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在公司部门会议上,每个人都有各抒己见的机会。在发表观点时,发言态度一定要谦和,但是也别忘了一定要坚持自己的观点(Keeping to the Point)不放松哦。今天,看看我们的职场新秀Jennifer是如何在会上“力压群英”,让产品部主管Kathy满怀赞许地采纳她的意见吧。 Kathy: Well, now that everybody is here, let’s call the meeting to order. Today, we have two problems to solve. The first problem relates to the situation in our packaging department. We’re all aware that nowadays, competition in the marketplace is more serious. If we want to get the prime1 position, the only way is to offer excellent and considerate service to our customer and, at the same time, make our prices competitive2. So, what I’m thinking is, ① maybe we could outsource the packaging side of our business to another company. But what impact3 will it have on our workers? It’s a big problem. Mm, ② I’d be interested to know your thoughts, Warton. Kathy: 好,既然所有的人都到齐了,会议现在正式开始。今天开会着重解决两个问题。首先是关于集装箱业务部的工人问题。大家知道,现在市场竞争是越来越激烈了。要想在市场竞争中取得优势地位,我们在给客户提供优质服务的同时,还要使价格具有市场竞争力。为此,我想可以把我们的这项业务外包给其它公司。但是我们的工人该怎么办呢?这可是一个大问题。嗯,Warton,我很乐意先听听你的看法。 Warton: I totally agree with you. Warton: 我完全赞同你刚才所说的话。 Kathy: Could you go into more detail about your opinion? Kathy: 能否详细说说你的看法? Warton: I think that outsourcing this part of our operation to another company is a good decision. If we do that, we won’t need so many workers, we will need to ③ give some the sack4. Warton: 我想,把我们的这项业务转交给其它公司确定是一个好决定。那样一来,我们就不需要那么多工人了,干脆把他们解雇了吧。 Jennifer: Sorry to interrupt you. Coming from the PR Department, I look at this issue in a different way. ④ I think we should consider all possibilities on this issue, before we make a decision. Jennifer: 很抱歉打断你的话。我是公关部的,我对此事有不同的看法。我认为在做决定前我们应该把事情考虑得更全面。 Kathy: Jennifer, I’d be interested to know your views too. Kathy: Jennifer,我也很乐意听听你的意见。 Jennifer: I think as a large company, we should consider not only customers and prices, but also our workers. Our workers contribute a lot to our company. Some of them even started here when our company opened. I hope we can find a solution that won’t require us sacking our loyal5 and trusting employees. Jennifer: 我认为作为一个大公司,在解决这个问题时需要考虑的不应该仅仅是客户或价格的问题,还应该考虑到工人的利益。工人们为这个公司的发展做出了许多贡献,他们有的甚至在公司建立之初就已经进来了。我希望能想出一个两全之策来解决这个问题,而不至于开除这些忠心的工人。 Kathy: I am not sure I really understand your view. Kathy: 我想我还不是非常明白你的想法。 Jennifer: In fact, I think I may have a solution. Why not continue our packaging function internally6, but provide the workers with better training? By increasing their skill level we should be able to improve our quality and lower costs, with fewer mistakes. At the same time, it means the workers will keep their jobs in our company. Unless our workers refuse the training, surely they have the right to keep their jobs. Anyhow, we should give the workers a chance, shouldn’t we? Jennifer: 事实上,对于如何处理这个问题,我有一个办法。为什么不保留这项业务呢?只要要求工人们接受更专业的培训就行了。通过培训,他们业务水平提高了,就能够保证优质服务,降低成本。同时,他们也保住了自己的职位。除非工人们拒绝接受专业培训,否则他们就有权力继续留在这个企业里。无论如何,我们应该给他们一个机会,不是吗? Kathy: I quite agree with Jennifer’s suggestion, I’d had the same concerns myself before this meeting. You’ve done a great job Jennifer! Thank you! Kathy: 我比较赞成Jennifer的提议,在开会前我也一直在想这个问题。Jennifer,你做得不错,谢谢。 Jennifer: Thank you! Jennifer:谢谢! 点击 ![]()
上一篇:Jennifer外企求职记(二) 下一篇:Jennifer职场打拼记(二) |
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