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三、注意事项 1、每封信应原版打字打印,不可以影印本代替。 2、所有寄出去的信都应保留影本,以备查阅并回函。 3、纸张以白色及淡白色为主,三折放入9-10吋大之信封内。 4、信末一定要记得签名,工作性质不同之信最好分别撰写,不要以通稿代之。但若性质雷同之工作,以同内容之信分寄不同公司时,应仔细核对信首、信中及信封提到公司名称时皆完全一致,免得张冠李戴,错误百出。 5、用语简洁,避免陈腔滥调及空泛含糊的字句,语气力求平实不花俏,同时每段起首避免以主词 "I"开头,字里行间充满自信,但不夸大。 6、寄信时,避免在收信人于星期一或星期五收到,若有截止日期或是应征报纸广告上之工作者,则愈早寄愈好,免得人选补齐后,不再录用。 7、求职数据寄出后,尽管文情并茂,颇具说服力,但也不能保证一定有面谈机会。不过当寄出后二周内仍未收到回音,则不妨去电询问应征结果,以示对此事之重视及态度之积极。 附:The Sample of Cover Letter 1045 Drake Place Ellisville. MA 01047 March 27, 1987 Mr. Adrian M. Mantee Director of Personnel Blackwell Manufacturing Company Plattsburg, IN 47401 Dear Mr. Mantee: In the March issue Of What"s New in Manufacturing. I read your advertisement seeking supervisory personnel for your multimillion-dollar plant expansion program:. Please consider this letter as my application for a supervisory position in Quality Control. Presently I am Assistant Supervisor1 of QualityControl at Barron Enterprises, Engineering Division.My work here is pleasant and I enjoy it, but my wife and I want to move back to Indiana because of the failing health of our parents, who live here. The enclosed resume gives a brief outline or my training and experience. From my earliest job while a sophomore2 in high school. I have liked working with machines of any kind.This keen interest developed by my formal education and experience in various aspects of mechanical technology, has given me a background that should be of immense value to a supervisor. I will be happy to supply any additional information concerning my background or present employment. My immediate3 supervisor here at Barron Enterprises is aware that I am looking for a supervisory position with a company in the Midwest and why I am doing so. I would Iike to have an interview with you and although distance is an important factor. I would be glad to fly out at your convenience if I had at least a week"s notice. Sincerely, Thomas D. Davis 点击 ![]()
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