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颁布日期:20041024  实施日期:20041024  颁布单位:中国保险监督管理委员会、 中国证券监督管理委员会

  Chapter 1 General Provisions

  Article 1

  These Regulations are formulated2 in accordance with laws and administrative3 regulations including the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China and the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China in order to strengthen administration of the stock investment of insurance institutional investors5standardize6 investment activities, prevent investment risks and safeguard the interests of the insured.

  Article 2

  “Insurance institutional investors” in these Regulations refer to insurance companies and insurance asset management companies that satisfy the requirements specified7 by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CIRC”) and are engaged in stock investment. These Regulations shall apply to the stock investment of insurance group companies and insurance holding companies.

  “Stock investment” in these Regulations refers to an insurance institutional investor4's activities of trading or entrusting9 qualified10 institutions to trade stock market products including stocks and convertible11 corporate12 bonds.

  “Stock asset custody13” in these Regulations refers to an insurance company's activities of signing a custody agreement with a commercial bank or with another specialized14 financial institution in accordance with relevant stipulations of the CIRC and entrust8 it to keep custody of the stocks and funds for stock investment and to be responsible for clearing, settlement, asset evaluation15 and investment supervision16 etc.

  Article 3

  When carrying out stock investment, an insurance institutional investor shall establish an independent custody mechanism17, follow the principles of prudence18, safety and value increase, operate independently at its own risk and assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses.

  Article 4

  The CIRC and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CSRC”) shall, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, conduct supervision and administration of the stock investment activities of insurance institutional investors.

  Chapter 2 Qualification Requirements

  Article 5

  To accept entrustment19 and be engaged in stock investment, an insurance asset management company shall satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Its internal management system and risk control system comply with the stipulations of the Guidelines for Risk Control of Utilization20 of Insurance Funds;

  2. Having an independent trading department;

  3. Relevant senior managerial personnel and main business personnel satisfy the requirements specified in these Regulations;

  4. Having a specialized investment analysis system and a speicialized risk control system;

  5. Other requirements specified by the CIRC.

  Article 6

  Subject to approval of the CIRC, an insurance company that satisfies the following requirements may entrust relevant insurance asset management companies that satisfy the requirements specified in Article 5 hereof to carry out stock investment:

  1. Solvency21 margin22 complies with relevant stipulations of the CIRC;

  2. Internal control system and risk control system comply with the stipulations of the Guidelines for Risk Control of Utilization of Insurance Funds;

  3. Having a special department responsible for insurance funds entrustment affairs;

  4. Relevant senior managerial personnel and main business personnel satisfy the requirements specified in these Regulations;

  5. Having established a stock asset custody mechanism;

  6. No record of major violation23 of laws or regulations in investment in the past 3 years;

  7. Other requirements specified by the CIRC.

  Article 7

  Subject to approval of the CIRC, an insurance company that satisfies the following requirements may be engaged in stock investment directly:

  1. Solvency margin complies with relevant stipulations of the CIRC;

  2. Internal control system and risk control system comply with the stipulations of the Guidelines for Risk Control of Utilization of Insurance Funds;

  3. Having a specialized department for fund utilization;

  4. Having an independent trading department;

  5. Having established a stock asset custody mechanism;

  6. Relevant senior managerial personnel and main business personnel satisfy the requirements specified in these Regulations;

  7. Having a specialized investment analysis system and a specialized risk control system;

  8. No record of major violation of laws or regulations in investment in the past 3 years;

  9. Other requirements specified by the CIRC.

  Article 8

  To apply for direct engagement in stock investment or for entrusting an insurance asset management company to carry out stock investment, an insurance company shall submit the following documents and materials in triplicate to the CIRC:

  1. Application letter;

  2. Resolution of the board of directors on stock investment;

  3. Internal management system, risk control system and internal organization setup;

  4. Materials about the stock asset custodian24 and the draft custody agreement;

  5. The name list and resumes of relevant senior managerial personnel and main business personnel;

  6. Financial statements of the previous 3 years audited25 by an accounting26 firm;

  7. Current trading seat, securities account and funds account;

  8. Stock investment strategy, which shall at least explain the conception of stock investment, the investment objective and the investment portfolio27

  9. Other documents and materials required by the CIRC.

  Where an insurance company applies for direct engagement in stock investment, it shall submit in addition the descriptions of relevant investment analysis system and risk control system.

  Article 9

  When examining the application of an insurance company for direct engagement in stock investment or entrusting an insurance asset management company to carry out stock investment, the CIRC shall make the decision to or not to approve the application within 20 days after receiving a complete set of application documents and materials. Where it decides not to approve the application, it shall inform the applicant28 in writing and give reasons.

  The CIRC may, as it sees fit, conduct an expert review of the application of an insurance company and inform the insurance company in writing of the time needed for the expert review.

