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词汇学习7: 1. D annoying和irritating意思最相近,有“使烦恼的”,“使人不愉快的”等意思。hateful有“可恨的”,“心怀不满的”等意思。He is hateful to me.我觉得他可恨。Don't be so hateful.别这么怨天尤人。painful:痛苦的。I don't like his painful look.我不喜欢他那副痛苦的表情。horrifying是“恐怖的”,“使震惊的”的意思。These were horrifying1 experiences.这些经历不堪回首。 2. C deliberately和intentionally意思相同;故意,蓄意地。sufficient:足够的,充分的。This is sufficient for my needs.足够我用了。noticeable:明显的,易见的。There is no noticeable difference.二者之间没有显著差异。absolutely:绝对地。He's absolutely correct.他绝对正确。 3. A vague:模糊的,含糊的。imprecise:不确切的,不明确的。concise2:简明扼要的。如:Her letter was concise, omitting everything not pertinent3 to the job for which she was applying.她的信很简明,省去了所有跟申请就业不相关的东西。unpolished:未经修饰的。She is reading an unpolished poem.她在读一首未经润色的诗。elementary:基本的,初级的。How can you expect to succeed without even the most elementary knowledge of the field?连该领域中的基本知识都没有,你还能成功? 4. A 探险队在那天上午10:30分到达了山顶。summit指“山顶”,与top of the mountain意思相近。选项B意思与之相反。选项C指的是“起点”。D则指的是“地点”。 5. A 最新的人口普查是令人鼓舞的。census指的是an official count of the people who live in a country, including information about their ages, jobs, etc.,即人口普查,与count意思最接近。B的意思是“陈述”,“报告”,“声明”;C的意思是“同意”;D的意思是“估计”,这几个词的词义与census相去甚远。 6. C duplicate和copy意思近似,表示“复制”。borrow:借。purchase:买。rewrite:改写。 7. B ban和forbid意思相近,表示“禁止”。list:列出。list a few reasons:列举几条理由。handle:对待,应付。The speaker handled his subject concisely4.演讲者对主题作了简要的论述。investigate:调查。 8. A lawful5:合法的。legal:合法的。What I did was perfectly6 legal.我所做的完全合法。irresistible7:不可抵挡的。The music is irresistible.音乐太动听了。enjoyable:有乐趣的。Was it an enjoyable movie?这部电影有意思吗?profitable:有益的;有利可图的。We had a profitable talk.我们的谈话是有益的。 9. D mock:取笑,嘲笑。laugh at:取笑,嘲笑。It is unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.嘲笑有困难的人是不好的。smile at:笑(某人或某事)。What are you smiling at?你在笑什么?look down on:看不起。Small boys usually look down on little girls and refuse to play with them.小男孩常常看不起小女孩,因此不愿意跟她们玩。belittle8:贬低;低估。Don't belittle what he has achieved.不要贬低他所取得的。 10. A motive9:动机。reason:理由。There is no reason to doubt his word.没有理由不相信他的话。argument:论据。There are many arguments against smoking.有许多论据可以证明吸烟是有害的。target:目标。The target of the new plan is primary education for all children.新计划要取得的目标是使所有的孩子都得到初等教育。stimulus10:刺激。Reduced tariffs11 are a stimulus to foreign trade.降低关税可以促进外贸。 11. C notably:值得注意地;特别。particularly:尤其,特别。I often do absent-minded things, particularly when I'm worried.我常干些心不焉的事,特别是当我焦虑的时候。noticeably:显而易见地。Standards of living are deteriorating12 rather noticeably.生活水平正在明显下降。remarkably13:显著地。Working conditions have been remarkably improved.工作条件得到了显著改善。significantly:显著地,在相当大的程度上。Sales levels are significantly lower than last year.销售额比去年大幅下降了。 12. B omit:疏忽,遗漏。fail:失败;没有能够。He failed to understand the real significance of it.他没有理解它的真正意义。forget:忘记。I forgot to wind my watch last night.昨晚我忘了给手表上发条。delete:消去;删除。The patient's high fever deleted most of his memories.病人的高烧使他的记忆差不多丧失殆尽。leave out:遗漏;省略。She left out an important detail in her account.她在叙述中漏税掉了一个重要的细节。 13. D orthodox:正统的;传统的。conventional:常见的;传统的。People still wear conventional clothes here.这儿的人仍穿传统的衣服。acceptable:可接受的。Great Britain has three parties-the Conservative, the Liberal and the Labor14 Party.英国有三个党:保守党,自由党和工党。western:西方的。I don't like Western food.我不喜欢西餐。 14. B outrageous:凶暴的;令人不能容忍的。unacceptable:不可接受的。Mary left her husband because of his unacceptable behavior.因为丈夫的行为不可接受,玛丽离开了他。unheard of:没有听说过的。You can't do that-it's unheard of.你不可干此事,从未听说有人干过。unbelievable:难以置信的。His guitar solos are just unbelievable.他的吉他独奏曲实在太棒了。ridiculous:可笑的。That hat makes you look ridiculous.你戴上那顶帽子,看上去很滑稽。 15. A scared:受到惊吓的,恐惧的。frightened:害怕的,受惊的。killed:被杀死。All her five sons were killed in the earthquake.她的五个儿子都在地震中身亡。endanger:使遭到危险,使濒于灭亡。You will endanger your health if you work so hard.你太卖力的话会损害自己的健康的。rescued:被营救的。She was rescued nine days after the plane crash.飞机失事九天后她被人营救。 词汇学习8: 1. C hail和acclaim意思相近,表示“向……欢呼”,“将……拥戴为”。又如:He was acclaimed15 as Britain's greatest modern painter.他被赞誉为英国最伟大的现代画家。challenge:挑战。challenge his theory:向他的理论挑战。publish:出版。