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(Friday,February1)There’sawriters’strikeon.Victor:编剧们正在罢工。罢工提出的条件可能是更高的工资或是更好的工作待遇。 Nancy: A strike is when people get together and agree not to work anymore until they get what they want. This could mean more money,or better working conditions. (Saturday,February2) Today is Groundhog Day. Victor:今天是美国的“土拨鼠节”。土拨鼠出洞后看到自己影子,会再回洞里,冬天就还要持续六周多。Nancy: The story goes if the Groundhog comes out of his hole and sees his shadow,he'll go back in,and we'll have six more weeks of winter. (Sunday,February3) I got bumped1 from the flight. Victor: 我被那班飞机抛弃了。有时航空公司会超量售票,他们就会请求乘客自愿放弃自己应乘的飞机。 Nancy: Sometimes airlines sell too many tickets,so they ask passengers to volunteer to be "bumped". (Monday,February4) He's uncovering2 repressed memories. Victor: 他在找回被深埋的痛苦回忆。Repressed指被压制被隐藏,有时当糟糕的事发生在某人身上,他们就会试图忘记它。但当最终想起来时,情况会更糟。 Nancy: Repressed means held down or held back;sometimes when something really traumatic happens,people can't handle thinking about it for years. (Tuesday,February5) He never springs for anything. Victor: 他从没大方过一次。To spring for something 就是去花钱尤其是为别人花钱,例如买单。 Nancy: To spring for something means to spend money,especially when it's spending it on someone else,like springing for dinner. (Wednesday,February6) Take the gloves off. Victor: 先礼后兵。 Nancy: This is originally from boxing. To "take the gloves off" means to fight or to get tough on something or someone,implying you've been to softon them before. Victor:这原本是从拳击上引申过来的。这个词和中国的先礼后兵有些相似。 (Thursday,February7) He’s a white collar criminal. Victor: 他是一个经济犯。A white-collar criminal 并没制造含暴力的犯罪,一般是诈骗或盗取别人财物。 Nancy:A white-collar criminal commits a non-violent crime,which usually involves stealing or cheating people out of money. 点击 ![]()
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