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Unemployed1? Laid-off writer Pamela Abrams reports on 12 ways to maintain your sanity2, juggle3 your finances, and figure out your next best move. 失业了?下面是“下岗”作家Pamela Abrams总结的12个方法,让你在失业时保持头脑清楚、平衡开支、以及如何走出最佳的下一步。 Look for work, but not full-time4 找工作,但不要把这当成全职工作 If you're smart, hardworking and energetic, looking for employment could become your full-time job. The key is to be focused and to use your time well. There's a lot of rejection5 involved in job-hunting, and if you subject yourself to it 40 hours a week, you won't be at your best when the right job does come along. 如果你聪明、勤奋、精力充沛,那么求职也许就成了“全职”。关键是要有重点、妥善使用时间。求职中会遭到许多拒绝;如果你每周花40小时找工作,那么当合适的机会到来时,你就不能保持最佳状态。 Spend wisely—which doesn't mean don't spend at all. 聪明地花钱——但不意味着一分钱都不花 First of all, there are some things you probably need for your job search: Internet access at home (not to mention a computer); a well-typed, well-written résumé; and other essentials. (Keep receipts for tax-deductible expenses.) Don't deny yourself a few little luxuries. If people resent you for spending on such things, remind them that you can't take care of anyone else if you don't take care of yourself. 首先,你大概需要一些用来求职的东西:家庭上网(电脑就更不用说了);一份好简历及其它不可缺少的东西。(要保留可免税的收据。)不要在一些小奢侈品上吝啬。如果有人对你这样花钱看不惯,提醒他们:你如果照顾不好自己也就无法照顾他人。 Take a bath 洗澡 Or go to a yoga class, or do anything that relaxes you. Eat as well or better than you usually do. Now is not the time to skimp6 on your physical and emotional health. 或者上瑜伽课,或者做任何能使你放松的事情。吃好、甚至比一般时候吃得更好。现在不是在身体和心情健康上小气的时候。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:怎样回答辞职原因(下) 下一篇:失业了,怎么办(2) |
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