文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-07-12 01:31 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
The China boom is by now a well-documented phenomenon. Who hasn't heard of the Middle Kingdom's startling economic growth (8 percent annually), its enormous consumer market (1.2 billion people), the investment ardor1 of foreign suitors ($40 billion in foreign direct investment last year alone)? China is an economic marvel2. According to Nicholas Lardy of the Brookings Institution, a Washington D.C.-based think tank, "No country has expanded its foreign trade as fast as China over the last 20 years. Japan doubled its foreign trade over a 20-year period; China's foreign trade as quintupled. They've become the main producer of labor-intensive manufacturing goods in the world."
But there's been something missing from the dazzling China growth story—namely, the Chinese multinational3. No major Chinese companies have yet established themselves, or their brands, on the global stage. But as Haier shows, that is starting to change. After 100 years of poverty and chaos4, of being overshadowed by foreign countries and multinationals5, Chinese industrial companies are starting to make a mark on the world. (170 words)
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. the startling Middle Kingdom
B. China’s economic growth
C. China’s economic marvel 
D. the increase of China's foreign trade

2. What does “suitor” in the first paragraph mean?
A. A man who is courting a woman.
B. A person who makes a petition or request.
C. A person who sues in court.
D. A person or group seeking to purchase.

3. What does Nicholas Lardy’s remark mean?
A. China has succeeded economically over the last 20 years.
B. China did better than Japan in economy.
C. China’s foreign trade developed the fastest in the world.
D. China is the main producer of in the world.

4. By the phrase “something missing”, the author refer to
A. the less dazzling achievements
B. the Chinese multinational
C. lack of world famous brand
D. Haier company

5. Why is Haier cited in the 2nd paragraph?
A. To show it is starting to change.
B. To show an example of a large company.
C. To show a Chinese company of world fame.
D. To show a change in Chinese industrial companies.


1 ardor 5NQy8     
  • His political ardor led him into many arguments.他的政治狂热使他多次卷入争论中。
  • He took up his pursuit with ardor.他满腔热忱地从事工作。
2 marvel b2xyG     
  • The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。
  • The operation was a marvel of medical skill.这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹。
3 multinational FnrzdL     
  • The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.这家公司被一个跨国咨询公司收购。
  • He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under-developed countries.他分析了跨国公司和不发达国家之间的关系。
4 chaos 7bZyz     
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
5 multinationals 62535937a7268e716f9c1a6586b6cc78     
跨国公司( multinational的名词复数 )
  • These local companies are only small fry compared with the huge multinationals. 同那些跨国公司比,这些当地的公司不过是小鱼小虾。
  • Some people believe that the multinationals have too much power. 有人认为跨国公司的权力太大了。