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by Erin Burt, Contributing Editor, Kiplinger.com 你打算在一个地方呆下去,还是想有不同的尝试?你想做辛苦但是技术含量高的工作还是轻松但没什么提升的工作?你想过自己五年、十年后的状况吗?这些都是找工作时需要考虑的。 6. Job security. 工作稳定程度 When you're young and just starting out, you probably aren't looking for a job that'll take you into your golden years. In fact, workers tend to changes jobs at least ten times during their adult life, according to the Bureau of Labor1 Statistics. Still, you should assess your risk tolerance2, even if you only expect to stick around for a couple years. Is the job at a start-up or a mature company? Is the firm well respected in its industry and performing well? Is the company financially stable? The last thing you want is to end up without a job because the company went out of business. 当你年轻才刚开始工作时,你大概不会去找一份给你养老的工作。根据劳动统计局的数据,事实上,在成年阶段,人们往往会至少换十份工作。不过,你应该评估一下风险承受度——即便你只希望做几年。 这是一个刚刚起步的公司还是成熟的公司?公司在行业中是否表现很好受到尊敬? 公司经济状况稳定吗?如果因为公司倒闭而失业这是最糟糕的情况了。 7. Level of responsibility. 责任程度。 You'll want a job that'll allow you to utilize3 your hard-earned education and sharpen your skills, not one that reduces you to a coffee runner. But bear in mind that you probably won't land your dream job right out of school. You may have to "pay your dues" in some respect and work your way up the career ladder. Which brings us to our last point. 你希望一份能够让你应用自己数年寒窗苦获得的教育且提高技能的工作;而不是一份跑腿送咖啡的工作。但是记住,你很可能不会刚走出校门就找到理想的工作;你也许要在某些方面”教学费“;然后努力地在职业中提升。这就引出了最后一条。 8. Where do you want to be in ten years? 你希望十年后自己在那里? It sounds clich�, but this is a biggie. Will this job take you where you want to go with your career? The two job offers I received fresh out of college with my journalism4 degree would have led me down two very different career paths. One was centered on editing and layout design while the other focused on reporting and research. Although the salary at the first job was nearly 25% higher than the second offer, I went with the latter because it aligned5 better with my long-term goals. Now here I am a few years out of college, and I love my job. Focusing merely on your starting salary is so short-sighted. You need to look at the big picture. 听起来是陈词滥调,但是这是一个大问题。这份工作会把你带到你到达的职业生涯吗?我在新闻专业刚毕业时得到了两份工作。它们会让我走上两条非常不同的职业道路。一份工作的重心在于编辑和排版设计;而另一份重点在报道和研究。虽然第一份工作的报酬比第二份要高出25%,但是我选择的是后者,因为它和我的长期目标更接近。在已经毕业几年后,我热爱这份工作。只关注起步的薪水是目光短浅的做法,你需要长远考虑。(the end) 点击 ![]()
上一篇:如何选择合适的工作(3) 下一篇:让别人对你“过目不忘” |
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