Dear son,
Im writing1 this slow cause2 i know you cant3 read fast. Your pop5 read that all accidents6 happen within7 20 miles8 of home so we moved. Can't send you the address as4 the last arkansas family that lived here took9 the numbers with them so they wouldnt have to change their address.
That coat you wanted, aunt billy-mae said10 it was11 too heavy with them buttons12, so we took them off13 and put them in the pockets14.
Your sister had15 a baby yester morn. Don't know if its a boy or girl so dont know if youre an aunt or uncle.
Three of your friends went off the bridge16 last week. One was drivig the other two were in the back. The driver lived, he rolled17 down the window and swam to safety18. The other two drowned19, they coulnt get the talegate down.
Please write back. It you dont get this letter, let me know and i will send another one.
Love, ma