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颁布日期:20041022  实施日期:20041022  颁布单位:商务部、 国家税务总局

  Shang Jian Fa [2004] No.560

  The competent departments of commerce of all the provinces, autonomous1 regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities directly under state planning, the state administration of taxation2 and the local administrations of taxation,

  For the purpose of further bringing into play the role of leasing industry in the expansion of domestic demand and promotion3 of economic development, and supporting the rapid and healthy development of leasing industry, the following notice are formulated4 hereby on the relevant issues concerning the carrying out of financing lease business:

  I. According to the provisions of the Ministry5 of Commerce on the “Three Fixings” (fixing the function, fixing the institution and fixing the size of staff) issued by the General Office of the State Council, the relevant functions of the former State Economic and Trade Commission and the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on administering leasing industry and foreign-funded leasing companies shall come under the administration of the Ministry of Commerce. In the future, all the administrative6 functions of the former State Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation referred to in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Several Policy Issues on Business Tax, shall be burdened by the Ministry of Commerce.

  II. The relevant provisions of the Ministry of Commerce shall be continuously followed for the work of market access of and industry supervision7 over foreign-funded leasing companies.

  III. The Ministry of Commerce will carry out the experimental work for undertaking8 financing lease business in Chinese-funded leasing enterprises. The competent departments of commerce of all the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities directly under state planning may recommend one or two enterprises which undertake the leasing business of various advanced or applicable equipments used in production, communications, medical treatment, environmental protection, scientific and research and etc., and engineering machinery9 and traffic conveyances10 (including airplane, steamships11automobiles12 and etc.) to take part in the experimental work in the light of the actuality of development of leasing industry in their own regions. The recommended enterprises shall be brought into the scope of financing lease experiment after being confirmed jointly13 by the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Taxation.

  IV. A pilot enterprise which undertakes financing lease business (hereinafter referred to as the financing lease pilot enterprise) shall have the following qualifications concurrently14

  1. The minimum registered capital of any Chinese-funded leasing enterprise that was established before or on August 31st, 2001 shall reach RMB 40 million Yuan. The minimum registered capital of any Chinese-funded leasing enterprise that was established during the period of September 1st, 2001 to December 31st, 2003 shall reach RMB 170 million Yuan;

  2. It has a perfect internal management system and a perfect risk control system;

  3. It has corresponding professionals in aspects of finance, trade, law, accounting15 and etc.; and the senior managers shall have experiences in leasing industry for not less than three years;

  4. It has good business achievements in the past two years and has no records of violation16 of laws and regulations;

  5. It has the industry background relating to its undertaking of financing lease product; and

  6. Other qualifications as prescribed by laws and regulations.

  V. Besides the recommendation letter, the financing lease pilot enterprise recommended by the competent department of commerce at the provincial17 level shall submit the following documents:

  1. the application of the enterprise for undertaking financing lease business and the feasibility study report;

  2. the duplicate (or photocopy18) of the business license19

  3. articles of association of the company, documents of internal management system and risk control system of the enterprise;

  4. financial statements in the past three years issued by a qualified20 accountant firm;

  5. certificate proving that it has no records of violation of laws and regulation in the past two years; and

  6. the name list and qualification certificates of senior management personnel.

  VI. The financing lease companies as listed in Articles 2 and 3 of the present Notice (that is the Chinese-funded financing lease pilot enterprises, the foreign-funded financing lease companies) may enjoy the business tax policies on financing lease business in accordance with the provisions of the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Several Policy Issues concerning Business Tax (No. 16 [2003] of the Ministry of Finance)。

  VII. A financing lease company shall pay all kinds of taxes in time strictly21 according to the relevant provisions of the state. If it violates the tax laws and regulations of the state or evades tax money, the tax organ shall give it a punishment according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection and the relevant provisions of tax laws and regulations, and shall cancel the financing lease tax policy implemented22 to the enterprise at the same time.

  When any financing lease company purchases any equipment from its affiliated23 production enterprises, the settlement price of the relevant equipment shall be not lower than the price sold to any third party (or the price of the same batch24 of equipment) by the production enterprise.

  VIII. Any financing lease pilot enterprise shall strictly conform with the relevant laws and regulations of the state, and may not undertake the following businesses:

  1. absorbing deposits or depositing in disguised form;

  2. providing loans of circulating fund and other loans under the leasing item to the tenant25

  3. securities investment or equity26 investment of financial institutions;

  4. Inter-bank borrowing or lending business; or

  5. Other financial businesses not being approved by the China Banking27 Regulatory Commission.

  IX. The risk assets (including balance of guaranty) of any financing lease pilot enterprise may not exceed 10 times of the total capital.

  X. A financing lease pilot enterprise shall report the business conditions in the previous quarter to the provincial competent department of commerce before the 15th day each quarter and send a copy to the Ministry of Commerce. The Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Taxation shall make spot check on the business conditions of the pilot enterprise periodically or aperiodically. For any enterprise that violates the relevant laws and regulations and the aforesaid provisions, the Ministry of Commerce shall cancel its qualification as a financing lease pilot enterprise.

