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Preparing for an interview can be stressful -- and time-consuming. You can spend days researching a company, brainstorming1 answers to "trick" questions and preparing your portfolio2. With so much to do, it's easy to forget the practical details that can distinguish a successful interview from a tragic3 one. 准备面试往往是一件既要承受压力又要耗费时间的事情。你也许要花好几天时间对一家公司进行调查、绞尽脑汁思考一些“难题”的答案、准备材料。由于事情太多,容易把一些可能决定面试成败的细节疏忽掉。 This article focuses on the minor4 matters that job seekers often overlook before they sit down in the interview hot seat. 本文将集中讲述那些常常被求职者忽视的细节。 Have Interview, Will Travel 面试前打探好路线 The day of the big interview is not the time to try out a new shortcut5 or investigate an unfamiliar6 area. Make sure you know how to get to your interview in advance. Make a practice run the day before if necessary. 重要的面试日子可不是尝试走捷径或者摸清陌生地方的时候。一定要提前知道怎样到达面试地点。如果必要的话提前一天试走一遍。 Also, find out exactly where you'll need to go when you arrive at the company. If you're lucky, you'll walk through the front door and find the receptionist waiting. If you're not so lucky, you'll need to find your way to Lot 8, Building 9, Floor 10, Suite7 D, Room 125 -- so be sure you know how to get there. 还要了解一下到了公司后,具体要去哪里面试。如果幸运地话,你走过前门时会发现接待人员;如果不那么幸运,你就要自己找路线了(比如到8幢9号楼10层D座125室)。所以一定要事先确保了解路线。 Eyes and Ears Are Everywhere 四处都可能设防 When it comes to interviewing, a little paranoia8 can be a good thing. Your interview starts in the parking lot, so be conscious of your surroundings. Any onlooker9 could be one of your interviewers. Act accordingly. 去面试时略带偏执也许有好处。面试从你到达公司时就开始了,所以要留意周围环境。你身旁的任何一个人都有可能就是一位面试官。举止要得体。 Be courteous10 and professional to everyone you meet, from the security guard to the receptionist. If you make small talk with strangers, be positive and pleasant. This isn't the time to complain about the "funny smell in the lobby" or a long wait for an elevator. 从保安到接待员,对所有人都要有礼貌、展现出职业水平。和陌生人聊天时,要态度积极、令人愉快。这可不是抱怨“会客厅有异味或等电梯时间太长”的时候。 Lastly, turn off your cell phone. 最后一条:面试时关掉手机。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:面试中小事也重要(1) 下一篇:求职:没有“相关经验”怎么办(1) |
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