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雅思一季度考试将在明天(3/29)后尘埃落定,纵观一季度的写作,总体上还是非常平稳的,除了测试了2次所谓的偷袭题型,大作文方面还是波澜不惊,基本上没有出现完全的新题,从主题辨认的角度,相信上过我课的雅友们应该是问题不大的,小新除了每次命中大主题也别无所求。但是写作难度普遍有了提高,也就是即使你知道怎么写,但是要写得好在cognition(认知)上未免有点欠缺,词语语汇大量缺乏。特别是1/19和2/26的题目,题目极其“空洞”,要及时地Focus几个侧面。 2008年至今所有大作文考题 2008.1.19 2008.2.16 2008.2.23
2)Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away society”, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully4 dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend to reduce this problem? 3)Some people say that the best measurement of a country’s success is the quality of life people enjoy. Others argue that a prosperous economy is the key factor in a country’s success. Which opinion do you prefer? 4)Some patients in the UK have decided5 not to have a TV in their house, thus children can use more spare time creatively. To what extent do you agree? 点击收听单词发音
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