1990年国际海事委员会海运单统一规则 CMI UNIFORM RULES FOR SEA
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颁布日期:19900629  实施日期:19900629  颁布单位:巴黎

  1. Scope of Application

  (i) These Rules shall be called the “CMI Uniform Rules for SeaWaybills”。

  (ii) They shall apply when adopted by a contract of carriage which isnot covered by a Bill of Lading or similar document of title, whether thecontract be in writing or not.

  2. Definitions

  (i) In these Rules:

  “Contract of carriage” shall mean any contract of carriage subject tothese Rules which is to be performed wholly or partly by sea.

  “Goods” shall mean any goods carried or received for carriage under acontract of carriage.

  “Carrier” and “Shipper” shall mean the parties named in oridentifiable as such from the contract of carriage.

  “Consignee1” shall mean the party named in or identifiable as such fromthe contract of carriage, or any person substituted as consignee inaccordance with Rule 6(i)。

  “Right of Control” shall mean the rights and obligations referred toin Rule 6.

  (ii) Reference in these Rules to the carrier, the shipper or theconsignee shall include their authorized2 representatives.

  3. Agency

  (i) The shipper on entering into the contract of carriage does so notonly on his own behalf but also as agent for and on behalf of theconsignee, and warrants to the carrier that he has authority so to do.

  (ii) This Rule shall apply if, and only if, it be necessary by the lawapplicable to the contract of carriage so as to enable the consignee tosue and be sued thereon. The consignee shall be under no greater liabilitythan he would have been had the contract of carriage been covered by aBill of Lading or similar document of title.

  4. Rights and responsibility

  (i) The contract of carriage shall be subject to any InternationalConvention or National Law which is, or if the contract of carriage hadbeen covered by a Bill of Lading or similar document of title would havebeen, compulsorily3 applicable thereto. Such convention or law shall applynotwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith in the contract ofcarriage.

  (ii) Subject always to subrule (i), the contract of carriage isgoverned by:

  (a) these Rules;

  (b) unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the carriers' standardterms and conditions for the trade, if any, including any terms andconditions relating to the non-sea part of the carriage;

  (c) any other terms and conditions agreed by the parties.

  (iii) In the event of any inconsistency between the terms andconditions mentioned under subrule (ii) (b) or (c) and these Rules, theseRules shall prevail.

  5. Description of the Goods

  (i) The shipper warrants the accuracy of the particulars furnished byhim relating to the goods, and shall indemnify the carrier against anyloss, damage or expense resulting from any inaccuracy.

  (ii) In the absence of reservation by the carrier, any statement in asea waybill or similar document as to the quantity or condition of thegoods shall

  (a) as between the carrier and the shipper be prima facie evidenceof receipt of the goods as so stated;

  (b) as between the carrier and the consignee be conclusiveevidence of receipt of the goods as so stated, and prove to the contraryshall not be permitted, provided always that the consignee has acted ingood faith.

  6. Right of Control

  (i) Unless the shipper has exercised his option under subrule (ii)below, he shall be the only party entitled to give the carrierinstructions in relation to the contract of carriage. Unless prohibited bythe applicable law, he shall be entitled to change the name of theconsignee at any time up to the consignee claiming delivery of the goodsafter their arrival at destination, provided he gives the carrierreasonable notice in writing, or by some other means acceptable to thecarrier, and undertakes to indemnify the carrier against any additionalexpense caused thereby4.

  (ii) The shipper shall have the option, to be exercised not later thanthe receipt of the goods by the carrier, to transfer the right of controlto the consignee. The exercise of this option must be noted5 on the seawaybill or similar document, if any. Where the option has been exercisedthe consignee shall have such rights as are referred to in subrule (i)above and the shipper shall cease to have such rights.

  7. Delivery

  (i) The carrier shall deliver the goods to the consignee uponproduction of proper identification.

  (ii) The carrier shall be under no liability for wrong delivery if hecan prove that he has exercised reasonable care to ascertain6 that theparty claiming to be the consignee is in fact that party.

  8. Validity

  In the event of anything contained in these Rules or any suchprovisions as are incorporated into the contract of carriage by virtue7 ofRule 4, being inconsistent with the provisions of any InternationalConvention or National Law compulsorily applicable to the contract ofcarriage, such Rules and provisions shall to that extent but no furtherbe null and void.


1 consignee Mawyp     
  • The consignee is decided according to the order of the shipper or the opening bank. 收货人是由托运人或开证行的指令决定。 来自辞典例句
  • For Freight Collect shipments, the charge will be billed to the consignee. 若采取收件人付费方式,则费用由收件人支付。 来自互联网
2 authorized jyLzgx     
  • An administrative order is valid if authorized by a statute.如果一个行政命令得到一个法规的认可那么这个命令就是有效的。
3 compulsorily c76179e73606ce5e113174ad26b197ed     
  • Five of the company's senior managers have been made compulsorily redundant. 公司的高级经理中有5位已经被强制性地裁掉。
  • Imposing discharge fee is a compulsorily economic measure in environmental management. 排污收费是国家环境管理的重要经济手段,具有强制性。
4 thereby Sokwv     
  • I have never been to that city,,ereby I don't know much about it.我从未去过那座城市,因此对它不怎么熟悉。
  • He became a British citizen,thereby gaining the right to vote.他成了英国公民,因而得到了投票权。
5 noted 5n4zXc     
  • The local hotel is noted for its good table.当地的那家酒店以餐食精美而著称。
  • Jim is noted for arriving late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。
6 ascertain WNVyN     
  • It's difficult to ascertain the coal deposits.煤储量很难探明。
  • We must ascertain the responsibility in light of different situtations.我们必须根据不同情况判定责任。
7 virtue BpqyH     
  • He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范。
  • You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。