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We all spend a significant proportion of our lives at work. Being miserable1 at work can spill over into our personal lives so it makes sense to tackle any issues you have in the workplace sooner rather than later. 工作占去了我们人生的很大一部分时间。工作中的不愉快会蔓延到个人生活。所以你有理由尽早解决工作中出现的任何问题。 Clearly, what you choose to do will need to reflect your personal circumstances, but here are ten things you might consider: 显然,你的选择要依个人情况而定,但你可以考虑一下以下十个建议: * Speak to your line manager. Your first action should be to raise any issues or concerns you have with your line manager. He or she might be surprised to hear that you're unhappy and should be prepared to at least listen to what you have to say. 告诉你的顶头上司。第一个行动应该是和顶头上司谈论你的问题和担忧。得知你不快乐他/她也许会惊讶。至少,他们应该愿意聆听你的话。 * Analyze2 the problem. Consider carefully what the problem is and ask yourself what you might do yourself to improve the situation. It's very easy to point the finger at other people or even processes but, be honest, does part of the problem lie with you? 分析问题。仔细考虑下到底存在什么问题,然后问问自己怎样可以改善情况。把错误归咎于别人甚至工作流程很容易,但坦率地讲,有些问题是不是出在你身上呢? * Make a point of getting on with colleagues. Relationships at work can be key to happiness. Make an effort to get to know your immediate3 colleagues. Make them feel valued by asking for their opinions or advice on work matters. Offer to help out at particularly busy periods. You might be surprised by how they reciprocate4. 注意和同事的相处。和同事的关系往往是快乐的关键。尝试去了解关系紧密的同事。问问他们关于工作的想法或建议会让他们感到自己有价值。在特别繁忙的时候主动提供帮助。他们的回报会使你惊讶。 * Consider what motivates you. If you feel unhappy, for whatever reason, try to consider what would motivate you. This will help you understand what changes need to be made and will be important if you ultimately decide to change jobs. 想好动力在哪里。如果你不高兴,不论什么理由,考虑一下什么能给你动力。这会帮助你了解需要做出什么改进。如果最终决定要换工作,那么这一点就尤为重要了。 * Do not assume that money is the answer. It's unhappy people who assume that higher pay is the answer. By all means consider whether you are paid appropriately for your role and be ambitious to further your career and earnings5 but do not assume that more money will deliver greater happiness at work. 别以为是钱惹的祸。不快乐的人们总认为薪水高点会让他们快乐。一定要考虑一下你的薪酬是否合理,要有信心发展事业、提高收入,但不要认为高薪会给工作带来更多的快乐。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:你会赞扬别人吗(2) 下一篇:你为何工作不快乐(2) |
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