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随着生活的日益现代化,人们的家庭结构也发生了很大变化,通常都是父母与一个孩子的三口之家。可是除了孩子以外,夫妻双方往往也有二老在堂,很自然地就产生了较大的经济压力。很多家庭在孩子出生后,一方——通常是母亲——会选择在家全职照料,但时间一长就会在财政上捉襟见肘,不得不选择再就业。可是在经过一段事业空白期后,要再找到合适的工作并不容易。今天就来给希望再就业的“全职妈妈”们介绍几个再度就业时的技巧。 Highlight Related Activities 突出相关活动 You need to convince employers that you have the skills and experience to do the job, so your resume's content must actively1 sell you. When writing about your time out of the paid workforce2, only include activities that back up the skills relevant to your career goal. 你需要说服你的老板,让他知道你有足够的能力和经验来做好这份工作,所以你履历的内容必须努力把你“推销”出去。在描述你不工作的那段时期时,只需写上那些与你职业目标相关的专业技能的活动就可以了。 Most women who stay at home for a period of time are not just doing laundry and homework oversight3. And most women are involved in significant volunteer efforts, and that is the experience that should be included in a resume. 大多数在家里呆了一段时间的女性不是只在家里洗衣做家务。她们都会参加一些重要的志愿活动,这些经历都应该写到履历里。 You can highlight the following activities on your resume: 在你的履历中,以下活动是应该着重突出的: Volunteer/community 志愿者或社团活动 Continuing education 继续教育 Freelance projects 自由职业 Professional development 职业发展 Work-at-home/self-employment 在家的工作项目和给自己打工 Should You Use a Job Title? 是否该添上一个“工作头衔”呢? There's conflicting advice about whether to give yourself a job title and job description for your role as a parent. If your homemaker activities are related to your job target, it makes sense to draw attention to your parenting activities and accomplishments4. 作为一名“专职父亲”或者“专职母亲”,是否该给自己加上一个“工作头衔”和一段“工作概况”呢?对此大家意见不一。如果你所做的家务与你的工作目标相关的话,让招聘者注意到你的养育工作和取得的成绩将会很有用。 For most people, though, it's best to avoid including parenting as an actual job on the resume. We personally feel that there is no need to dress up time at home with silly titles like homestic Engineer. The important thing is to identify how you have continued to use your business skills in the time you have been out of the workforce. And if you truly have had nothing but child care and household responsibilities, it would be a good idea to get involved in some volunteer activities that require business skills -- managing committees, writing newsletters, handling budgets, etc. 但是,对于大多数人来说,最好不要在履历中把养育孩子当作真正的工作。我们感觉没有必要用像“家庭技师”这样无聊的头衔来修饰自己在家的那段经历。最重要的是你需要指出在你没有工作的那段时间,你是如何继续运用你的工作技能的。如果除了带孩子和做家务之外,你真的什么都没干的话,去参加一些要求工作技能的志愿者活动是个不错的主意,比如说管理委员会、撰写时事通讯或者处理预算等等。” 点击 ![]()
上一篇:优秀雇员必备六大关键技能(3) 下一篇:全职妈妈再就业要注意(2) |
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