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--- Growth --- 成长 Growth from discontent is an amazing change. Again, comparing to the greenhouse, it can either smother1 you, or help you grow. However, change from discontent is something that you have to execute consciously, because discontent can also provide you with a safety zone. By accepting discontent in one part of your life, it can spread into other areas of your life. You can become satisfied with the feeling because it becomes familiar. However, you end up working on parts of your life in hopes of resolving the feeling when you find that, once that part of your life has changed, you still feel the same. 从不满意中成长是一个令人惊奇的改变。同样用温室来比较,它可以去令你窒息;又可以帮助你成长。不过,由于不满的变化是要你有意识去执行的,因为不满还能提供给你一个舒适区。通过接受不满为生活中的一部分,不满就会漫及你的生活中其它方面。你可能对不满的感觉一直感到”满意“为止因为它变得熟悉。不过,最终你会从生活各个部分中去努力要解决这个感觉,此时你就会发现当某个部分变化了,你却还是同样的感受。 Growth occurs because you feel a push, or pull, to move in a direction. The objective is to obtain a balance such that the discontent disappears. Once you achieve the necessary change, you will be able to leave the discontented feelings behind you. Focus on the situation that makes you feel the discontent, not on other issues that may, or may not, make you feel better. The contented2 feeling from "doing busy work" or fixing something that isn't broken is fleeting3, unless you tackle the core issue. 成长出现是当你由于感觉朝着某个方向有一个推或拉力。目标是获得一个平衡这样不满会消失。一旦你获得必要改变,你将能够把不满感觉抛在身后。关注于让你感觉不满的处境,而不是其它可能或可能不会让你感觉更好的问题。从“忙于工作”、修理某样没坏的东西中来获得的满足感是转瞬即逝,除非你能解决核心。 The growth comes in once you embrace the change. When you move from an area of the familiar, you must learn something new or different to adapt to the unfamiliar4. However, in this transition, you are putting your life back in balance and moving forward, which eliminates those feelings of discontent. 成长来自一旦你拥抱改变。当你从一个熟悉的领域走出来时,你必须学习某样新东西或不同的东西用于适应陌生。不过,在这个转变过程中,你会重新让生活恢复于平衡中,并且向前进,这样就能把不满感消除。 --- What's next? --- 下一步呢? Don't let discontent drag you down! Listen to your gut5! It will always tell you when change is necessary. It might be a simple gnawing6 feeling or a twisted knot. In either case, be honest with yourself and trust that feeling. Discontent is the universe's way of telling you that a change is necessary within yourself to resolve the situation. It is there to warn you of situations and guide you when things need to change. 不要让不满拖后腿! 倾听心声!它永远告诉你何时变化是必要的。那也许只是一般的痛苦或者是揪心。不论怎样,对自己诚实,信任这种感受。不满意是自然在告诉你你必须要做出一个改变来解决处境。它是要对你发出处境的警报、指引你做出所需的改变。 To make the change, you have to know where you are and where you want to be in the near future. However, the one thing to keep in mind is that you want to achieve some type of balance to counter the discontent. Remember that discontent is caused from an imbalance in one or more parts of your life. Ask yourself, and focus on, what it is that is causing you the most concern. Once you are able to determine the issue, only then can you set out on a goal that satisfies the feeling. Such an approach will not only restore balance, but it will also allow you to move forward to a more fulfilling life. 要做出改变,你需要知道目前状况、不久后预想状况。不过,要记得的一点是你会希望用某种平衡来抵制不满。记住不满是由于生活中一个/多个部分失衡引起。问一问自己,集中精力,什么让你最关心。一旦你决定出问题所在,只有到了那时,你才能开始去制定一个满足自己的目标。这一个方法不但能恢复平衡,而且让你朝更满意的生活前进。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:学会在不满意中成长(一) 下一篇:建立职业远景(一):确定你想要什么 |
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