文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-12-11 05:45 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

Ballito先生的招聘广告登出去没多久,就有人来电话咨询、应聘了。Melita Fagurian小姐已经在国家银行做了两年速记员,她想应聘这个秘书职位。Opal 问了Melita的地址、寄给她一份申请表,要她将表填好、面试的时候带过来。面试的时间定在下周四下午四点。这是她们在电话中的对话:

OPAL: Mr Ballito's office.

CALLER: May I speak to Miss Karli, please?

OPAL: This is Miss Karli speaking.

CALLER: Oh, good morning, Miss Karli. I'm phoning to enquire1 about your advertisement for a junior secretary.

OPAL: Oh, thank you very much. May I have your name please?

CALLER: Yes, my name's Melita Fagurian.

OPAL: (SLOWLY, AS SHE WRITES) Melita Fa ... I'm sorry I didn't catch your family name. Would you repeat it please?

MISS FAGURIAN: Fagurian, Melita Fagurian. F for Freddie, A for Apple, G for George, U for Uncle, R for Robert, I for Ink, A for Apple, N for No one.

OPAL: I see, thank you, Miss Fagurian. And your address?

MISS FAGURIAN: It's Apartment 6, 29, Republic Avenue.

OPAL: (SLOWLIIY) Apartment 6, 29, Republic Avenue.

MISS FAGURIAN: That's right.

OPAL: Have you got a telephone number?

MISS FAGURIAN: No, I'm not on the phone.

OPAL: And where are you working now?

MISS FAGURIAN: I'm working as a shorthand2 typist at the National Bank.

OPAL: Why do you want to leave?

MISS FAGURIAN: Well, I've been working in the bank for two years now and I'd like to work in another sort of organization. I'd also like to be a secretary.

OPAL: Do you know anything about secretarial work?

MISS FAGURIAN: Well, 1 am a good shorthand typist, I am used to the telephone and I have knowledge of office practice. Your advertisement says that secretarial training is provided3.

OPAL: Yes, that's correct. We would also want you to attend language classes. Would you be willing to do that?

MISS FAGURIAN: Oh yes, of course. I'd like that.

OPAL: Fine. I'll send you an application form. Um ... please complete it and bring it with you when you come for an interview. Um ... when can you come for an interview?

MISS FAGURIAN: Well … er...

OPAL: Could you come ... er ... next Thursday about three o'clock?

MISS FAGURIAN: Well, actually four o'clock would be more convenient for me.

OPAL: All right, four o'clock next Thursday then. The address is Ballito Building, Government Road, and the name of' the firm is Modern Office Limited.

MISS FAGURIAN: Thank you very much, Miss Karli. I'll look forward to meeting you at four o'clock next Thursday. Goodbye.

OPAL: Goodbye, Miss Fagurian.


1 enquire 2j5zK     
  • She wrote to enquire the cause of the delay.她只得写信去询问拖延的理由。
  • We will enquire into the matter.我们将调查这事。
2 shorthand Wyzwe     
  • The reporters took down the speech in shorthand.记者们迅速记下讲话的内容。
  • Instead of writing her shorthand by hand,she could use a machine.她可以不用手,而使用一种带键盘的机器进行速记。
3 provided PkNzng     
  • Provided it's fine we will have a pleasant holiday.如果天气良好,我们的假日将过得非常愉快。
  • I will come provided that it's not raining tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我就来。