  Article 10

  Where an insurance company is directly engaged in stock investment, it shall submit to the CIRC the official custody agreement, the benchmark for evaluation of investment performance and materials about the trading seat, the securities account and the funds account within 10 days after going through relevant procedures of stock investment.

  Where an insurance company entrusts29 an insurance asset management company to carry out stock investment, it shall submit to the CIRC the entrustment agreement, the official custody agreement, guidelines for investment, the benchmark for evaluation of investment performance and materials about the trading seat, the securities account and the capital account within 10 days after going through relevant procedures of stock investment.

  In case of any change in the contents of the documents specified in the preceding two paragraphs, the insurance company shall report to the CIRC within 5 days after going through the procedures of change.

  The insurance company shall submit a copy of the materials about the trading seat, the securities account and the funds account to the CSRC simultaneously30.

  Chapter 3 Investment Scope and Proportion

  Article 11

  The stock investment of an insurance institutional investor shall be limited to the following categories:

  1. RMB common stocks;

  2. Convertible corporate bonds;

  3. Other investment instruments specified by the CIRC.

  “RMB common stocks” mentioned in item 1 of the preceding paragraph refer to the stocks publicly issued and listed within the territory of China and subscribed31 for and traded in RMB.

  Article 12

  The stock investment of an insurance institutional investor may be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Subscription32 in the primary market, including rights issue based on market value, on-line or off-line subscription, participation33 in placement in name of a strategic investor, etc.;

  2. Trading in the secondary market.

  Article 13

  The stocks of a listed company held by an insurance institutional investor shall not reach 30% of the RMB common stocks of the listed company.

  The specific proportion of stock investment of an insurance institutional investor shall be separately specified by the CIRC.

  An insurance asset management company shall not carry out stock investment with its own funds.

  Article 14

  An insurance institutional investor shall not invest in RMB common stocks of the following types:

  1. Stocks subject to “special treatment” or “special treatment for warning of the risk of delisting” or the delisted stocks;

  2. Stocks whose price has risen by over 100% in the past 12 months;

  3. Stocks suspected of manipulation;

  4. Stocks whose issuer's accounting firm refuses to give opinions about or gives reserved opinions about the issuer's financial statement of the previous year;

  5. Stocks whose issuer has disclosed serious deterioration34 of operation results, heavy losses or heavy losses expected in the future;

  6. Stocks whose issuer has disclosed the fact that it is being investigated by a regulatory authority or has been seriously punished by a regulatory authority in the past 1 year;

  7. Stocks of other types specified by the CIRC.

  Article 15

  The balance of an insurance institutional investor's investment in convertible corporate bonds shall be incorporated in the balance of enterprise bonds investment in accordance with relevant stipulations of the Provisional Regulations on Administration of Insurance Companies' Investment in Enterprise Bonds.

  After conversion35 into stocks, the convertible corporate bonds held by an insurance company shall be incorporated at cost price in the investment balance of RMB common stocks in accordance with relevant stipulations of the CIRC on stock investment proportion.

  Article 16

  For the investment account opened by an insurance institutional investor for unit-linked insurance, the proportion of stock investment may reach 100%.

  For the investment account opened by an insurance institutional investor for universal life insurance, the proportion of stock investment shall not exceed 80%.

  For the independent accounts opened by an insurance institutional investor for other insurance products, the proportion of stock investment shall not exceed the percentage specified by the CIRC.

  For the independent accounts opened by an insurance institutional investor for the above insurance products, the proportion of stock investment shall not exceed the specific proportion stipulated36 in insurance clauses.

  Chapter 4 Asset Custody

  Article 17

  An insurance company shall choose commercial banks or other specialized financial institutions that satisfy the requirements specified in the Guidelines for Stock Asset Custody of Insurance Companies as the stock asset custodian.

  Article 18

  The stock asset custodian of an insurance company shall fulfill37 the following obligations:

  1. Keep in safe custody the funds and stock assets of the insurance company;

  2. Handle matters concerning clearing and settlement on a timely basis in accordance with the instructions of the insurance company or the insurance asset management company;

  3. Supervise the investment operation of the insurance company or the insurance asset management company;

  4. Evaluate the value of the stock assets that the insurance company placed in its custody;

  5. Submit stock asset custody reports to the insurance company or the insurance asset management company regularly;

  6. Submit relevant statistics of the stock assets, regularly and irregularly submit to the CIRC reports on risk assessment38 and on performance assessment of the stock assets in accordance with the supervision and administration requirements of the CIRC;

  7. Keep complete records, account books, report forms and other relevant materials of activities of stock asset custody business; important materials about stock assets in its custody including vouchers39, trading records and contracts shall be kept for over 15 years;

  8. Other obligations specified by the CIRC.

  Article 19

  The stock asset custodian of an insurance company shall strictly40 separate its own assets from stock assets in its custody and it shall open different relevant accounts for different insurance companies and manage the accounts separately.

