日期:2020-03-31 Say and tell are similar in that they both mean to talk or give information to someone verbally. However, there are differences in sentence construction and exact meaning. Can you see the difference between these two sentences? John told me you were... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-30 Although they have similar meanings, there are significant differences that you need to know! Listen / Hear We listen to something when we focus on it and pay attention to it. 有意的听 We hear something that comes into our ears. It is not necessaril... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-30 In contrast 和 on the other hand是两个很相近的短语,很多人都会搞混,一起看看它们的区别吧 Two linking phrases that are often confused are In contrast and On the other hand. Compare examples A and B. A. Tourism often has a positive impact on less weal... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-30 1. Did you save money when you were young? Yes, I remembered when I was very young, my parents gave me a money box to save money in it. I put some coins in it, hoping I could buy a transformer one day. But it was never realised because the money box... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-26 先说明一下雅思A类与G类作文的相同之处: A类与G类作文的考试时间都是一样的,1个小时,分为小作文和大作文。 A类雅思小作文题目类型:通常是一些数据图、表格图和地图、流程图等。字数在150字。考点是数据分析、对比与总结概括的能力。 G类雅思小作文题目类型:通常是... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-26 Did people have more free time when your grandparents were young? When my grandparents were young, I think they had less leisure time. They didnt have the gadgets we use nowadays, so they probably spent more time doing simple things. For example, no... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-26 TIP 1:结合个人经历Personal Experience 从你真实经历过的事情提取观点总是一个好办法,不仅能说得更生动,还能一口气解决Opinions/Reasons/Example三大要素,只要再找一个事例比较一下就完美了。 例如小编自己曾被问到对照相这件事有什么看法,一时找不到观点切入,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-26 Part2的重要性 IELTS Speaking: the importance of part 2 如果Part2表现不太好雅思口语还能得高分吗? Students often ask me what will happen if they do badly in part 2 of the speaking test. Is it still possible to get a high score? Yes, in theory, it is... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-26 It sometimes needs to pause when you have to think a new idea, or just want to repeat what you have just said before. So it is necessary to remember these sentences as they may do you a favour in the IELTS Speaking test. 如果你要想些新点子或者只是想... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-25 A useful appliance that I have started using recently is a kind of software that focuses on educational games. We use it at home a lot to keep our child busy and to make her learn things in a fun amp; interesting way. Youd be surprised to know how ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-25 雅思听力地名是雅思考试中的一个难点,通常出现在section1中,虽然近两年雅思考试中听力地名出现频率非常低,但为冲击听力高分,这个细节也需要掌握。尤其习以为常的各大城市名称,难以保证完全拼写正确,尤其加上奇特的苏格兰音澳洲音,单词更差之千里。其实,掌握这... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-24 1. Do you keep plants at home? Yes, there is a garden in the back of my house. I grow some herb, brush and trees, like petunia, lavender and lemon trees. There is also a big lawn in the centre of garden. I really enjoy the gardening work which can h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-19 1. Do you want to travel in the outer space? Yes, I bet it would be very funny to travel around the outer space. Considering the current technology development and expensive cost, it would be memorable experience in my life. 2. What would you do if... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-19 1. What time do you like to study?Whats the best time for you to study? I will probably go with studying in the evening, because it would be very quiet at that time and there would be no much other distractions; whereas, you know, I cannot concentra... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-18 Society A society is a population of humans characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals that share a distinctive culture and/or institutions. More broadly, a society is an economic, social and industrial infrastructure, in which a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-17 1. Have you ever tried foreign food? Oh yes, I love foreign food all by my heart. I have been to USA before. It was a long stay and I grabbed every opportunity to explore sandwich, hamburg and different cheese. I am also a die hard fan of Japanese f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-16 考过雅思口语的同学都非常明白Part 2准备时间的重要性,根据笔者自身考试和众多考生的考场经验,考官一般会在考生准备50秒左右的时候询问是否准备好。所以,这黄金般珍贵的50秒对后面近2分钟的陈述起到了至关重要的作用。 在雅思口语Part 2 中,考生在听完考官提示后,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-16 和野营相关的话题 1. Have you ever been camping before? Yes, just once, but really memorable. I went to the Lingshan Mountain with my friends and my son early this year. We slept in the forest in the camps at night. It was totally dark outside, but we... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-16 谈论你曾经做过的一个梦 Describe a dream you have had. You should say: when you had this dream what you saw in the dream what you did or said in the dream and explain why you had a dream like that. Well, I had this experience not too long ago. I met... 阅读全文>>

日期:2020-03-16 1表示并列的雅思作文连接词: First / second / last, also, and, as well as, at the same time, equally important 句子: It seems that the experience we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences... 阅读全文>>

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