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第十一部分:个人兴趣和爱好(11~16问) 问:什么社区项目能用得上你的专业技能并且使你特别感兴趣?? 答:作为一个营销人员,我已免费给本地中学的筹集资金者提供了意见,还帮助地方不动产办公室设法提高农业区不动产的价值。? 面试官想知道应聘者是不是一个好的合作伙伴,这个问题也让面试官感觉到应聘者的价值。尝试把你回答的重点放在与工作有关技能的应用方面,不要偏离话题而描述一个不能说明你工作技能的事业上,避免讨论任何有可能引起争论的慈善团体或者组织。 Q:What community projects that can use your professional skills are particularly interesting to you? A:As a marketing1 person, I've offered free advice to our local high school for its fund?raisers, as well as to a local real?estate office whose success could help my rural community's real?estate values. ?? 问:假如你有许多业余时间,你会怎样利用它?? 答:拥有大量的业余时间是再高兴不过的事情了,也许我会去旅行,学另一门语言,花更多的时间在我参加的两个慈善团体上,我还会学更多的有关会计学的课程。 在回答这个问题时,说明你会利用时间提高你的技能,或者回报社会,或者做好事。可能的话,选择与职业或者工作相关联的活动。例如:如果你在销售部门工作,就说你会参加青年促进协会,教授年轻人有关经商职业的知识。你的回答要表现出你工作的干劲和能力,以及天生的好奇心。不要说像“我不知道,我只想放松”之类的话。?? Q:If you had unlimited2 leisure time, how would you spend that time? A:I dont think I could ever be happy with lots of spare time. I?d probably travel, learn another language, and spend more time with my two charities. I'd also take more courses in accounting3.?? 问:在团队工作或纪律方面,一项运动或爱好是如何让你受益的?? ? 答:高中时的足球教练教我要密切注意其他人,这样,别人会在你需要他掩护的时候来掩护你。我已把这种规则用在我所有的工作组里,特别是用在贸易领域里。 谈一次你不借助团队的力量去获得预期的成果。举出具体的例子,然后解释你如何把同样的技能或经验、教训应用于你的工作上。?? Qescribe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwork or discipline. A:My football coach from high school taught me always to watch out for the other guy. If you do, he'll cover you when you need him to. I've applied4 that principle in all my work groups, especially on the trading floor.?? 问:不上班的时候,你愿意继续按时间表去工作还是宁愿顺其自然?为什么?? 答:我的作息时间是很有计划的,因为通常我一天要开4~5个会。周末,我喜欢制定计划,但并不一定是一套固定的计划。计划本身对我来说是调节了生活节奏,使我得到放松。如果一点也不计划,我会感到在浪费时间。 无论你怎样回答,注意要紧扣你所面试的工作。例如:会计是一种要求严格和精确的职业,你的回答就应该表现出你是个热衷于制定计划和做事精确的人。然而,对于销售行业来说,这个问题从本质上来说反映了你的个性,同时它还反映了你对工作的适应能力。??? Q:When you aren't at work, do you prefer to stick to a schedule, or do you prefer to be spontaneous? Why? A:My workday is very structured because I'm generally in four or five meetings a day. On the weekends, I like to have a plan, but not necessarily a set schedule. That in itself is a relaxing change of pace for me, but I feel I'd be wasting time with no plan at all. ? 问:说说你放弃的一个兴趣。? 答:早期,我想成为一个专门从事医学研究的医师。于是,我花大量的时间在化学实验室,接着我意识到我并不希望在往后的两年里继续呆在实验室里工作,那就是我改行选择从事销售医学仪器工作的原因。这就把我对医学专业的敬重与一份适合我个性的工作联系了起来。 说说你以前拥有的但现在放弃的兴趣或者爱好,确定这种兴趣在某种程度上与你面试的工作没有联系。谈一下你不感兴趣的原因和它怎样与你现时的兴趣不相容。一定要谈谈你现时的兴趣怎样与你的职业有关联。?? Q:Tell me about an interest that you outgrew5. A:Early on, I wanted to be a research physician. Then I spent time in a chemistry lab and realized I wasn?t looking forward to the next two years of lab work. That's why I've chosen marketing for medical equipment instead. It combines my respect for the medical profession with a job that's more suited to my personality. ?? 问:描述一部你看过的、确实对你有启迪的电影。? 答:我喜欢《飞越疯人院》这部令人感到压抑的电影中一个片段。有一个镜头是这样的:护士小姐拒绝打开电视,当时电视正在播放世界棒球联赛。因此,杰克?尼科尔森看着空白的荧光屏,并开始叙述比赛的情况,就好像那场比赛真的正在进行那行。其余的病人聚集在他的周围,伴随比赛的进行。我想那一幕就是想像的力量起作用的一个例子吧。 说明你可以从书本、电影等广泛的资料中吸取知识的能力,告诉面试官具体的一本或一部你能从中学到东西的书或电影。说说你如何运用那些方面知识并用在哪些方面。?? Qescribe a movie you've seen that really inspired you. A:I loved one part of an otherwise depressing movie, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. In one scene the nurse refuses to turn on the TV for the World Series, so Jack6 Nicholson looks at the blank screen and starts narrating7 as though the game were actually on. The other patients gather around him and follow the game. I thought that scene was an example of the power of visualization8 in making things happen. 点击 ![]()
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