  Article 20

  The stock asset custodian of an insurance company shall not engage in the following activities:

  1. Exercising mixed management of stock assets placed in its custody by an insurance company and assets of its own;

  2. Exercising mixed management of stock assets placed in its custory by an insurance company and other assets in its custody;

  3. Exercising mixed management of stock assets palced in its custody by different insurance companies;

  4. Misappropriating the stock assets placed in its custody by an insurance company;

  5. Seeking benefits for itself or for a third party by taking advantage of the stock assets placed in its custody by an insurance company and relevant information;

  6. Violation of laws, administrative regulations, relevant stipulations of the State or the custody agreement;

  7. Other activities prohibited by the CIRC.

  Article 21

  An insurance company shall enter into a custody agreement with a stock asset custodian. The custody agreement shall state clearly the following:

  1. Obligations of the stock asset custodian specified in Article 18, Article 19 and Article 20 in these Regulations;

  2. Where a stock asset custodian violates the obligations specified in Item 1 of this Article and the CIRC requires the insurance company concerned to replace the stock asset custodian, the insurance company has the right to terminate the custody agreement in advance.

  Article 22

  Where a stock asset custodian is dissolved, closed down or goes bankrupt in accordance with law, the stock assets placed in its custody by an insurance company shall not be included in the category of assets to be liquidated41.

  Chapter 5 Forbidden Activities of Insurance Institutional Investors

  Article 23

  The scope and proportion of stock investment of an insurance institutional investor shall not exceed those specified by the CIRC.

  Article 24

  No managerial personnel of an insurance institutional investor engaged in decision making, research, trading and clearing of stock investment or other relevant personnel of the insurance institutional investor shall engage in insider trading.

  The insider trading mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined42 in accordance with the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China and the Provisional Regulations on Prohibition43 of Securities Fraud.

  Article 25

  An insurance institutional investor shall not engage in the following activities in stock investment:

  1. Transferring profits between securities accounts of insurance funds of different nature;

  2. Purchasing stocks by illegal financing;

  3. Other activities specified by the CIRC.

  Article 26

  It is prohibited for any insurance institutional investor to obtain illegitimate benefits or to shift risks to others by any of the following means:

  1. Carrying out combined or successive purchases or sales independently or in collusion with others by building up an advantage in terms of funds or shareholdings or using one's advantage in terms of information, thereby44 manipulating the trading prices of securities;

  2. Collaborating45 with others to mutually trade securities or to mutually buy or sell securities not held by them, at a prearranged time and price and by prearranged means, thereby affecting the price or volume of the securities traded;

  3. Buying or selling securities from or to oneself without transfer of ownership of the securities by means of making oneself the other party to the transaction, thereby affecting the price or volume of the securities traded;

  4. Manipulating the trading prices of securities by other means.

  Article 27

  Where a listed company directly or indirectly46 holds more than 10% equity47 of an insurance institutional investor, the insurance institutional investor shall not invest in stocks of this listed company or stocks of an affiliated48 company of the listed company.

  Article 28

  Insurance institutional investors, stock asset custodians49, securities business institutions and other securities intermediaries shall not fabricate trading records, financial information or other materials.

  Article 29

  Unless otherwise specified by the CIRC, an insurance company shall not entrust institutions other than insurance asset management companies to carry out stock investment.

  Chapter 6 Risk Control

  Article 30

  An insurance institutional investor shall have the conceptions of long-term investment and value investment; it shall optimize50 its asset allocation and diversify51 its investment risks.

  Article 31

  An insurance institutional investor shall establish a sound and complete stock investment risk control system in accordance with the Guidelines for Risk Control of Utilization of Insurance Funds.

  Article 32

  The stock investment risk control system of an insurance institutional investor shall at least include the following:

  1. Investment decision-making process;

  2. Investment authorization52 system;

  3. Research and report system;

  4. Stock scope selection system;

  5. Risk assessment and performance assessment index systems;

  6. Code of professional ethics53

  7. Mechanism for handling sudden occurrence of major events.

  Where an insurance company entrusts an insurance asset management company to carry out stock investment, the stock investment risk control system of the insurance company shall at least include the stock custody system in addition.

  Where an insurance company is directly engaged in stock investment, its stock investment risk control system shall at least include the stock custody system, the stock trading management system and the information management system in addition.

  The stock investment risk control system of an insurance asset management company shall at least include the stock trading management system and the information management system in addition.

  Article 33

  When investing in stocks, an insurance institutional investor shall prepare a written research report before making any of the following important decisions:

  1. The amount of funds for a single investment exceeds what is determined by the institutional investor;

  2. An investment that involves more than 5% of investable stock assets;

  3. Investment portfolio or investment direction needs material adjustment;

  4. Criteria54 for selection of stock scope needs material adjustment;

  5. The risk tolerance55 of stock investment needs material adjustment.

  Article 34

  When determining the scope of investable stocks, an insurance institutional investor shall consider all indexes of a listed company including governance structure, earning power, information transparency and stock liquidity56.

  The insurance institutional investor shall make stock investment within the scope of investable stocks.

