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As more people work longer hours in the office, they have less time to hit the gym for some desperately1 needed exercise. Whole days spent facing a computer and looming2 deadlines can leave you with backaches, neckaches, headaches, and just about any other kind of ache imaginable. Stress accumulates quietly, boiling over at the worst moment when you didn't even realize it was there. Below are some ways to help prevent this from happening by stretching and relaxing your body during the lunch hour. You don't even have to get out of your chair. 随着越来越多的人工作时间延长,他们去健身房进行必须的锻炼的时间也越来越少。整日整日的对着电脑和高强度的工作可能会导致背痛,头痛,和各种各样可能的不适。压力悄悄累积到一定程度,可能在你甚至还未曾意识到的糟糕时刻就会爆发出来。下面是一些通过伸展和放松身体来避免上述情况发生的办法。你在午间休息期间甚至不用离开座位就可以进行。 Absolution 1. Hang your head, holding the sides of your chair with your hands, and try to lift the chair up. 头部下垂,双手握住椅子两侧,试着把椅子往上举。 2. At the same time, slightly hunch3 your torso, using the muscles of your lower belly4 to support you. 与此同时,身体稍微前倾,下腹肌肉用力支撑上述动作。 3. Keep the pose5 for three-five seconds, breathing slowly throughout. Repeat for five times. 慢慢呼吸,保持3-5秒,重复做五组。 Stretch thigh-high 1. Sit in your chair with your back tight against the chair back. 后背紧贴椅背。 2. Put one foot on the chair and clasp6 your knee with two hands. Breathe in. 一只脚在椅子上,双手抱住膝盖,吸气。 3. Breathe out and make your knee touch your chest. Hold this position for five seconds. 呼气,同时使膝盖轻触脸颊,保持五秒。 4. Change to the other foot. Perform the stretch for each leg five times. 双腿交替,各做五组。 Navel-gazing 1. Sit a bit forward in your chair. Put your hands on your waist and hump your back a little. 稍微向前坐,双手扶腰,背部略为弓起。 2. Hang your head and watch your belly button for 10-15 seconds. 低头,视线注视肚脐部位,保持10-15秒。 3. Return to the starting position. Repeat for five times. 回到起始姿势,重复做五组。 Raising the (lum)bar 1. Put your hands on your lower belly. 双手置于小腹上。 2. Hunch your torso, supporting your lower belly, and hold your breath for three to five seconds. Breathe out slowly. Repeat five times. 身体前倾,撑于腹部,屏息3-5秒,然后慢慢呼气。重复做五组。 The greeting exercise 1. Fold your arms across your chest, set your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width, knees bent7 at right angles. Breathe in. 双臂交叉于胸前,双臂打开略比肩宽,膝盖弯曲成90度角,然后吸气。 2. Breathe out slowly and raise your upper body, hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat five times. 缓缓呼气,上身直起,坚持五秒后放松身体。重复做五组。 点击 ![]()
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