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第九十五条 法律规定或者当事人约定解除权行使期限,期限届满当事人不行使的,该权利消灭。法律没有规定或者当事人没有约定解除权行使期限,经对方催告后在合理期限内不行使的,该权利消灭。

    Article 95 Time Limit for Termination; Extinguishment of Termination Right

    Where the law or the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right, failure by a party to exercise it at the end of the period shall extinguish such right.

    Where neither the law nor the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right, failure by a party to exercise it within a reasonable time after receiving demand from the other party shall extinguish such right.

    第九十六条 当事人一方依照本法第九十三条第二款、第九十四条的规定主张解除合同的,应当通知对方。合同自通知到达对方时解除。对方有异议的,可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构确认解除合同的效力。法律、行政法规规定解除合同应当办理批准、登记等手续的,依照其规定。

    Article 96 Termination by Notification; Termination Subject to Approval

    The party availing itself of termination of a contract in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 93 and Article 94 hereof shall notify the other party. The contract is terminated when the notice reaches the other party. If the other party objects to the termination, the terminating party may petition the People's Court or an arbitration1 institution to affirm the validity of the termination.

    Where termination of a contract is subject to any procedure such as approval or registration2, etc. as required by a relevant law or administrative3 regulation, such provision applies.

    第九十七条 合同解除后,尚未履行的,终止履行;已经履行的,根据履行情况和合同性质,当事人可以要求恢复原状、采取其他补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失。

    Article 97 Remedies in Case of Termination

    Upon termination of a contract, a performance which has not been rendered is discharged; if a performance has been rendered, a party may, in light of the degree of performance and the nature of the contract, require the other party to restore the subject matter to its original condition or otherwise remedy the situation, and is entitled to claim damages.

    第九十八条 合同的权利义务终止,不影响合同中结算和清理条款的效力。

    Article 98 Settlement and Winding-up Provisions Not Affected4 by Discharge

    Discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding-up.

    第九十九条 当事人互负到期债务,该债务的标的物种类、品质相同的,任何一方可以将自己的债务与对方的债务抵销,但依照法律规定或者按照合同性质不得抵销的除外。当事人主张抵销的,应当通知对方。通知自到达对方时生效。抵销不得附条件或者附期限。

    Article 99 Set-off; Set-off Not Subject to Condition

    Where each party owes performance to the other party that is due, and the subject matters of the obligations are identical in type and quality, either party may set off its obligation against the obligation of the other party, except where set-off is prohibited by law or in light of the nature of the contract.

    The party availing itself of set-off shall notify the other party. The notice becomes effective when it reaches the other party. Set-off may not be subject to any condition or time limit.


1 arbitration hNgyh     
  • The wage disagreement is under arbitration.工资纠纷正在仲裁中。
  • Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。
2 registration ASKzO     
  • Marriage without registration is not recognized by law.法律不承认未登记的婚姻。
  • What's your registration number?你挂的是几号?
3 administrative fzDzkc     
  • The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。
  • He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾。
4 affected TzUzg0     
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。