  Article 35

  An insurance institutional investor shall determine the benchmark for evaluating the performance of stock investment before making an investment and take as reference the indexes of stocks with good performance, blue chips and stocks with strong liquidity.

  The benchmark for evaluating the performance of stock investment of the insurance industry shall be separately specified by the CIRC.

  Article 36

  When utilizing57 the following funds, an insurance institutional investor shall respectively open a securities account and a funds account for each of the following types of funds and conduct separate accounting of the accounts:

  1. The funds of traditional insurance products;

  2. The funds of participating insurance products;

  3. The funds of universal insurance products;

  4. The funds of unit-linked insurance products;

  5. The funds of insurance products subject to independent accounting as specified by the CIRC.

  Article 37

  An insurance asset management company and an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment shall trade stocks through independent seats. Regulations on administration of independent seats of stock trading shall be separately formulated.

  Article 38

  Stock trading instructions of an insurance asset management company and those of an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment shall be implemented58 by the independent trading department and full-time59 trading personnel.

  Article 39

  An insurance asset management company and an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment shall establish information management system including fire wall, post responsibilities, access control and safety protection.

  Article 40

  An insurance asset management company and an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment shall standardize the operation procedures of stock trading systems including facilities of computer room, communication equipment, computer equipment, operating system software and database software.

  Article 41

  Where an insurance institutional investor chooses to trade stocks through the seats of a securities business institution, the securities business institution shall satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Good financial status, steady operation and net capital of over RMB 1 billion;

  2. Sound internal control system;

  3. The funds for trading settlement of its customers are fully60 deposited into commercial banks with qualification of deposit and custody for funds for securities trading settlement;

  4. Having opened settlement deposit accounts for its own trading settlement and settlement deposit accounts for its customers' trading settlement separately with China Securities Registration61 and Settlement Company Ltd.;

  5. Having set up seats for its proprietary62 business and seats for its non-proprietary business separately in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange;

  6. Communication conditions and trading facilities are efficient, safe and meet the requirements of stock trading, and its information services are comprehensive;

  7. Capable of securities market research and able to provide consulting services in time;

  8. Having no record of major violation of laws or regulations, having not been punished by the CSRC in the past 3 years and not being filed or investigated;

  9. Having no record of dishonesty, no activities of occupying and using, or misappropriating customers' guaranty funds or securities in the previous year;

  10. Making written promises to accept the inspection63 of the stock trading status of the insurance institutional investor by the CIRC and truthfully submit various materials about the stock trading of the insurance institutional investor to the CIRC;

  11. Its local business departments are managed in a standardized64 manner, operate well and have complete service functions;

  12. Other requirements specified by the CIRC.

  Article 42

  Where an insurance institutional investor chooses to trade stocks through the seat of a business department of a securities business institution, it shall enter into relevant agreement with the head office of the business department. The agreement shall state clearly the obligations of the securities business institution specified in Item 10 of Article 41 in these Regulations. Where the securities business institution violates the aforesaid obligations and the CIRC requires the insurance institutional investor to replace the securities business institution, the insurance institutional investor shall have the right to terminate the agreement in advance.

  The insurance institutional investor shall submit the copy of the agreement to the CIRC within 5 days after signing the agreement specified in the preceding paragraph.

  Article 43

  An insurance asset management company and an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment shall, every day before the opening of the market, verify the balance of securities and the balance of funds with the stock asset custodian to ensure that the balance of securities and the balance of funds are sufficient for settlement.

  Article 44

  Where any of the cases set forth65 in Article 14 in these Regulations occurs to the stocks held by an insurance institutional investor, the insurance institutional investor shall formulate1 specific shemes to solve the problem.

  Article 45

  Where the operating status of an insurance company changes and the requirements specified in these Regulations are not satisfied, the insurance company shall not hold more stocks and shall lower the proportion of stock investment within the time limit and in the manner specified by the CIRC.

  Article 46

  An insurance institutional investor shall reveal the risk status of stock investment by adopting Value-at-Risk and other risk measurement indexes.

  Article 47

  The fund transfer and expense payment among insurance companies, insurance asset management companies, stock asset custodians and securities business institutions shall be conducted by means of transferring between accounts.

  Article 48

  The senior managerial personnel of an insurance institutional investor responsible for stock investment shall satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Undergraduate diploma or above;

  2. More than 5 years of work experience in securities or finance;

  3. Familiar with the operation of securities investment and have necessary financial and legal knowledge;

  4. Other requirements specified by the CIRC.

  Article 49

  A senior meangerial personnel of an insurance institutional investor shall make decisions concerning stock investment strictly within the scope of authority specified in the internal management system and risk control system. Any investment decision-making beyond the scope of authority is strictly prohibited.

