日期:2008-01-14 1. 小作文中频频出现地图题,这种题型在2000年之前是常考的,比如有问超市所选地点的图等,在2000年考过微波炉的工作原理之后就销声匿迹了将近7年,在2007年11月的第一次考试中又出现了地图题。其实地图题属于Introduction类型的小作文,和我们经常看见的Process/Flow C... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 并列(and)关系类 A.排序/列举(sequencing/listing) First of all in the first place to begin with after this/that Following this/that afterwards the first (reason) is First(ly) after that finally B.递进(reinforcing) Also besides furthermore In additio... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 问:写作是我最苦恼的了,有什么方法能在短时间内迅速提高呢?? 周骁:首先,请定义具体多久的时间称之为短时间?一月,一星期,三天?并且,得提高到多高的程度呢? 其次,一月以上的时间,可以从TASK2开始准备起,练习常考话题,从思路的扩展开始,有了思路,再... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 同义表达,在本文是指同义词,同义词组甚至同义句型。这一结构在多种出国考试和国内考试中都非常重要,在我教过的多年的GRE,IELTS,SAT,国内考研英语当中,同义表达在写作,填空,阅读当中都占据了非常重要的地位,本文的目的是各位准备考试的同学同义表达的重要性和... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 范文仅供参考,切不可背诵,否则有可能得到非常低的分数 More and more women go out to work. It is responsibility of government to provide staff and facilities for children of working mother, free of charge. To what extent do you agree or disagree. - -... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 雅思写作热点文章科技、教育类 Computer is widely used in education, and some people think teachers are not playing an important role in the classroom. To what extend do you agree? Computer, as the most powerful tool in the information age, is wid... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 雅思写作热点文章国际类 Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 雅思写作热点文章传统类 Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modern buildings. How are the old buildings important in our society? With the rapid development of urbanization, many people advocate the demolition of o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 雅思写作热点文章媒体类 Nowadays there is more and more TV advertisement, and there is a lot of misinformation in some of these advertisements. Some people think that consumers have the right to know the correct information and that government shoul... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 Task 2 Question: Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists includes painters, musicians, poets, however, other people think that is a waste of money for providing this assistance. State your opinion... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 写作通常是容易拿高分的地方,但要真拿到高分,也必须花点心思。我看到有些学生的情况,很是替他们着急,所以请他们认真看看再比较一下以下两篇文章,定会有很大启发的。 以下两篇文章都是essay类型。内容也一样,都是讨论骑自行车的好处。bicycle是中国人写的考试范文... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 3.观点比较选择类 20070113 Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to students' future career; others think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What's your opinion of th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 1.问题原因解决方法类(Problem-Reason-Recommendation) 20070106 The frequent change of the world has often resulted in the change of people's jobs and work life. Discuss what has caused this and give your suggestions on preparing people who are going... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 merit/benefit demerit/drawbacks put forward play an important/a significant role in have a profound influence/effect on have positive/negative effects along/together with the development of science and technology, as the development of science and t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 在雅思写作中,建议考生应转换思维方式,按照国外考生的思维方式来写文章,下文中我简称为SEE原则。 S=Support E=Expression E=Example 也就是说,大家应该把观点开门见山提出来,然后进行一番解释,合适时加上一个例子。 例如:论述犯罪的一个原因时,咱们可以进行如下... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 Writing Task 2 的占分比例比Writing Task 1高,难度和英语水平的要求都会较高。您花在Writing Task 1的建议时间是20分钟而花在Writing Task 2的建议时间是40分钟。 但您也应留小量时间在最后阶段作最后检查。您并非必须先完成Writing Task 1才能开始Writing Task 2.在... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 1.使用了正确的语法结构,比方说,动词时态一致、主谓一致、用词准确(尤其是名词、动词、形容词)、冠词错误和介词错误。 2.句式有变化 3.使用了一定的词汇量。 4.拼写没有错误。 5.在每段的主题句中都表明了这个段落的中心思想,所有扩展句都紧扣主题。 6.使用了... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 8分范文 Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Internation... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 1. has/have a lot of advantages over has/have the advantage of 2. be of great benefit to sb./sth. 3. benefit sb./sth. benefit from 4. do good to be good for do damage to/damage sth. 5. be as (not so)as 6. not so much as The reason for the rapid incr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-01-14 1The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. 赏析:定语从句,表语从句和比较状语从句三个从句的结合。表义清晰,是表达原因时必备的句型。 2On the one hand, some people are in f... 阅读全文>>

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