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9. Plan the night before. 提前一天计划。

Planning the night before is a great way to really get focused on the next day. "Sleeping" on your tasks and goals for the following day can really help your mind expect what's going to happen the next day. Essentially1, you're preparing your mind and focus for the following day.


10. Turn off extra inputs2. 屏蔽扰乱你注意力的东西。

These are IMs and emails for me, but we all have our Achilles heel. Completely turn off any distracting piece of technology that you own. Every one of these inputs tries to steal bits of your focus. And they won't rest until they do.


11. Set time limits for tasks. 给任务设定时限。

There's no motivation like a deadline. Giving yourself real deadlines is a great way to stay motivated and focused on the task. Given the fact that we human are natural procrastinators, it's no surprise that we'll take as long as we're allowed to finish something. Setting real but attainable3 limits is a great way to keep the project humming, so to speak.


12. Keep a journal of what you did throughout the day. 记录每天都做了什么。

I like to use a moleskine notebook for my lists just so I can go back and review it every now and then, to see what I've done. Knowing how far you've come can keep you sharp and motivated to finish.


13. Use programs to track where you spend your time. 用工具跟踪你把时间都花在了哪儿。

This is a real eye-opener. Knowing just how much time you spend every day/week/month on a certain site or with a certain program can quickly show you where your priorities lie. I recommend Rescue Time, and there are many others.

结果会让你相当惊讶。知道每天、每周、每月在某个网站或某件事上花了多少时间,能迅速告诉你什么最重要。我推荐Rescue Time这款工具,另外还有许多类似的工具。

14. Visualize4 the day in the morning, before it starts. 一天开始前想象下这一天。

A little pre-work meditation5 on the day's events is a great way to start the day off focused and productive. Don't worry about a full 30 minute session, a quick review before you start the day is fine.


15. Start the day right. 良好的开始。

Starting the day with a good breakfast, some quiet time and/or exercise is a great way to set your day up for success. Sounds like a cliche6, but it really works.


16. Clean yourself up. 打理好自己。

It's why my track coach in high school made us dress up for big races: you perform the way you feel. And if you feel polished, groomed7 and ready, you'll be more likely to be productive. For me this is just taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting on casual clothing. I used to work all day without taking a shower in my PJ's, but I never got much stuff done. Let's be honest here… if you're dressed really casually8, odds9 are you'll be working really casually. Just taking the time to clean up a bit before you buckle10 down for the day is never a bad idea.



1 essentially nntxw     
  • Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。
  • She is an essentially selfish person.她本质上是个自私自利的人。
2 inputs a8aff967e1649a1c82ea607c881e8091     
n.输入( input的名词复数 );投入;输入端;输入的数据v.把…输入电脑( input的第三人称单数 )
  • Uncheck the inputs checked for optimization in the previous stage. 不测试那些已经测试过的优化了的以前步骤的inputs.(变量参数)。 来自互联网
  • Just in case, save in a file the inputs obtained at the previous stage. 以防万一,保存以前步骤获得的inputs(变量参数值)到一个文件中去。 来自互联网
3 attainable ayEzj8     
  • They set the limits of performance attainable. 它们确定着可达到的运行限度。
  • If objectives are to be meaningful to people, they must be clear, attainable, actionable, and verifiable. 如果目标对人们是具有意义的,则目标必须是清晰的,能达到的,可以行动的,以及可供检验的。
4 visualize yeJzsZ     
  • I remember meeting the man before but I can't visualize him.我记得以前见过那个人,但他的样子我想不起来了。
  • She couldn't visualize flying through space.她无法想像在太空中飞行的景象。
5 meditation yjXyr     
  • This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.这个恬静的花园适于冥想。
  • I'm sorry to interrupt your meditation.很抱歉,我打断了你的沉思。
6 cliche jbpy6     
  • You should always try to avoid the use of cliche. 你应该尽量避免使用陈词滥调。
  • The old cliche is certainly true:the bigger car do mean bigger profits.有句老话倒的确说得不假:车大利大。
7 groomed 90b6d4f06c2c2c35b205c60916ba1a14     
v.照料或梳洗(马等)( groom的过去式和过去分词 );使做好准备;训练;(给动物)擦洗
  • She is always perfectly groomed. 她总是打扮得干净利落。
  • Duff is being groomed for the job of manager. 达夫正接受训练,准备当经理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 casually UwBzvw     
  • She remarked casually that she was changing her job.她当时漫不经心地说要换工作。
  • I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.我不经意地提到我可能会对出国工作感兴趣。
9 odds n5czT     
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
10 buckle zsRzg     
  • The two ends buckle at the back.带子两端在背后扣起来。
  • She found it hard to buckle down.她很难专心做一件事情。