  Article 50

  The main business personnel of an insurance institutional investor engaged in stock investment shall satisfy the following requirements :

  1. Undergraduate diploma or above;

  2. More than 3 years of work experience in the field of securities or finance;

  3. Familiar with the rules and operation procedures of securities business;

  4. Other requirements specified by the CIRC.

  The main business personnel mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to the supervisors66 and main operational personnel engaged in stock investment.

  Article 51

  An insurance asset management company and an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment shall have main business personnel engaged in stock investment of a quantity matching the scale of stock investment as well as research personnel of corresponding quantity in the field of macroeconomy, industry analysis, financial engineering, etc.

  Where the stock assets utilized67 by an insurance asset management company or by an insurance company directly engaged in stock investment exceed RMB 100 million, the main business personnel engaged in stock investment shall be no less than 5.

  Article 52

  A person of any of the following cases shall not act as the senior managerial personnel or main business personnel of an insurance institutional investor responsible for stock investment:

  1. Having received a sentence for crimes including corruption68bribery69encroachment70 or misappropriation of property or sabotage71 of social economic order, etc.;

  2. Having received an administrative penalty or a sentence due to illegal activities including gambling72, drug taking, going whoring and fraud;

  3. Senior managerial personnel of a company or enterprise that went bankcrupt due to poor management, who bore personal responsibility or immediate73 supervisory responsibility for the bankruptcy74 and it has been less than 5 years from the date of completion of the liquidation75 of the company or enterprise;

  4. Under investigation76 by judicial77 authorities, discipline inspection and supervision department or the CIRC;

  5. A person who has outstanding due debts of a large amount;

  6. A person prohibited by a financial regulatory authority from holding a position in financial institutions within a certain time limit and such time limit has not expired.

  Chapter 7 Supervision and Administration

  Article 53

  The CIRC and the CSRC shall conduct inspection of the stock investment of insurance institutional investors in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

  The CIRC may employ intermediaries including accounting firms to inspect the stock investment of insurance institutional investors.

  Article 54

  An insurance institutional investor shall submit the following report forms, reports or other documents to the CIRC in accordance with relevant stipulations:

  1. Benchmark for evaluating the performance of stock investment;

  2. Explanation of the calculation method and use of risk indexes;

  3. Relevant report forms of stock investment.

  The content and means of submittal of the report forms and reports specified in the preceding paragraph shall be separately stipulated by the CIRC.

  Article 55

  An insurance institutional investor shall disclose relevant information about stock investment in the manner specified by the CIRC.

  Article 56

  When carrying out stock investment, an insurance institutional investor shall abide78 by laws, administrative regulations and relevant stipulations of the State and accept the supervision and administration of their market trading conducts by the CSRC.

  Article 57

  Where an insurance institutional investor violates laws, administrative regulations or the CIRC's relevant stipulations, the CIRC may have regulatory conversations with or question relevant senior managerial personnel and main business personnel. Where the circumstances are serious, the CIRC may give a warning, fine or order the investor to replace relevant managerial personnel and main business personnel in accordance with the law.

  Article 58

  Where an insurance institutional investor violates laws, administrative regulations or relevant stipulations, the CIRC and the CSRC may impose administrative penalties on it.

  Article 59

  Where a stock asset custodian or a securities business institution specified in these Regulations violates laws, administrative regulations or relevant stipulations of the State, relevant regulatory authorities shall impose administrative penalties on it within the scope of their respective authority and supervision and administration responsibilities.

  Where the stock asset custodian and the securities business institution mentioned in the preceding paragraph violates these Regulations seriously, the CIRC may order the insurance institutional investor concerned to replace the stock asset custodian and securities business institution.

  Chapter 8 Supplementary79 Provisions

  Article 60

  The “day” mentioned in these Regulations refers to working day, excluding legal holidays.

  Article 61

  These Regulations shall come into effect from the date of promulgation80.