  XI. The competent department of commerce and the competent department of taxation of each region shall strengthen supervision over the financing lease pilot enterprises, make research on the problems existing in the experimental work, and report to the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Taxation once any major issue is discovered. Meanwhile, they shall summarize experiment experiences continuously and take effective measures to promote the healthy development of leasing industry.

  The Ministry of Commerce

  The State Administration of Taxation

  October 22nd, 2004


1 autonomous DPyyv     
  • They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。
  • This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region.这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。
2 taxation tqVwP     
  • He made a number of simplifications in the taxation system.他在税制上作了一些简化。
  • The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy.增税是一项重要的财政政策。
3 promotion eRLxn     
  • The teacher conferred with the principal about Dick's promotion.教师与校长商谈了迪克的升级问题。
  • The clerk was given a promotion and an increase in salary.那个职员升了级,加了薪。
4 formulated cfc86c2c7185ae3f93c4d8a44e3cea3c     
v.构想出( formulate的过去式和过去分词 );规划;确切地阐述;用公式表示
  • He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position. 他声称该作家从未有意识地阐明他自己的理论见解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This idea can be formulated in two different ways. 这个意思可以有两种说法。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 ministry kD5x2     
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
6 administrative fzDzkc     
  • The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。
  • He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾。
7 supervision hr6wv     
  • The work was done under my supervision.这项工作是在我的监督之下完成的。
  • The old man's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer.老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自监督下执行的。
8 undertaking Mfkz7S     
  • He gave her an undertaking that he would pay the money back with in a year.他向她做了一年内还钱的保证。
  • He is too timid to venture upon an undertaking.他太胆小,不敢从事任何事业。
9 machinery CAdxb     
  • Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast?广播器材安装完毕了吗?
  • Machinery ought to be well maintained all the time.机器应该随时注意维护。
10 conveyances 0867183ba0c6acabb6b8f0bc5e1baa1d     
n.传送( conveyance的名词复数 );运送;表达;运输工具
  • Transport tools from work areas by using hand trucks and other conveyances. 负责用相关运输设备从工作区域运载模具。 来自互联网
  • Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。 来自互联网
11 steamships 9ca2b4a246066f687a011b0c7e3993bd     
n.汽船,大轮船( steamship的名词复数 )
  • Berths on steamships can be booked a long while in advance. 轮船上的床位可以提前多日预订。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships. 帆船已被汽船所取代。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
12 automobiles 760a1b7b6ea4a07c12e5f64cc766962b     
n.汽车( automobile的名词复数 )
  • When automobiles become popular,the use of the horse and buggy passed away. 汽车普及后,就不再使用马和马车了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard. 宽阔的林荫道上,汽车川流不息。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
13 jointly jp9zvS     
  • Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rent. 租金由承租人共同且分别承担。
  • She owns the house jointly with her husband. 她和丈夫共同拥有这所房子。
14 concurrently 7a0b4be5325a98c61c407bef16b74293     
  • He was given two twelve month sentences to run concurrently. 他两罪均判12个月监禁,同期执行。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He was given two prison sentences, to run concurrently. 他两罪均判监禁,同期执行。 来自辞典例句
15 accounting nzSzsY     
  • A job fell vacant in the accounting department.财会部出现了一个空缺。
  • There's an accounting error in this entry.这笔账目里有差错。
16 violation lLBzJ     
  • He roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声说,那是违反规则的。
  • He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
17 provincial Nt8ye     
  • City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes.城里人以为乡下人思想迂腐。
  • Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday.昨天从省里下来了两位领导干部。
18 photocopy XlFzlM     
  • The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy.原件复印得十分清晰。
  • What's wrong with the photocopy machine?复印机出了什么问题?
19 license B9TzU     
  • The foreign guest has a license on the person.这个外国客人随身携带执照。
  • The driver was arrested for having false license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被捕。
20 qualified DCPyj     
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
21 strictly GtNwe     
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.他的医生严格规定他的饮食。
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。
22 implemented a0211e5272f6fc75ac06e2d62558aff0     
v.实现( implement的过去式和过去分词 );执行;贯彻;使生效
  • This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper. 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented. 如果不实施影响深远的改革,经济就面临崩溃的危险。 来自辞典例句
23 affiliated 78057fb733c9c93ffbdc5f0ed15ef458     
adj. 附属的, 有关连的
  • The hospital is affiliated with the local university. 这家医院附属于当地大学。
  • All affiliated members can vote. 所有隶属成员都有投票权。
24 batch HQgyz     
  • The first batch of cakes was burnt.第一炉蛋糕烤焦了。
  • I have a batch of letters to answer.我有一批信要回复。
25 tenant 0pbwd     
  • The tenant was dispossessed for not paying his rent.那名房客因未付房租而被赶走。
  • The tenant is responsible for all repairs to the building.租户负责对房屋的所有修理。
26 equity ji8zp     
  • They shared the work of the house with equity.他们公平地分担家务。
  • To capture his equity,Murphy must either sell or refinance.要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。
27 banking aySz20     
  • John is launching his son on a career in banking.约翰打算让儿子在银行界谋一个新职位。
  • He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.他具有广博的银行业务知识。