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You're about to start the search for a new job, no doubt there are so many emotions swirling1, fear top among them. Fear that you won't find a job as quickly as you'd like. Fear that it won't be the right job, or pay an adequate salary. Fear of the rejection2 letters, emails, calls you suspect will come. 如果你正要开始寻找一份新工作,无疑会受太多情绪困扰,最主要的就是担心。担心不能尽快找到工作,担心找到的工作不合适;或是薪水不合适。担心会收到信件、电子邮件和电话告知你被拒绝了。 The thing about fear is it can be immobilizing and incredibly unhelpful when you need to be at your most confident. So acknowledge it, yes, then put it aside to get to the work of networking and searching for the best jobs to apply for. You'll need to boost your confidence because one of those hovering3 fears is bound to come slamming down more than once during an aggressive job hunt -- the fear of rejection. Whether it comes in the form of an email, a call, a letter, or no response at all, it is all but impossible to escape rejection on the trail to employment. Know it's going to happen, and know that you can bounce back from each rejection by learning something from each experience. 担心会使你在最需要信心的时候感到无助和无法行动。所以,承认它的存在,然后放在一边,开始为了申请到最好的工作进行联络、搜索。你需要提升你的自信,我们提到过的那些令你担心的事,必定会有一件在你积极求职时不只一次地出现,那就是担心被拒绝。不论是通过电子邮件、电话、信件告知你,还是压根儿就渺无音讯,在求职过程中要不被拒绝是几乎不可能的。要知道这必然会发生,你也能从被拒的经验中学到东西然后卷土重来。 As this Experience article on Yahoo! HotJobs suggests, when you hear from a hiring manager or an HR rep that the company has decided4 to "go in a different direction," don't just say "thanks very much," and hang up or hit send. Take the opportunity to ask some questions. Ask what added skills or traits you could work on that would have made a difference. Ask for pointers on what you said or didn't say during interviews. Try to get as much information as possible about your interview performance that will help you in your next round of interviews, and ask direct questions about skills the employer was looking for so you can research classes you may want to take to improve your chances with similar positions elsewhere. 正如在Yahoo!Hotjob 登载的这篇来自Experience网站的文章中所建议的,当招聘经理或人力资源代表告知你他们已经决定“分道扬镳”,不要只说“ 非常感谢”,然后挂电话或发邮件(如果他们邮件通知你),要抓住机会问一些问题。问问他们你需要什么技能或品质才能获得那份工作。询问他们对你在面试中说了或没说的话的意见。尽可能获得对你今后面试有帮助的信息,直接问雇主他们需要什么技能,这样你就可以查询有没有相关的课程可上,从而提高在别处获得类似职位的可能性。 Then hang up, hit send, and do something that will reaffirm your confidence in who you are. Take a walk. Get some exercise. Call a friend who will commiserate5, make you laugh, and remind you of just how capable you are at so many things. Rebuild, then start anew. 然后,挂电话,或是点击发送,做些让你恢复自信的事。散步。锻炼。打电话给一位会怜悯你,让你大笑,提醒你在许多事情上是多么有能力的朋友。重新树立信心,迎接全新的开始。 And remember this: The preparation and interviews may have led to a rejection, but the experience also helped better prepare you for the interview that will lead to the job that fits your goals and life. It may not come as soon as you want or need, but keep faith it will come. And that you'll be ready for it. 记着:做好准备、参加面试也许会带来失败,可是这段经历也能帮你为符合目标、生活的工作更好地做准备。也许工作来得不会像你想象的那么快,但是相信它一定会到来。你已为它做好了准备。 点击 ![]()
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