文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2022-10-28 08:43 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
每年的12月31日在西方被称为“New Year's Eve 新年前夜”。
1. On New Year's Eve, it is common for people to make plans to change their life for the better. What question can you ask your friends to find out if they have made these kind of plans?
a) Have you made any New Year's resolutions?
b) Have you got any New Year's intentions?
c) What are your resolutions?
d) What New Year's resolutions have you done?
2. Every year people intend to __________ their New Year's resolutions, but they often fail.
a) stick up
b) stick to
c) get stuck to
d) get stuck in.
3. When the clock __________ midnight, people often drink __________ to the coming year.
a) chimes, a prize
b) sounds, a celebration
c) rings, a roast
d) strikes, a toast
4. Which verb CANNOT go in the gap1? At midnight, people often __________ fireworks to celebrate the New Year?
a) set off
b) light
c) let off
d) alight
5. On New Year's Eve people tend to stay up late to __________ the New Year.
a) see off
b) see in
c) ring off
d) clap in
6. Just before midnight, there is a __________ to the New Year and then people shout __________ .
a) countdown, Happy New Year
b) backwards2, Merry New Year's Day
c) countdown, Happy New Year's Day
d) count back, Merry New year
1) a, 2) b, 3) d, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a.


1 gap FhkxL     
  • We must see that there is no gap in our defence.我们必须确保我们的防御没有漏洞。
  • There is a gap of five miles between towns.镇与镇之间相隔五英里。
2 backwards BP9ya     
  • He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
  • All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。
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