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Sometimes no matter how hard you try to do all the right things at work, a job may feel as if it's hurting you more than helping1 you. Maybe the job is a bad fit, maybe volatility2 in your industry gives you anxiety about the future, or maybe a salary cut is making too many of your purchases stress-inducing. 有时不论你多么努力想把事情做好,总觉得工作带给你的伤害似乎多于益处。原因可能在于你并不适合这份工作,或是由于该行业的不确定性让你焦虑,还可能因为减薪导致了购买压力。 If you find yourself in a similar position, you have to assess whether your work situation is toxic3 or revivable. If you decide your job is toxic, take control and formulate4 an exit plan. It's simply not worth staying in a situation that can negatively impact your health, relationships, and peace of mind. 如果你发现自己处于类似情况,那么就需要评估一下:你的工作是有害的还是有救的?如果你确定工作有害,那么控制局面,制定退出计划。呆在一个有损健康、人际关系和心态的环境中是不值的。 If you decide to create some changes in your job, you can take the following proactive self-care measures to protect your well-being5 as you focus on the challenges ahead. 如果你决定对工作进行调整,可以采取以下的自我照顾方法,在保护自己的同时关注未来的挑战。 Speak up. Talk with your boss (if he or she is not the problem) and engage in a solutions-oriented dialogue. You may not be able to change the company, but you might be able to make your department a much more pleasant place to work. 表言 和上司谈谈(如果他/她不会制造麻烦), 尽力从谈话中找到解决问题的方法。你也许无法改变公司,但是你能让自己部门成为一个更愉快的工作场所。 Move. Fifteen minutes of yoga or Pilates will reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity, and improve overall well-being. 运动 十五分钟的瑜伽或普拉提(Pilates)能减压、提高注意力和思维清晰度,从而提高整体良好感觉。 Relax. Massage6, meditation7 and positive visualization8 will reduce stress, improve circulation, remove toxins9 from the body, and help you sleep. 放松 按摩、冥思和视觉想象疗法都能减压、提高血液循环、排毒、有益睡眠。 Blow the 5:30 whistle. Don't stay in a toxic workplace any longer than absolutely necessary, and don't take your toxic job home with you. When 5:30 pm rolls around, leave. 准时下班 不要在有害的工作场所多呆,不要将有害的工作带回家。一到下班时间,走人。 Take a break. It's actually smart to take a "mental health day" every now and then. Don't feel guilty for taking a day off to get your life back in balance. 休息一下 每隔一段时间放一天给自己“精神健康假期”其实是明智做法。让生活回复平衡,你无需对此内疚。 Get fueled. Proper nutrition is one of your best defenses. Keeping your body fortified10 helps to boost energy, prevent illness, and minimize the harmful effects of stress. 加油 合理的营养是最好的防御。增强体质能提升精力、抵御疾病、将压力的害处最小化。 Go green. Living plants enhance the air quality of indoor environments, and also have been shown to induce positive energy. 绿色植物 植物能提高室内空气质量,而且还被证明能激发动力。 Breathe. Recycled air in office buildings and enclosed work areas can be very unhealthy. If you have the option of opening windows, let the fresh air in! Otherwise, use air purifiers and natural aromatherapies to lift spirits and freshen the air. 呼吸 在办公建筑或封闭工作区内的“二手”空气往往很不健康。如果能开窗户,那么让新鲜的空气进入吧!否则,用空气清新剂和自然香物改善心情、新鲜空气。 Color your world. Finally, don't underestimate the psychological impact of color. Surround yourself with greens and blues11 to create a sense of tranquility. 色彩效应 最后,不要低估了色彩带来的心理作用。被绿色和蓝色包围可以产生安宁感。 In fact, putting some of these tips into practice may change how you perceive your job and its challenges. It's all about perspective. 事实上,应用了其中一些方法也许就能改变你对工作和挑战的看法。你自己的看法才是最关键的。 The important thing is to give yourself permission to seek a healthy working environment where you can thrive instead of just survive. 寻求健康的工作环境,让你不是在那里“残喘生存”,而是“茁壮成长”。 点击 ![]()
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