泥沙渐渐沉积下来。
3.degradation4 /ˌdegrəˈdeɪʃn/ n.退化,恶化
英译:the process of changing to a worse condition
例句:An overuse of natural resources has added to environmentaldegradation. 对自然资源的过度利用加剧了环境的恶化。
4.decay /dɪˈkeɪ/ v.腐烂
英译:to be destroyed gradually by a natural cause
例句:The apple started to decay after being exposed to sunshine for a fewdays. 被阳光照晒了几天之后,这个苹果开始腐烂了。
英译:to decay or to break down into smaller parts
例句:The fallen leaves gradually decomposed6 and became part of the soil. 落叶逐渐腐烂分解,成为土壤的一部分。
6.degeneration /dɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ n.退化,衰减
英译:the process of becoming worse in quality or function
例句:With the increase in age, most people may undergo a degeneration ofhearing and eyesight. 随着年龄的增长,大部分人都会经历听力和视力的退化。
英译:(of a tree) losing the leaves in autumn or winter
例句:The oak is deciduous, which loses its leaves at a very late time ofeach year. 橡树属于落叶植物,每年很晚的时候才会落尽树叶。
英译:sand or stones lying on the bottom of a river, sea, etc.
The bodies of marine9 animals will soon becovered by sediment on the bottom of the sea. 海洋动物的尸体很快就会被海底的沉淀物覆盖。
英译:the remaining parts of something after it has been badly damaged ordestroyed
10.remnant /ˈremnənt/ n.残余,遗迹
英译:a small part of something left with most of its main part destroyed
例句:These remnants of fossils have helped scientists to study the lifeof dinosaurs12. 这些化石遗迹帮助科学家研究恐龙的生活习性。
11.renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ adj.可再生的,再生性的
英译:being able to be replaced naturally without being used up
例句:Researchers have been focusing on developing renewable energyresources. 研究人员一直在致力于开发可再生能源。
12.geographical13 /ˌdʒiːəˈɡræfɪkl/ adj.地理(学)的
英译:relating to the study of geography
13.purify /ˈpjʊərɪfaɪ/ v.净化,使纯净
英译:to make something clean or pure
例句:Forests tend to have a huge capacity for purifying air. 森林通常具有强大的空气净化能力。
14. hazard /ˈhæzəd/ n.危险,威胁
英译:something that can be dangerous or cause damage
例句:Growing air pollution has constituted a severe health hazard to thelocals. 空气污染的不断加剧给当地居民的健康造成了严重威胁。
例句:The volcano is emitting a large amount of toxic gas and smoke. 火山正喷发出大量有毒的气体和烟雾。
16. excessively /ɪkˈsesɪvli/ adv.过分地,极度地
英译:too much or extremely
例句:The excessively high cost of living in some large cities has furtherwidened the wealth gap. 一些大城市过高的生活成本进一步拉开了贫富差距。
17.rainforest /ˈreɪnfɒrɪst/ n.热带雨林
英译:a tropical forest where it rains a lot throughout the year
例句:The Amazon rainforest constitutes a highly complex biologicalsystem. 亚马孙热带雨林构成了一个极其复杂的生态系统。
18. rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ n.降雨量
英译:the total amount of rain that falls in a particular area over acertain period
例句:The average annual rainfall in Britain is significantly larger thanthat in Egypt. 英国的年平均降雨量远大于埃及的年平均降雨量。
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