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3. Mentors2 make a real difference. 导师改变你的职业生涯 What will change your life? Mentoring3. People who have a mentor1 are more successful than people who don't, across the board. For example, people with two mentors are 50 percent more likely to reach their next career goal than people who don't have mentors. 什么会改变你的生活? 导师的指导。任何时候,那些有导师的人们比别人更容易成功。例如,有两名导师的人实现下一个事业目标的几率比常人多50%。 So one thing you could do is spend less time gunning for that promotion4 and more time focusing on what you need to do to get a mentor. For example, ask good questions of the people you admire, and spend extra time getting to know people outside of your core group of coworkers. 所以你可以做的一件事就是少花时间去谋得晋升,多花时间去关注如何获得导师。例如,向你所钦佩的人请教,花更多的时间了解亲密同事之外的人。 It would be great if you could take your money from a promotion and buy a mentor, but life doesn't work like that. (Although you could take the money and hire a career coach.) 如果你可以用晋升中获得的钱来聘请一位导师就更好了,但是生活不是那样的(虽然你可以花钱聘请职业教练)。 4. Training creates stability. 培训创造稳定性 You can trade money for training, though, and that's what you should do. Your career trajectory5 and your ability to create a stable income are dependent on your skill set. There's no job stability in the workplace today, so you have to count on yourself by being very desirable to employers. You do this by getting lots of training, and mentors to guide you on how to use that training. 当让你也可以花钱去培训,这也是你应该做的。你的职业轨迹和创造稳定收入的能力依赖于你的本领组合。 如今,职场不存在稳定,你得靠自己,使自己成为老板想要的员工。你需要通过大量培训来实现这点,需要有导师指导你如何利用培训。 There's a huge range of training available today -- you can get trained in how to deal with your email, how to connect better to people you speak to, and how to transition from college to adulthood6. Have your company pay for this sort of training -- it's the kind that changes your life. 如今的培训五花八门--你可以学习如何处理邮件,如何和谈话人建立联系,如何从大学时代转向成人时代。让公司为这类培训买单——这才是能改变你生活的方式。 While a promotion actually makes your life more unstable7, training creates more stability in your life. And that, rather than more money or a promotion, should be the real reward for performing well in your job. 晋升让生活更不稳定,而培训能却让你的生活更稳定。是培训,而不是更多的钱或晋升,才应当看成对你工作表现友谊的真正奖励。(the end) (编者按:培训很重要,钱也很重要,因为钱多了才能更好地提升生活质量、也能促进你更好地工作;培训的目的可不只是保有一份工作,而应该带来工作上的发展和更多的薪水。) 点击 ![]()
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