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Reduce stress at work for a healthy life. 为了健康地生活,减少工作压力。 在大部分日子里,你起床、打扮、吃早餐,然后去世界上最污烟瘴气的地方——你的工作单位。限期、失业、压力、低薪、可恶的老板,都会让人感觉压力重重,士气低迷。压力是内在的,这就是为什么它会严重损害身体健康。身体感到极度不适,会让你有身不由已的感觉。工作压力会导致大量健康疾病,从心脏病到免疫系统紊乱。德克萨斯大学的最新研究表明,工作甚至是杀手——那些压力重重,无法掌控自己工作的员工比工作压力较小的员工早死的可能性大43%。 Do you feel tense and anxious at work? Do your co-workers and/or boss make you crazy? Are your work habits and office environment putting your health at risk? Ask yourself a few key questions: 你在工作中感到紧张和焦虑吗?你的同事或老板让你抓狂吗?你的工作习惯和办公环境让你的健康处于危险之中吗?问自己一些关键性的问题: Is your office in a state of constant chaos9 and disorganisation? 你的办公室总是处于一种乱七八糟、毫无条理的状态吗? Do you find yourself with the same stresses and same problems on your plate year after year? 你发现自己年复一年地承受着相同的压力,面临着同样问题,如同每天所吃的饭菜一样? Do your career goals never seem to be achieved? 觉得自己的事业目标遥遥无期吗? Do you dread10 the start of each day at the office? 你害怕在办公室里开始一天的工作吗? Do you feel your work is in control of you? 你觉得是工作在控制你吗? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then your personal health and quality of life are likely to be negatively affected11 by work related stress. 你的回答当中只要有一个是肯定,那么工作引起的压力就可能已经对你的个人健康和生活质量产生负面影响了。 Unfortunately, very few of us can afford to quit their job and lead a stress-free, workfree lifestyle, but there are a variety of ways to cope with stress (without taking out your boss). Trying a few will go a long way towards helping12 you maintain your cool, improving your work life and keeping you healthy. 不幸的是,我们当中很少人会辞职不干,去享受那种无虑无忧,无劳作之苦的生活方式。好在我们有各种各样的办法来缓减压力(而不是要了你老板的命来泄愤)。尝试一些做法会让你长期有效地保持头脑清醒,增加工作寿命,维持健康状态。 点击 ![]()
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