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1.首先,从1月份55%:45%的女生与男生比例起步,我们看到连续三个月女生比例的大幅增长,到5月份,这一比例已经变为75%:25%。 Firstly, starting from a 55%:45% female and male student ratio in January, we witnessed a substantial increase in the percentages of female students for three consecutive1 months and till May, this ratio had become 75%:25%. 2.首先,托雅的月营业额从1月份的25万起步,在接下来的7个月里连续不断攀升,于8月份达到顶峰的485万。 Firstly, starting from ¥250,000 in January, the monthly sales volume of Toya experienced constant growths for 7 months in a row and peaked at ¥4.85 million in August. 3.首先,托雅从1月份的10名全职教师起步,先后经历了11名、14名、20名、25名、40名,最后增长到了12月份的48名。 To begin with, starting from 10 fulltime teachers in January, the number of Toya teachers increased gradually to 11, 14, 20, 25, 40, and eventually reached 48 in December. 4.首先,托福项目的招生量从1月份的18人起步,平稳上升3个月后,从5月份开始呈现强劲增长势头,达到了7月份的最高峰198人。 Firstly, starting from 18 students in January, the enrollment2 of TOEFL learners increased steadily3 for three months in a row and began to gain a stronger momentum4 of increase from May, finally peaking at 198 in July. 5.八月份托福项目的招生跳水到了12人,但接着在九月份开始反弹回到48人,接下来的十月份再次加速提升到98人。 The enrollment of TOEFL learners plunged5 to 12 in August but bounced back to 48 in September and was followed by another giant increase to 98 in October. 6.虽然11月份托福项目的招生再次出现跳水,从10月份的98人下降到了26人,但12月份的大幅反弹足以弥补前一个月的下降,我们看到的是从26到147这样一个121人的增长。 Although the enrollment of TOEFL learners in November plunged again from 98 in October to 26, the dramatic increase in December was enough to make up for the drop against which we found an increase by 121, from 26 to 147. 7.首先,托雅女教师的周工作量从1月份的12小时增长到了2月份的14小时,进入3月份,增长开始加速度并达到了18小时。 To begin with, the weekly workload6 of Toya female teachers rose from 12 hours in January to 14 hours in February and, entering March, the increase accelerated to 18 hours. 8.与女教师相比,男教师的周工作量在1月份和2月份要少很多,分别只有6小时和8小时,然而,从三月份开始,男教师的周工作量出现了大幅攀升,首先达到了12小时,接着冲击到4月份的16小时,然后继续增加,达到了5月份的20小时。 Compared with female teachers, the weekly workload of male teachers was relatively7 low, only 6 hours and 8 hours respectively. However, beginning from March, it started to increase dramatically, first hitting 12 hours, then 16 hours in April, and then reaching 20 hours in May. 9.07年下半年,男教师的周工作量继续呈现上升态势,从6月份的20小时逐渐增加到了10月份的30小时,并于9月份达到整个图表上的顶峰-48小时。 In the second half of the year 2007, the weekly workload of male teachers continued to rise from 20 hours in June to 30 hours in October and eventually reached its peak as shown across the board which was 48 hours. 10.相比之下,女教师的周工作量则逐渐呈现下降,从9月份的28小时下降到10月份的24小时,继而下降到11月份的20小时,最后达到了整个图表的最低点:12月份的4小时。 In contrast, the weekly workload of female teachers revealed a trend of decrease: we first saw a drop from 28 hours in September to 24 hours in October, then to 20 in November, and then finally bottoming at 4 hours in December. 11.在此期间,托雅男教师的周工作量是女教师的两倍,分别是18小时和9小时,但这一状况在接下来的两个月里发生了急转,变成了18小时对24小时。 During this period, the weekly workload of Toya male teachers, which was 18 hours, was twice as much as that of female teachers, which was 9 hours, but this situation took a sharp turn in the following two months and became 18 hours to 24 hours. 12.2007年3-10月份托雅雅思与托福项目的招生总量为2400人次,与2006年同期相比增长了800%。 The total student enrollment of IELTS and TOEFL of Toya during March and October of 2007 was 2,400 person times, an increase by 800% over the same period of 2006. 13.托雅营业额在8月份出现大幅下降,从7月份的251万下降到124万,超过了100%的降幅。 The sales volume of Toya revealed a substantial drop in August: from ¥2.51 million in July to ¥1.24 million, a decrease by more than 100%. 14.由于9月份的大幅反弹,托雅截止到10月份的总收入突破1,000万。 Thanks to the great increase in September, the total income of Toya went up beyond ¥10 million in October. 15.当托雅的营业总收入从11月份的2,100万上升到12月份的3,200万时,12月份的成本与支出开始出现大幅回落。 As the total sales volume of Toya rose from ¥21 million in November to ¥32 million in December, the costs and expenses began to drop by leaps and bounds. 16.托雅12月份的利润因为成本与支出的大幅下降而从11月份的852万抬升到1100万。 The net income of Toya in December went up from ¥8.52 million in November to ¥11 million thanks to the dramatic drop of costs and expenses. 17.高中毕业生的平均周收入以加速度增长,从1985年的40美元快速增至2005年的140美元。 The average weekly income of high school graduates increased at accelerated speeds, rising from $40 in 1985 to $140 in 2005. 18.最大的增长发生在1995年至2005年间,从80美元急剧增至140美元,增幅超过70%。 The biggest increase occurred during the period from 1995 to 2005, which saw a dramatic growth from $80 to $140, a growth by over 70%. 19.我们看到,虽然大学毕业生的周收入也一直在增长,从1975年的80美元增加到了2005年的150美元,但是增幅上远低于高中毕业生。 We see that although the weekly income of college graduates also witnessed a constant increase, from $80 in 1975 to $150 in 2005, the growth margin8 was far smaller than that of high school graduates. 20.与大学毕业生相比,硕士毕业生的增长幅度要稍微好一些,分别出现了1985-1995年间约50美元及1995-2005年间约75美元的增长。 Compared with college graduates, the increase margin of master degree graduates faired slightly better and we saw an increase by about $50 during1985-1995 and around $75 during 1995-2005. 21.出乎意料的是在1995年,硕士毕业生的平均周收入与博士毕业生拉平:皆为185美金。 Quite unexpectedly, in 1995, the average weekly earnings9 of master degree graduates drew even with that of PhD graduates, both at $185. 22.虽然博士毕业生的收入在2005年的增幅有所加大,但与硕士毕业生的差距也仅仅只有15美金。 Even though the growth margin of the income of PhD graduates drew apart from that of master degree holders10 in 2005, the gap was merely $15. 23.所有类别的人们周收入增长最小的情况出现在1985-1995年间,最多的也仅仅增长了5美金。 The slightest increase for all the groups of people occurred during the period from 1985 to 1995, with the biggest increase by only $5. 24.出人意料的是女性吸烟者的比例在1970年达到了21%,较1960年增长了4%。 What is unexpected is that the percentage of female smokers11 hit 21% in 1970, an increase by 4% over 1960. 点击 ![]()
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