1 formulate L66yt     
  • He took care to formulate his reply very clearly.他字斟句酌,清楚地做了回答。
  • I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas.他陈述观点的方式让我印象深刻。
2 formulated cfc86c2c7185ae3f93c4d8a44e3cea3c     
v.构想出( formulate的过去式和过去分词 );规划;确切地阐述;用公式表示
  • He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position. 他声称该作家从未有意识地阐明他自己的理论见解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This idea can be formulated in two different ways. 这个意思可以有两种说法。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 administrative fzDzkc     
  • The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。
  • He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾。
4 investor aq4zNm     
  • My nephew is a cautious investor.我侄子是个小心谨慎的投资者。
  • The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon.这个投资者相信他的投资不久会有相当大的收益。
5 investors dffc64354445b947454450e472276b99     
n.投资者,出资者( investor的名词复数 )
  • a con man who bilked investors out of millions of dollars 诈取投资者几百万元的骗子
  • a cash bonanza for investors 投资者的赚钱机会
6 standardize UuMwl     
  • We will extend and standardize legal services and provide effective legal aid.拓展和规范法律服务,积极开展法律援助。
  • There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer.正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出的型号数量而努力。
7 specified ZhezwZ     
  • The architect specified oak for the wood trim. 那位建筑师指定用橡木做木饰条。
  • It is generated by some specified means. 这是由某些未加说明的方法产生的。
8 entrust JoLxh     
  • I couldn't entrust my children to strangers.我不能把孩子交给陌生人照看。
  • They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.可以委托他们解决重大国家问题。
9 entrusting 1761636a2dc8b6bfaf11cc7207551342     
v.委托,托付( entrust的现在分词 )
  • St. Clare had just been entrusting Tom with some money, and various commissions. 圣?克莱亚刚交给汤姆一笔钱,派他去办几件事情。 来自辞典例句
  • The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with exclusive agency at present. 已完成的营业额还不足以使我方目前委托你方独家代理。 来自外贸英语口语25天快训
10 qualified DCPyj     
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
11 convertible aZUyK     
  • The convertible sofa means that the apartment can sleep four.有了这张折叠沙发,公寓里可以睡下4个人。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了。
12 corporate 7olzl     
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
13 custody Qntzd     
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。
  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.抢劫案发生后,他立即被押了起来。
14 specialized Chuzwe     
  • There are many specialized agencies in the United Nations.联合国有许多专门机构。
  • These tools are very specialized.这些是专用工具。
15 evaluation onFxd     
  • I attempted an honest evaluation of my own life.我试图如实地评价我自己的一生。
  • The new scheme is still under evaluation.新方案还在评估阶段。
16 supervision hr6wv     
  • The work was done under my supervision.这项工作是在我的监督之下完成的。
  • The old man's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer.老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自监督下执行的。
17 mechanism zCWxr     
  • The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body.骨骼和肌肉是人体的组成部件。
  • The mechanism of the machine is very complicated.这台机器的结构是非常复杂的。
18 prudence 9isyI     
  • A lack of prudence may lead to financial problems.不够谨慎可能会导致财政上出现问题。
  • The happy impute all their success to prudence or merit.幸运者都把他们的成功归因于谨慎或功德。
19 entrustment 526b37b72a9ef9bd309909b523167da7     
  • The term of entrustment is divided into one-day five-day validity. 委托期限分为当日有效和五日有效。 来自互联网
  • Chapter three discusses the bureaucratic group and the congressional entrustment of legislation. 第三章讨论官僚集团与国会立法权的委托。 来自互联网
20 utilization Of0zMC     
  • Computer has found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields.电子计算机已越来越广泛地在各个领域得到应用。
  • Modern forms of agricultural utilization,have completely refuted this assumption.现代农业利用形式,完全驳倒了这种想象。
21 solvency twcw5     
  • Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。
  • Their targets,including profitability ratios,solvency ratios,asset management ratios.其指标包括盈利比率、偿债能力比率、资产管理比率。
22 margin 67Mzp     
  • We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.我们有20分钟的余地赶火车。
  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest.村子位于森林的边缘。
23 violation lLBzJ     
  • He roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声说,那是违反规则的。
  • He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
24 custodian 7mRyw     
  • Benitez believes his custodian is among the top five in world football.贝尼特斯坚信他的门将是当今足坛最出色的五人之一。
  • When his father died his uncle became his legal custodian.他父亲死后,他叔叔成了他的法定监护人。
25 audited 046f25df2e99a79dbb3462bbbfa35bf2     
v.审计,查账( audit的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The accounts have to be audited by a firm of external auditors. 这些账目必须由一家外聘审计员的公司来稽查。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • E. g. few if any charities collection publishes audited accounts. 例如很少义款收集有公布经过查核的帐目。 来自互联网
26 accounting nzSzsY     
  • A job fell vacant in the accounting department.财会部出现了一个空缺。
  • There's an accounting error in this entry.这笔账目里有差错。
27 portfolio 9OzxZ     
