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Unit 6 bluster1 v.狂吹;咆哮 [16th c.: ult. imit.] bode2 v.预示 [ bodian boda messenger送信的人,信差,报信者] boggle v.n.惊跳;畏缩不前 [prob dial boggle BOGEY(高尔夫)以高于标准杆数(par)一杆入<洞> BOGY似沼泽的;多沼泽的 BOG] [湿地,沼泽 陷于泥淖;变得动弹不得] bogus a.假的;伪造的 [19th-c. word] boisterous4 a.喧闹的 [var of boistous] bolster5 v.支持;援助;垫木 [20th c.: orig. uncert.] bolt n.闩门;螺钉脱党 [ bulter, bulete] bombardment n.炮击 [bombard 炮轰;轰炸 The artillery6 ~ed the enemy all day炮兵终日炮轰敌人;质问 med.L bombarda a] [stone-throwing engine: BOMB] bombastic7 a.夸大的 [earlier bombace cotton wool bombax -acis alt bombyx; bombast大话;夸大的] bonanza8 n.富矿带;幸运物;幸运 [orig = fair weather,bonus good] bondage9 n.奴役;囚禁 [ bondagium: infl by BOND 束缚;连结物;盟约;联盟] bonfire n.(庆祝或信号)大沟火;火 [earlier bonefire BONE (bones being the chief material formerly10 used) + FIRE] bonnet11 n.妇女帽;共谋者 [ bonet short for chapel12 de bonet cap of some kind of material(medL bonetus)] bonny a.美丽的;健康的 [16th c: perhbon good =bonnie] bonus n.奖金;分红;退还款项 [ bonus, bonum good (thing)] boom v.n.响声;忽然兴隆;宣传 booming a.景气的;受欢迎的;隆隆响 [~ toy sales 日趋兴隆的玩具销售] boon13 n.恩惠;愉快的;温和的 [ (orig. = jolly, congenial) bon bonus good] boor14 n.农民;乡下人;粗野的人 [bur or Du boer farmer: cf BOWER15 =Boer boorish粗野的] boost v.推动 [booster 援助者;升压机;推进器] booth n.摊棚;电话亭 bootless a.无用的 [botleas(BOOT, LESS)BOOT( "利益")to boot 另外,加之,而且 (常~s) 长靴,长统鞋,半长 靴],[高腰鞋 5(the ~)(俚)解雇,革职,开革] booze v.酒宴;饮酒 [earlier bouse, bowse,busen drink to excess] bore v.n.钻孔;使厌;无聊的人 boreal a.北的;北风的 [borealis Boreas god ofthe north wind] botany n.植物学(书) [botanic botanique or botanicus botanikos botane plant botanical植物的;植物学的] botch v.拙笨地修补;糟蹋 [botcher 扭劣的工匠;笨手笨脚的人] bouillon n.肉汤;牛肉汤 [bouillir to boil] boulder18 n.圆石头;玉石 [short for boulderstone, Scand] boulevard n.林荫大道 boundary n.界限,范围 [dial. bounder BOUND + -ER perh. after limitary] bounteous19 a.慷慨的;宽大的 [ bontif bonte BOUNTY20 after plenteous(诗)=plentiful] bountiful a.大方的 [ bontif bonte BOUNTY ("好东西")慷慨,好施,博爱,仁爱,宽大 after plenteous BOUNTY+] [FUL bounteous慷慨的,宽大的] bounty n.慷慨,宽大;赠与 [ bonitas -tatis bonus good] 点击 ![]()
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