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11.鉴于我们深感应该得到某种补偿,我们诉求你们全额退还我们的餐费。 Since we feel we should be compensated1 somehow, we ask you to refund2 the total cost of our meal. 12.好吧,我就写到这里吧,我已经迫不及待地期盼着你对这第一封信的回复了。 Well, let me finish here and I am already eagerly awaiting your reply to this first letter. 13.做不到这一点,我将不得不坚持要你们全额退还我所支付的全价。 Failing that, I will have to insist on a refund in full of the price which I paid for it. 14.敬请马上取消我的卡,并请做出必要的安排发给我另一张卡。 Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the necessary arrangements to issue me with a replacement3 card? 15.假如你们有必要给我打电话,我的号码是123456789。 Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 123456789. 16.无论如何,请确认能否前来。 Anyway, do let me know if you can make it. 17.我希望您会发现他确如我所推荐的他那样好。 I hope you’ll find he is just as good as I’m now recommending him to be. 18.如果您还有什么别的问题,敬请随时联系我,我的电子邮箱地址如: And should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address: 19.我随信附上了我的简历以及我目前经济状况的一份明细和我的英语等级证明。 I have enclosed my resume as well as a statement of my current financial status and my English proficiency4 level. 20.我还想问一下我和我太太是否可以合在一起申请,还是我们必须要分开来。 I’d also like to know if my wife and I can make one application, or whether we’ll have to apply separately. 点击 ![]()
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