  • He remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio.他因为她带着一个大公文包而记住了她。
  • He resigned his portfolio.他辞去了大臣职务。
28 applicant 1MlyX     
  • He was the hundredth applicant for the job. 他是第100个申请这项工作的人。
  • In my estimation, the applicant is well qualified for this job. 据我看, 这位应征者完全具备这项工作的条件。
29 entrusts a3ff4fbea64266c1bf9202c4dff54dce     
v.委托,托付( entrust的第三人称单数 )
  • It is the bank to which the seller entrusts the documents. 一方是托收银行,是受卖方的委托接收单据的银行。 来自互联网
  • Mr. Thomas entrusts the Bank of Paris to pay money to us. 托马斯先生委托巴黎银行向我们付款。 来自互联网
30 simultaneously 4iBz1o     
  • The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.雷达波几乎可以同时追着多个目标。
  • The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.Windows允许计算机用户同时运行多个程序。
31 subscribed cb9825426eb2cb8cbaf6a72027f5508a     
v.捐助( subscribe的过去式和过去分词 );签署,题词;订阅;同意
  • It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to. 一般人并不赞成这个理论。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I subscribed my name to the document. 我在文件上签了字。 来自《简明英汉词典》
32 subscription qH8zt     
  • We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。
  • Subscription selling bloomed splendidly.订阅销售量激增。
33 participation KS9zu     
  • Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术要求有观众的参与。
  • The scheme aims to encourage increased participation in sporting activities.这个方案旨在鼓励大众更多地参与体育活动。
34 deterioration yvvxj     
  • Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age. 随着年龄的增长,心智和体力自然衰退。
  • The car's bodywork was already showing signs of deterioration. 这辆车的车身已经显示出了劣化迹象。
35 conversion UZPyI     
  • He underwent quite a conversion.他彻底变了。
  • Waste conversion is a part of the production process.废物处理是生产过程的一个组成部分。
36 stipulated 5203a115be4ee8baf068f04729d1e207     
vt.& vi.规定;约定adj.[法]合同规定的
  • A delivery date is stipulated in the contract. 合同中规定了交货日期。
  • Yes, I think that's what we stipulated. 对呀,我想那是我们所订定的。 来自辞典例句
37 fulfill Qhbxg     
  • If you make a promise you should fulfill it.如果你许诺了,你就要履行你的诺言。
  • This company should be able to fulfill our requirements.这家公司应该能够满足我们的要求。
38 assessment vO7yu     
  • This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价。
  • What is your assessment of the situation?你对时局的看法如何?
39 vouchers 4f649eeb2fd7ec1ef73ed951059af072     
n.凭证( voucher的名词复数 );证人;证件;收据
  • These vouchers are redeemable against any future purchase. 这些优惠券将来购物均可使用。
  • This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel. 这一次我们得到了在附近一家旅馆入住的免费券。 来自英语晨读30分(高二)
40 strictly GtNwe     
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.他的医生严格规定他的饮食。
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。
41 liquidated a5fc0d9146373c3cde5ba474c9ba870b     
v.清算( liquidate的过去式和过去分词 );清除(某人);清偿;变卖
  • All his supporters were expelled, exiled, or liquidated. 他的支持者全都被驱逐、流放或消灭了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • That can be liquidated at market value any time. 那可按市价随时得到偿付。 来自辞典例句
42 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
43 prohibition 7Rqxw     
  • The prohibition against drunken driving will save many lives.禁止酒后开车将会减少许多死亡事故。
  • They voted in favour of the prohibition of smoking in public areas.他们投票赞成禁止在公共场所吸烟。
44 thereby Sokwv     
  • I have never been to that city,,ereby I don't know much about it.我从未去过那座城市,因此对它不怎么熟悉。
  • He became a British citizen,thereby gaining the right to vote.他成了英国公民,因而得到了投票权。
45 collaborating bd93aed5558c4b146fa553d822f7c432     
合作( collaborate的现在分词 ); 勾结叛国
  • Joe is collaborating on the work with a friend. 乔正与一位朋友合作做那件工作。
  • He was not only learning from but also collaborating with Joseph Thomson. 他不仅是在跟约瑟福?汤姆逊学习,而且也是在和他合作。
46 indirectly a8UxR     
  • I heard the news indirectly.这消息我是间接听来的。
  • They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.通过一位中间人,他们进行了间接接触。
47 equity ji8zp     
  • They shared the work of the house with equity.他们公平地分担家务。
  • To capture his equity,Murphy must either sell or refinance.要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。
48 affiliated 78057fb733c9c93ffbdc5f0ed15ef458     
adj. 附属的, 有关连的
  • The hospital is affiliated with the local university. 这家医院附属于当地大学。
  • All affiliated members can vote. 所有隶属成员都有投票权。
49 custodians 03ce3c93d02f85e2c50db81bda2600c1     
n.看守人,保管人( custodian的名词复数 )
  • If we aren't good custodians for our planet, what right do we have to be here? 如果我们作为自己星球的管理者不称职我们还有什么理由留在这里? 来自电影对白
  • Custodians primarily responsible for the inspection of vehicles, access, custody. 保管员主要负责车辆的验收、出入、保管。 来自互联网
50 optimize WIoxY     
v.使优化 [=optimise]
  • We should optimize the composition of the Standing Committees.优化人大常委会组成人员的结构。
  • We should optimize our import mix and focus on bringing in advanced technology and key equipment.优化进口结构,着重引进先进技术和关键设备。
51 diversify m8gyt     
  • Our company is trying to diversify.我们公司正力图往多样化方面发展。
  • Hills and woods diversify the landscape.山陵和树木点缀景色。
52 authorization wOxyV     
  • Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。
  • You cannot take a day off without authorization.未经批准你不得休假。
