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50.1960年,美国家庭每月在饭店就餐的平均次数要远远高于日本和英国家庭,三者的比例依次为每月次:1.2:0.2:0.4。 In 1960, American families ate out at restaurants much more often than Japanese and British families and the average frequency ratio was 1.2:0.2:0.4 times per month. 51.1970年美国家庭外出就餐的平均次数依然保持遥遥领先,平均每月2.4次,同时,英国家庭的外出就餐次数也大幅攀升至1次,而日本家庭的外出就餐次数只有稍微的一点增长,达到0.4次。 In 1970 American families still took the lead in terms of the times of eating out at restaurants, averaging 2.4 times per month. Meanwhile, British families also saw a big increase in the frequency of eating out, rising to 1 time per month while Japanese families only showed a slight increase in this respect, averaging 0.4 time per month. 52.1980年美国和日本家庭外出就餐频率继续大幅攀升,分别达到每月3.2次和1次,而英国家庭在这方面则只增长了0.2次,维持在每月1.2次。 In 1980, there were substantial increases in the number of times of eating out for American and Japanese families, reaching 3.2 times and 1 time respectively. However, there was only a slight increase by 0.2 time for British families, standing1 at 1.2 times per month. 53.1990年对于美国家庭来讲是外出就餐增长最快的一年,从3.2次增长到了6.4次,同时,英国家庭追上了日本家庭,两者皆达到了1.4次。 1990 for American families was a year which witnessed the fastest growth in terms of eating out at restaurants and we see an increase from 3.2 times to 6.4 times. Besides, British families caught up with Japanese families, both hitting 1.4 times per month. 54.2000年,日本家庭外出就餐的次数超过英国家庭,两者分别是2.8次和2..5次,与此同时,美国家庭的外出就餐次数则继续攀升至整个图表上的最高峰-7.2次。 In 2000, Japanese families overtook British families in the frequency of eating out at restaurants which was 2.8 times and 2.5 times respectively. Meanwhile, American families continued to climb in this respect and peaked at 7.2 times as indicated across the chart. 55.我们看到1980年乘公交车上班者约占20%,而开车者只有极低的3%,但骑自行车与步行上班者则分别占到高达30%和35%的比例。 We find that in 1980, those who went to work by bus accounted for 20% while those who drove was as low as 3%. However, there were 30% and 35% respectively of people who biked or walked to work. 56.情况在1990年发生了根本性的变化:乘公交者与驾车上班者的比例猛然窜升,分别达到了30%与28%的比例;骑自行车和步行者的比例则分别下降至20%与15%。 Great changes took place in 1990 and we see a rocketing increase in the percentages of those who went to work by bus and drove to work which rose quickly to 30% and 28% respectively. The percentages of those who biked or walked to work, however, dropped to 20% and 15% respectively. 57.进入2000年,情况发生了更富戏剧性的变化,驾车上班者的百分比急剧窜升至40%,而乘公交车、骑自行车以及步行上班者的百分比则分别下降到了15%、5%和8%。 Entering 2000, things showed more dramatic changes, with the percentage of people who drove to work rocketing to 40% while those who took bus, rode bikes or walked to work falling to 15%, 5% and 8% respectively. 58.2000年驾车上班者的百分比最为突出,高达40%。 In 2000, the percentage of people who drove to work stood out as being really significant, as high as 40%. 59.首先,没有孩子的时候,已婚妇女平均每周做家务30小时,男士为17小时。 Firstly, when there were no children, married women did averagely 30 hours of household work per week as compared with 17 hours for married men. 60.当孩子数目变成1-2个时,已婚妇女每周所做的家务活上升到52小时,男士则没有体现任何变化。 When the number of children became 1 to 2, the amount of household work done by married women rose to 52 hours, but that for married men remained unchanged. 61.最有趣的是当一个家庭有了三个及更多孩子的时候,我们看到女性的家务活增至每周55小时,而男性不升反降,变成了14小时。 What is the most interesting is that when a family had three or more children, we find that the amount of household work for women increased to 55 hours per week while that for men, however, decreased to 14 hours rather than showing any increase by any measure. 62.首先,原材料和制成部件构成了整个生产流程最初步的保障。 First of all, raw materials and manufactured components2 comprise the initial physical input3 in the entire manufacturing process. 63.原材料与制成部件到位后先需储存以供后续的组装,但是,组装首先需要依靠生产规划阶段。 Once raw materials and manufactured components are obtained, they are stored for later assembly, but assembly first depends on the production planning stage. 64.生产规划阶段本身又需遵从产品设计阶段的要求,后者则来自大量广泛的产品研究工作。 The production planning state itself follows the requirements of the product’s design stage that proceeds from extensive product research work. 65.组装阶段之后,产品接受检验和测试,然后才能包装、派送和销售。 After the assembly stage, the products are inspected and tested before they are packed and dispatched for sales. 66.第二,作为生产过程最终端的销售为市场调研提供信息反馈并进而影响设计阶段。 Second, sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, supplies feedback information to market research and further influences the stage of design. 67.第三,产品的设计不仅是产品研发的结果,还受到测试与市场调研的影响。 Third, a product’s design is not only the result of product research and development but it is also influenced by the testing stage and market research. 68.同样,市场调研还对产品包装和广告具有指导作用。 Similarly, market research also has the role of guiding packing and advertising4 to play. 69.第一步是单独指导,在此阶段,任务与主题需跟指导者进行全面的探讨。 The first stage is private tutoring in which the task and topic are fully5 discussed with the tutor. 70.接下来需要组织好论文的内容并写好一个简明扼要的提纲。 Next, it is necessary to well organize the content of the essay and produce a brief outline. 点击 ![]()
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