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Careers start out as a climbing exercise: When can I get promoted? How can I get a raise? What job will be more challenging than my current one? 职业生涯如同攀爬运动:什么时候会晋升?如何得到加薪?什么工作比现在的更有挑战性? But for all but a tiny fraction of workers, that climb ends before their career does. 但是,除了极少部分人之外,对大部分人来说,职业提升在职业生涯结束之前就会停止。 即使你不能进入高层工作,你仍然可以有办法让自己继续成长,比如: Advancing in Different Ways 在其他方面取得进步 Career experts offer five tips for keeping your moving forward when you aren't moving up: 职业专家们提供了一些建议,让你在事业没有高升的时候保持前进: * Acknowledge what you're giving up. 坦然面对你将会失去的。 If you aren't moving to the next level, your salary will likely plateau. And if you thrive on the prestige that comes with your job, be prepared for that to level off as well. 如果你不上一个台阶,那么你的收入也许会持平。而且如果你喜欢工作所带来的名誉,那么也要对它停止变化做好准备。 * Appreciate what you're gaining. 欣赏你将要获得的。 A less stressful job brings many benefits. "Do I need to be king of the world at the expense of my family, my health, my happiness?" Pannwitt said. 压力少的工作会带来很多好处。Pannwitt说:“我需要付出家庭、健康和幸福的代价来成为企业领袖吗?” There are many ways to continue to learn and grow without moving up on the organizational chart. Sometimes this means taking a job in a different department in your company; other times you may simply be able to take on new projects in your current position. "Instead of climbing to the heights, aim at breadth and depth of your professional knowledge," Pannwitt said. 有许多不用升迁而能继续学习、成长的方式。比如在公司的不同部门工作;或者在当前岗位上进行新的项目。Pannwitt说:“不是往高处‘爬’,而是关注职业知识的宽度和深度。” Most organizations have some experts in specific areas whose experience may not be broad enough for the upper levels of management but who are nonetheless depended on and sought after for their expertise3. "Strive to be the go-to person, known for your wisdom and knowledge," Pannwitt said. 许多企业都有一些具体领域内的专家。他们的经验也许不足以宽广到来担任高层管理,但却一样是公司要指靠的;他们的专长也是公司渴求的。“努力成为一位以智慧和知识闻名的顶梁柱,”Pannwitt建议。 * Take your expertise outside.传授你的技术。 Teach adult education classes in your field. Offer to chair a committee for your professional association. Or use your expertise to help a volunteer organization -- as treasurer4, for example, if you're in accounting5. "Reach outside your career" to a related activity, Griffen said. 把你熟知的领域内的只是教授给接受教育的成人。主动担任你所在行业协会的委员会主席。或用你的技能来帮助志愿者组织——例如:如果你在会计行业,那么就担任出纳员。Griffen建议“走出你的工作”,参加到相关的活动中去。 点击 ![]()
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