53 ethics Dt3zbI     
  • The ethics of his profession don't permit him to do that.他的职业道德不允许他那样做。
  • Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict.个人道德和职业道德有时会相互抵触。
54 criteria vafyC     
  • The main criterion is value for money.主要的标准是钱要用得划算。
  • There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition.参赛的标准很严格。
55 tolerance Lnswz     
  • Tolerance is one of his strengths.宽容是他的一个优点。
  • Human beings have limited tolerance of noise.人类对噪音的忍耐力有限。
56 liquidity VRXzb     
  • The bank has progressively increased its liquidity.银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
  • The demand for and the supply of credit is closely linked to changes in liquidity.信用的供求和流动资金的变化有密切关系。
57 utilizing fbe1505f632dff25652a1730952a6464     
v.利用,使用( utilize的现在分词 )
  • Utilizing an assembler to produce a machine-language program. 用汇编程序产生机器语言的过程。 来自辞典例句
  • The study and use of devices utilizing properties of materials near absolute zero in temperature. 对材料在接近绝对零度时的特性进行研究和利用的学科。 来自辞典例句
58 implemented a0211e5272f6fc75ac06e2d62558aff0     
v.实现( implement的过去式和过去分词 );执行;贯彻;使生效
  • This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper. 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented. 如果不实施影响深远的改革,经济就面临崩溃的危险。 来自辞典例句
59 full-time SsBz42     
  • A full-time job may be too much for her.全天工作她恐怕吃不消。
  • I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.既要照顾家庭又要全天工作,我不知道她是如何对付的。
60 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
61 registration ASKzO     
  • Marriage without registration is not recognized by law.法律不承认未登记的婚姻。
  • What's your registration number?你挂的是几号?
62 proprietary PiZyG     
  • We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.我们必须采取措施保护专利技术。
  • Proprietary right is the foundation of jus rerem.所有权是物权法之根基。
63 inspection y6TxG     
  • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.经抽查,发现肉变质了。
  • The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers.士兵们列队接受军官的日常检阅。
64 standardized 8hHzgs     
  • We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement. 我们用标准化考试来衡量学生的学业成绩。
  • The parts of an automobile are standardized. 汽车零件是标准化了的。
65 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
66 supervisors 80530f394132f10fbf245e5fb15e2667     
n.监督者,管理者( supervisor的名词复数 )
  • I think the best technical people make the best supervisors. 我认为最好的技术人员可以成为最好的管理人员。 来自辞典例句
  • Even the foremen or first-level supervisors have a staffing responsibility. 甚至领班或第一线的监督人员也有任用的责任。 来自辞典例句
67 utilized a24badb66c4d7870fd211f2511461fff     
v.利用,使用( utilize的过去式和过去分词 )
  • In the19th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity. 在19世纪人们大规模使用水力来发电。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The empty building can be utilized for city storage. 可以利用那栋空建筑物作城市的仓库。 来自《简明英汉词典》
68 corruption TzCxn     
  • The people asked the government to hit out against corruption and theft.人民要求政府严惩贪污盗窃。
  • The old man reviled against corruption.那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。
69 bribery Lxdz7Z     
  • FBI found out that the senator committed bribery.美国联邦调查局查明这个参议员有受贿行为。
  • He was charged with bribery.他被指控受贿。
70 encroachment DpQxB     
  • I resent the encroachment on my time.我讨厌别人侵占我的时间。
  • The eagle broke away and defiantly continued its encroachment.此时雕挣脱开对方,继续强行入侵。
71 sabotage 3Tmzz     
  • They tried to sabotage my birthday party.他们企图破坏我的生日晚会。
  • The fire at the factory was caused by sabotage.那家工厂的火灾是有人蓄意破坏引起的。
72 gambling ch4xH     
  • They have won a lot of money through gambling.他们赌博赢了很多钱。
  • The men have been gambling away all night.那些人赌了整整一夜。
73 immediate aapxh     
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
74 bankruptcy fPoyJ     
  • You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。
  • His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy.他的商号正面临破产的危险。
75 liquidation E0bxf     
  • The bankrupt company went into liquidation.这家破产公司停业清盘。
  • He lost all he possessed when his company was put into liquidation.当公司被清算结业时他失去了拥有的一切。
76 investigation MRKzq     
  • In an investigation,a new fact became known, which told against him.在调查中新发现了一件对他不利的事实。
  • He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation.他根据自己的调查研究作出结论。
77 judicial c3fxD     
  • He is a man with a judicial mind.他是个公正的人。
  • Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.汤姆对他的父亲正式提出诉讼。
78 abide UfVyk     
  • You must abide by the results of your mistakes.你必须承担你的错误所造成的后果。
  • If you join the club,you have to abide by its rules.如果你参加俱乐部,你就得遵守它的规章。
79 supplementary 0r6ws     
  • There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails.万一主水源断了,我们另外有供水的地方。
  • A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.附有索引的增补卷已经出版。
80 promulgation d84236859225737e91fa286907f9879f     
  • The new law comes into force from the day of its promulgation. 新法律自公布之日起生效。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Article 118 These Regulations shall come into effect from the day of their promulgation. 第一百一十八条本条例自公布之日起实施。 来自经济法规部分