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It's been a while since you've felt the exhilaration that comes with starting a new job. And you're wondering: "Has that professional spark been extinguished or is it flickering1 faintly, waiting to be reignited?" Take this quiz to help you identify if what you're feeling is a temporary heat wave or the telltale signs of total burnout. 开始新工作的愉悦和兴奋已经过去好一阵子了。你在想:“职业热情的火花已经熄灭了吗?还是变得暗淡、等待再重新燃起?”下面的测试能帮你识别你的感觉是暂时情绪还是精力枯竭。 1. Are you burned out or just exhausted2? "Take a real vacation to find out," says Rena Lewis, senior vice3 president for Lee Hecht Harrison, a job search, consulting and career management firm. 你感到精力枯竭还是只是疲劳?Lee Hecht Harrison职业咨询管理公司的资深副总裁说Rena Lewis建议:“渡一个真正的假期,以便发现问题的答案。” Burnout: If you dread4 returning to work, you may be burned out. 精力枯竭:如果你害怕回去工作,那么也许你已精力枯竭了。 Temporary Heat Wave: If you come back rested and recharged, you just needed a well-deserved break. 暂时情绪:如果你回来后感觉休息良好、精力充沛,那你不过是需要休息一下而已。 2. Are you reacting to a passing moment or an entire movement? 你是因为短暂的非常时期还是公司的整体变动而痛苦? Burnout: Your company recently underwent a major restructuring, doubling your responsibilities, and there's no end in sight. 精力枯竭:公司最近进行了一次重大重组、让你的责任加倍,这种状况的改变遥遥无期。 Temporary Heat Wave: You're buried in work because it's your 'busy season.' But you do see light at the end of the tunnel. 暂时情绪:你要埋头工作因为现在是你的“忙季”。但是这种情况总有尽头。 3. Are the demands of your job weighing too heavily on you? 工作担子对你来说太重吗? Burnout: Your supervisor5 is too demanding and you just can't keep your head above water. You know you'll never get her to change. 精力枯竭:上司要求太高,你应付不了。你知道自己无法让她做出改变。 Temporary Heat Wave: You're too demanding on yourself and it's causing you undue6 stress, not only at work but most likely in other aspects of your life as well. Time to let a few things go, like the perfectly7 clean house or some volunteer responsibilities. 暂时情绪:你对自己要求太高,这给你带来不必要的压力——不仅在工作上而且很可能也在其它方面。是时候放弃一些了,比如房间要打扫地完美或者一些自愿的责任。 4. Do you find it difficult to focus on your job? 你感到工作时要集中注意力困难吗? Burnout: You face your projects with total apathy8 and feel you have nothing left to give. 精力枯竭:你对自己的工作完全缺乏热情、感到自己已无所贡献。 Temporary Heat Wave: Your lack of focus is rooted in the nebulous mess you call a workspace. Get organized and get rejuvenated9! 暂时情绪:你无法集中注意力是因为工作环境一团糟。把让事物安排得井井有条、让自己精神焕发吧! 5. Have you got the urge to find greener pastures? 你有另谋高就的冲动吗? Burnout: You're feeling more and more detached at work and catch yourself fantasizing about walking out the door to find that 'dream job' and leaving these 'little minds' behind. 精力枯竭:你越来越感到无法投入到工作中、发现自己幻想走出门去寻找“理想工作”、就此摆脱这些“胸无大志者”。 Temporary Heat Wave: You're in a rut and ready to venture past the usual lunch crowd and meet some new peers. 暂时情绪:你陷入成规、准备脱离常和自己一起吃午饭的人去结识新同事。 点击 ![]()
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