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第十四部分:针对转职者的问题 问:你为什么要离开现在的工作岗位?? 答:我从现时的工作中已学到了许多关于塑料工业的知识,我非常高兴曾有机会在Fiske有限公司里工作。然而,我发现自己的真正兴趣在于搞开发,而Fiske公司决定在未来两年内把这些都搁置起来。这就是我对贵单位如此感兴趣的原因,因为正如我所知道的,Randy企业集团十分重视开发,而且它是一家颇受尊敬的业界领袖。 面试官首先关心的是转职者为什么总是打算转职,向面试官说明你的决定是经过深思熟虑的。解释一下你为什么决定选择这一特殊职位,同样也要说明这个职位将会怎样提高你的天赋技能及发展你的兴趣爱好。?? Q:Why do you want to leave your current position? A:I've learned quite a bit about the plastics industry in my current position and am very glad to have had the opportunities I've had at Fiske, Inc. However, I?ve found that my interests really lie in research and development, which Fiske has recently decided1 to phase out over the next two years. And that's why I'm so interested in this organization, because, as I understand, Randy Corporation places a great deal of emphasis on R&D, and is also a highly respected leader in the industry.?? 问:为什么你要放弃职业介绍所里一份已经稳定下来的工作,而去追求一个实质上你只是入门者的市场推广职位呢?? 答:我非常喜欢在介绍所里工作,还学会了很多有用的技能。但同时,我几乎止步不前了。我的工作不再给我任何挑战。我考虑了很久,确信现在是改变的时候了。 正因我对市场推广有兴趣,去年我那十多岁的孩子和一些邻居的小孩计划卖T恤以帮助本地一个因火灾而失去家园的家庭时,我立刻干起来了:设计、分发宣传海报,在当地报纸上刊登广告,在食品杂货店和购物中心外面摆卖衬衣。刚开始,我真的不对这项工作抱太多的想法,但是当看见了自己的劳动成果,我开始感到兴奋了。我懂得了一个道理:你可能会取得一项巨大成就或拥有伟大的理想,但如果不为别人所知,那么你的才能就会被淹没。我终于感觉到自己似乎在做一件与众不同的事;而且,我做得很好。从那次以后,我选读了两门有关市场推广的入门课程,并计划在这个秋天报读一个业余学位课程。? 此外,我可以把曾在职业介绍所里学到的许多技巧和能力运用到市场推广这一行。毕竟,职业介绍所同样是为社团委托人和求职者提供推销代理服务,并向社团委托人介绍求职者等。 面试官试图要确定两件事:应聘者选择职业的动机,以及他们是否有这样一种可能性——满足于一个比他或她的前一份工作要求较低能力及责任心的职位。你得消除他们的顾虑,详述你转职的原因,还必须说明你对这个职位有充分的认识并大体上了解这一行业。许多应聘者希望他们的新职业是以一份与之前所从事工作同等水平的工作作为开始。但事实上,许多转职者如果不至于是从入门水平做起的话,也多半必须从新公司的底层做起,以积累新领域里的基本经验和知识。? 毫无疑问,如果有一段时间你失业了,你就得面对一些麻烦问题。你正在疑惑自己是否还具备你所应有的素质。关键就是弄清楚你所有的技能是否适应时代要求。如果不是,那么你就该考虑接受再培训,可能是学习新的电脑课程或去当地的大学里学习。如果你的技能是现代化的,那就不用担心了。你需要强调的是以前工作的经验和技巧,还有你在失业期间保持与时代同步的方法(阅读商贸期刊,业余写作,参加研讨会等),以及你在家中学会的一些技能,它们也许可以转化到工作上来。 ?? Q:Why would you want to leave an established career at an employment agency for an essentially2 entry?level position in marketing3? A:I?ve enjoyed my work at the agency and have gained many valuable skills from it. At the same time, however, I feel as if I've stopped growing. I?m no longer challenged by my work. I?ve thought about this for a long time, and I'm confident that it's time for a change.? As for my interest in marketing, last year my teenage children and some of the other neighborhood kids decided to design and sell T?shirts to benefit a local family who?d lost their home to a fire. I pitched in by designing and distributing posters, placing advertisements in local newspapers, and selling shirts outside grocery stores and shopping malls. At first I really didn't give the project a lot of thought, but when I saw the fruits of my labor4, I began to get very excited about it. I learned that you can have a great product and a great cause, but if nobody knows about it, you're dead in the water. I finally felt as if I was making a difference—and I was good at it, too. Since then I've taken two introductory marketing courses and am planning to enroll5 in a part?time degree program this fall.? Furthermore, I'll be able to use many of the skills and abilities I've gained at the employment agency in the marketing field. After all, working for an employment agency is marketing—marketing the agency to corporate6 clients and job seekers, and marketing job seekers to corporate clients. 点击 ![]()
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