guide:指导。 2. A principal organizer:主要组织者。planner:组织者,策划者。employee:雇员。actor:演员。recipient16:接受者。如:She is a welfare recipient.她是接受福利救济的人。 3. B postulate17:假定。与assume(设想;假定)意思相近。I assume you don't drive, Mr. Jones?琼斯先生,我想你不会开车吧?challenge:挑战。His authority was challenged.他的权威性受到了挑战。deduct18:减去。Tax will be deducted19 automatically from your wages.税会自动从你工资中扣除。decree:颁布(法令、政令)。The minister decreed that there would be a full in investigation20 over this matter.部长下令,将对此进行全面调查。 4. B extinction:灭绝,绝迹。与die out(绝种)意思相近。The giant panda is in danger of dying out.大熊猫面临绝种的危险。dry up:擦干。Let me wash up these plates and you dry them up.我来洗盘子,你来把它们擦干。export:出口。Many bicycles are exported each year.每年都有许多自行车出口到国外。transplant:移植,迁移。Many vegetables were transplanted to the north, growing in the greenhouse.许多种蔬菜移植到了北方,在温室里生长。 5. C abrupt21:突然的。Following abrupt change of the topple, we started to complain about the quality of food.话题突然一转,我们开始抱怨饭菜的质量。sudden与abrupt的意思近似;突然的。slow:慢。noisy:吵人的。jumpy:跳动的;神经过敏的。She seemed very jumpy recently.她们最近情绪很不稳定。 6. D allocate:分配,拨给。distribute:分发,分布。Distribute the pictures among the children, will you?请把图片发给孩子们,好吗?nationalize:国有化。The government decided22 to nationalize the railways and the mines.政府决定将铁路和矿山国有货。commandeer:征用。They were afraid that their land would be commandeered.他们害怕土地会被征用。tax:征税。Cigarettes in this country are heavily taxed.这个国家对香烟征很高的税。 7. A mighty:强大的,强有力的。We are dealing23 with forces that are mightier24 than ourselves.我们正在应付强于我们的势力。strong:强壮的。long:长的。great:大的,伟大的。fast:快。 8. B authentic25:真的,真正的。an authentic manuscript:一部真正的原稿。genuine:真的,真正的。Gloves made of genuine leather:真皮手套。elegant:优雅的,漂亮的。intentional:故意的,有意识的。thorough:彻底的,仔细周到的。 9. D eligible26:有资格的。Those who have a mountain bike are eligible to join the club.拥有山地自行车的人有资格加入俱乐部。entitle:给……权利(或资格)。be entitled to…:有权(或资格)。Everyone is entitled to receive education.人人都有受教育的权利。注意:be entitled to中的to既可能是不定式的to,也可能是介词to.也就是说整个短语除可跟动词原形外,也可以跟名词短语。如:Every child in Britain is entitled to free education.英国的每个孩子都有权享受免费教育。encouraged:此处是encourage(鼓励)的过去分词形式。The children are encouraged to go in for more sports.孩子们受到参加更多体育运动的鼓励。expected:此处是expect(期望)的过去分词形式。We are expected to finish the job before six.他们期望我们6点钟之前做完这项工作。 10. A asserted:宣称,断言。与stated firmly(坚定地说)意思相近。argued light-mindedly:轻率地争辩。thought seriously:严肃地认为。announced regrettably:令人遗憾地宣布。美洲(America)包括北美洲,中美洲和南美洲。 11. D permit:允许。allow:允许。They shouldn't allow parking in the street; it's too narrow.他们不该允许在街道上停车,街道太窄了。probable:很可能。It is probable that it will rain tomorrow.明天很可能下雨。possible:可能的。Is such a thing possible?这样的事有可能发生吗?admit:承认。I'm willing to admit that I do make mistakes.我愿意承认我确实会犯错。 12. C propose:建议;提议。suggest:建议。She suggested that he should adapt himself to his new conditions.她建议他适应新的情况。state:陈述,宣布。You'll have to state what exactly these terms mean.你须说明这些术语的确切意思是什么。declare:宣布。She declared that she didn't want to see him again.她宣布不想再见到他。announce:宣布。They announced that she would give an extra song.他们宣布她会再唱一支歌。 13. A regret: feel regret about sth.对……感到懊悔。sorry:后悔的。The manager had said that he was sorry and there was nothing he could do about it.经理说过他很遗憾,对此他没有什么办法。I'm sorry to be late.对不起,我来晚了。disappointed:失望的。They were very disappointed at the outcome of the talks.他们对会议的结果深感失望。shameful27:可耻的,不光彩的。To steal money from a blind person is a shameful act.偷盲人的钱是可耻的行为。disheartened:泄气。She is easily disheartened by difficulties.面对困难,她很容易泄气。 14. B rely on:依靠。depend on:依靠,依赖。The town depends almost solely28 on the tourist trade.小镇的经济主要依靠旅游业。live on:靠……生活。They live on vegetarian29 food.他们以素食为生。live off:靠……生活。She still lives off her parents.她仍靠父母养活。believe in:对……有信心。If you believe in yourself you can succeed.如果你相信自己,你就会取得成功。 15. C remove:脱掉;去掉。take off:脱掉,拿下。She took off her spectacles.她摘下了眼镜。take away:拿去,剥夺。They are going to take my citizenship30 away.他们将剥夺我的公民资格。leave aside:搁置。Let's leave aside the matter for a moment.让我们暂且把此事搁一搁。wash off:把……洗掉。Wash these dirty marks off the wall.把墙上的这些污点洗掉。 点击 ![]()
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