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Leave the office for lunch every day. 每天去办公室外面吃午饭。 Getting out of the office, away from the stress and into a totally different environment,clears your mind and helps you put some perspective on whatever hassles are dogging your day. 走出办公室,摆脱压力,进入一个完全不同的环境中,让头脑清醒,会让你对纠缠了你一整天的问题豁然开朗。 嚼南瓜子或巧克力。 Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron, they can help counter the iron-depleting effects of a stressful workplace. Chocolate improves your mood, is stress relieving, and the sugar rush will give you a burst of energy. Just don't overdose. 南瓜子富含铁,有助于改善高强度工作下缺铁的症状。巧克力会提升情绪,缓解压力,糖份会让你能量大增。但可别吃多了! 试试饮料调节法。 Increase your productivity and decrease your stress by keeping an invigorating beverage handy at your workstation. A cup of chamomile tea, known for its soothing5 properties will help you de-stress. A cup of peppermint6 tea invigorates and energises. 在工作室里,经常喝些运动类饮料,可提高工作效率,降低压力。一杯黄甘菊茶,其味甘的特性可缓解压力。一杯薄荷茶会令人精力倍增、活力十足。 慢慢走、慢慢说 This tricks your body into thinking that things are calmer than they actually are. 这会欺骗你的身体,使其认为事情比实际情况更平稳。 我讨厌我的工作。 If you hate your job, spend a few minutes each evening rewriting your résumé, researching other job options, or contacting potential employers. This can help you better handle the stress at your current job, while productively seeking better work. 如果你讨厌你自己的工作,那就每天晚上花几分钟重新整理你的简历,寻找其它工作机会,或是联系你潜在的雇主。这会让你更好地处理你现在工作中的压力,同时还能富有成效地找到更好的工作。 奖赏自己。 By rewarding yourself after completing a tough task makes everything more bearable and gives you something to look forward to. It might be a special dinner, a movie, a game of rackets, or a massage7. 在完成一项艰苦的工作后,奖励自己一下会让你更有韧性,并让自己有所期待。奖励自己的方式可以是一顿特别的晚餐,一场电影,打一次壁球比赛,或者一次按摩。 提供反馈 As they say, it's better to give than to receive. Provide praise and recognition to others at work whenever appropriate. You will feel good by making others feel good,and the good feeling will tend to spread. Think positive and you’ll feel good too. 正如大家所说的那样,给予好过接受。只要时机适合就在工作中赞美和认可他人。让他人感觉舒适,你自己也会感觉良好,舒服的感觉会传递开来。想法积极,自己的感觉也会很好。 提前计划 When work is challenging, take a few minutes to delineate the tasks you need to do. Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and check off the boxes as you move through the list. You will avoid forgetting anything, you'll stay on task, organization will make you efficient, and it's very satisfying to check off those boxes. 当工作富有挑战性的时候,花点时间把你需要做的工作细化。列个清单,在每件事情边上画个框,并随着工作的进行检查框框。你就不会忘记要做的事,努力工作,组织性让工作富有成效,并使得你在核查这些事项时有成就感。 让你的工作更具社会性。 Try a once-a-week lunch gathering8 with co-workers where you talk about a particular work issue. Use the collective brain to figure out how to do something better, improve the work facilities, enhance productivity, or improve relationships. 试着与同事每周共进一次午餐,可谈谈某件工作上的事。使用集体的智慧来将事情做得更好,改善工作设施,提高工作能力或是改进工作关系。 整理你的办公桌。 Physical clutter9 reminds us of things that need to be done and that's stressful.Remove all unnecessary physical clutter from your desk and you'll eradicate10 your mental clutter, plus you'll feel energised. 杂乱无章的东西会让我们想到要做的事情,并颇感压力。将你桌上的不必要的杂物清理掉,这会让你头脑中没有杂念,还会感到精力充沛。 听听老一辈人的建议。 The most effective steps to reduce stress you can take are the simplest: exercise, a healthy diet, regular sleep, moderate to minimal11 alcohol intake12, and no smoking. It's the simplest, yet most sophisticated and cutting edge science available - and it works. 减轻压力最为有效的办法也是最简单的办法:锻炼、饮食健康、有规律的睡眠、饮酒适量和不抽烟。这是最为简单,然而也是最复杂和最前沿的科学方法——而且它真的有效。 点击 ![]()
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