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When a prospective1 employer makes unreasonable2 demands on you before things start to get serious, it's a strong signal to hit the road. 当一位未来雇主在工作还没正式之前就提出了无理要求,那么明显说明你需要“跑路”了。 Here's our list of Six Reasons to Run: 以下就是六个“逃之夭夭”的理由: 4) Unreasonable or short notice to travel for interview. 通知你在不合理的时间或很短的时间内面试。 The Vortex becomes more powerful over time, and many a job seeker has called me excitedly to report, "They're flying me to New York City, tomorrow," without stopping to think: "Wait a second, they didn't ask me whether it was convenient for me to fly to New York City, now that I think about it." I know of one situation in which a candidate was pressured to fly to the company's headquarters on his wife's birthday. He was told, "If this isn't a priority for you, it isn't a priority for us, either." He wavered for an hour or two before telling them: "If my personal life and my most important relationship aren’t important to you, I don't want to work for you." If they really want you, they can wait a day or two. “漩涡”会越来越强,许多求职者兴奋地对我说:“他们明天用飞机把我接去纽约面试。”这些人没有停下来想一想:“等等,现在我想到了,他们没有问过我飞去纽约对我来说方不方便。”我知道有一个故事,应聘人被要求在妻子生日那天赶去公司总部。他被告知:“如果工作对你不重要,那么你的工作对我们也不重要。”他考虑了一两个小时,然后告诉他们:“如果我的个人生活和我最重要的关系对你来说不重要,那么我也不想为你工作。”如果公司真想聘用你,他们可以等上一两天。 5) You're told you can't meet the team, or see the employee handbook, or meet clients (if appropriate) before an offer is extended. 在给你工作之前,你被告知不能见团队、或看员工手册或见客户(即使这些要求是适当的) This is a big, neon red flag that plenty of job seekers miss in the swirling3 colors of The Vortex. You need to meet your co-workers. Period. You need to see the employee handbook, which you'll be expected to adhere to during your tenure4 with the company and which will govern your working relationship. If you will work closely with a client at a senior level, it could make sense for you to meet with someone from the client's team before accepting the job. Ask yourself: Why wouldn't they let me meet the team or read the handbook? What is this employer afraid of? 这是一个大大的危险信号。许多求职者在“漩涡”中没注意到。你需要见你的同事。就这么简单。你需要看员工手册,它会告诉你你将在实习期间遵守的、主导你工作关系的东西。如果你将和某位高级客户密切合作,那么在获得工作之前,让你和某位来自客户团队的人员见面是合理的。问一问自己:“为什么他们不让我见团队、读员工手册?雇主怕什么?” 6) All communication is funneled5 through the HR rep or the headhunter. 一切沟通通过人力资源代表或猎头 Practical matters, like interview times and paperwork flying back and forth6, doesn't need to take up a hiring manager's time. It makes sense to have an HR point person or third-party recruiter handling communication with a candidate over these "mechanical" issues. But if you're really interested in a job and have a question for your prospective manager, the manager absolutely needs to take that call. If you can't get the manager's attention now, what makes you think you'll be able to when you work there? 诸如面试次数、来往文件这些事情不需要占用招聘经理的时间。虽然让人力资源部门的“接口人”或第三方招聘人来进行“机械”程序的沟通是合理的,但是如果你对工作真的感兴趣,而且有问题要问未来经理,那么未来经理绝对需要回答。如果你现在得不到经理的关注,你又怎么能认为工作后就会受到关注呢? Leave any of these six scary Vortex situations behind and don't look back—you'll have dodged7 a bullet. You have a lot to offer, and if an employer can't see it as the selection process unfolds, your talents are better used elsewhere. 远离这六个恐怖的“漩涡”。对它们义无反顾——那么你就会躲过一劫。你是如此有才华,如果雇主在选拔过程中看不到,那么别的地方也许能更好地发挥你的才华。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:面试中“逃跑”的六个理由(2) 下一篇:面试顺利的7个迹象(1) |
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